

Moving closer to Scott Misty takes some cleaning salution and a soft cloth. Looking at his cuts Misty knows it will sting but with the utmost care she gently cleans the wounds.

"I'm sorry if I am hurting you Scott. Just hold on I am almost done ok?!"

Continuing to clean the wounds Misty's heart acked. So much pain was going on right now and Misty didnt even know why.

Giving a glance to Dalton the sarrow shows in her eyes as Rick trys to talk to Scott. Than looking back down again Misty consintrates on dressing Scot's wounds.

Seeing Scott Dalton's heart clenches as he beats himself a little inside. Why hadnt he been there for Scott, why hadnt he checked sooner? Dalton wanted to keep his friend safe but insted he was hurting again.

Stepping a little closer Dalton gently gives Scott a pat on the shoulder that had no wounds on it. Though one would not think much of it, for being so big Dalton did have a gentil side that didnt match up to his size.

"Hey Little Buddy, I'm sorry I didnt protect you better..."

Dalton remembered for a moment of the fire that had started in his home. He wasnt able to protect his parents than eather. Though he was small at the time, he always wished he had done more.

"...Who did this to you so we can find them? You didnt do anything wrong and didnt deserve this."

Dalton would hope his coacing would help Scott. He wanted to know who did this to him so he could protect him and make sure it never did again. Dalton didnt like this, he didnt like thinking someone at TJY could hurt Scott like this.

Felling a great amount of pain shoot through the side of her face Katie opens her eyes just a little. The only thing to greet her was the darkness.

Why was this happing to her and was everyone else safe. Katie wanted so despretly to believe they were ok the ones she loved. If there were ok and the Agency hadent harmed them than this, this was worth it for them. Dieing in place of someone you loved seemed like a nobal way to go. She only wished she couldnt feel this pain.

Coming out of her cubicle Sapphire scans the floor looking for Nate. Seeing him close by to Carson still she walks over to him a paper in hand.

In a soft timid voice that held as much strangth as anyone else Sapphire talks her voice sounding almost like Scott's.

"Nate, I dont have that report on the phone yet I am still working on it but I did find something else intresying out. Someone manuly over rided the sacearity code lastnight to the outside doors."

Nate's eyes widen just a little as he looks to Carson than back to Sapphire. He couldnt believe this, what else could go wrong right now.

"Do we know who and why?"

Sapphire looks down for a moment as she shakes her head.

"No I dont, but I can look and find out more before I let you know."

Nate gives a nod. He didnt mean to be short tempered he just had a lot on his mind at the moment.

"Yes do that."

Once Sapphire is gone Nate leans his head down as his eyes closed. Why...why was God doing this. He had a plan for everything but what did this have to do with it and why did Katie have to suffer.


Scott groans as he's lifted to his feet. He hurt all over, and a wave of nausea hits him as he moves. Feeling Rick on one side, he realizes someone else is with them now, and hears Dalton's voice.

Rick moves slowly, glancing at Dalton to make sure the hulk is moving just as gently, and he was. Rick could tell Scott was hurt, but making him get onto his feet proved that he still had some energy that would help him recover.

Reaching the infirmary, Rick motions with his head. "Dalton, help me get him over there onto the table. Misty!" He calls her from her desk. "Come help me. We don't know what happened, but someone got to him in the interrogation room."

Scott cringes as he’s eased down on the table. He cranes his neck and blinks, trying to bring Misty’s face into focus. But Rick’s hands on him, forces him to turn back around. He winces as Rick pokes and prods.

Rick’s jaw is set tightly. “Who did this to you, Scott?”

Scott remains silent.

“Scott? Come on.” Rick looks to Dalton, wondering how they would get Scott to talk. He then motions for Misty to come clean Scott’s cuts and bruises as he continues. “Who did this? Who came in and beat you up?”

Scott tries to pull himself up a little bit. The look in his eyes hold fear and a strange form of shame. “They interrogated me,” he mumbles, clarifying. “They wanted… information.”

“What information? What are you talking about?”

Scott's lower lip trembles and a tear runs down his cheek. “I don’t know.”

Rick sighs and leans in a little closer, lowering his tone to be gentle. “I don’t understand.”

“Neither do I.” Scott flinches a little as a cut on his face is cleaned. “I just… I thought… I can’t….”

Scott’s rapid breathing, makes Rick reach out to ease him back down to the pillow. “Calm down, Scott, it’s okay… it’s okay. Just rest, alright?” Rick sighs and looks to Misty once more. “Keep him calm and keep cleaning him up. I'll get him some pain killers.”

Scott tries to fight off Misty a little bit, but is too weak and disoriented to really hold her back. "I didn't mean to," he whimpers. "But I had to... I... it wasn't... I didn't know..."

He turns his head around and spies Dalton still there. The look in his eye was pure agony. It was obvious that it was more than physical pain that was torturing him so. "I... I don't understand."

Jason buries his face in his hands, quiet sobs filling the silence of his office as he continues to sit on the floor amidst the mess he'd created. Even Trooper knew to keep his distance.

Why are you letting this happen, God? How can you just sit there and let this happen to Katie? Scott was so sure you would protect her... why aren't you?

Jason was angry... he was hurt. And though he aimed his frustrations heavenward, God was the only thing for him to reach out to at a time like this. No one else could offer help. No one else could offer comfort.

Scott's words come back to him. Jason wanted that peace. He wanted it so badly. Right now, he couldn't control this... he couldn't just pretend it wasn't there... he couldn't handle it on his own. He wanted to know, like Scott, that everything would be okay in the end. But... how could he, when he never had commited himself to God? Why should God even listen to him? Jason spent his time researching and reading the Bible, looking for loopholes or mistakes... he read with a skeptical eye, never really intending on going beyond a surface belief that God existed and sometimes answered prayers. Why should God listen to someone like that?

Jason's heart breaks. He rocks back and forth, torn between his human nature, logic, and the love of God that he knew nothing about.

Carson sits and stares at the computer screen once more. The pain he felt was numbing. Katie was a friend... and even though he might never say it, she held a special place in his heart.

Looking at Katie's limp form, he knew the pain she must be under. A new sickening feeling comes to his gut as he remembers the people he did the same thing to... he had been just like Rod, if not worse. Now being on the other side... it felt terrible.

Carson swallows hard. He had to stay in control. The others watching it had had just about as much as they could handle. He had to stay strong. He had to do this. He had to look past his emotions and concentrate on finding evidence... finding clues to follow.

He bounces his leg nervously as he tries to keep his stomach from revolting. He wanted a smoke like nothing else, but there was no one to take his place right now.

The phone rings. "Hello?"

"Mrs. Stevenson?"


"Is your husband available?"

Gina furrows her brow at the official-sounding female voice. "Who's calling, please?"

"This is the secretary for Mr. Reese, cheif of the Elite in Nevada."

Gina's blood runs cold. "Is there a problem?"

Susanne's tone is kept professional yet gentle. "It's very important that I speak to your husband."

"Um... okay... hang on one second." Gina puts the phone down and leaves the kitchen, wandering to Derek's office adjoining their bedroom. "Derek?"

"Hmm?" He absentmindedly looks up from his paperwork.

"Phone for you. She says she's from the Elite in Nevada... she wouldn't say what she wanted."

Derek lifts his eyebrows as a red flag goes up in the back of his mind. Paperwork was forgotten. The Elite? His mind raced. Did this have to do with his father? "Okay... I'll take it in here, thanks."

He reaches for the phone on his desk. "This is Derek."

"Thank you for taking my call Mr. Stevenson. First I must tell you that this may be a matter of life or death. Your presence is requested at the Elite headquarters here in Nevada. You are being summoned by the chief and it is imperitive that you come."

Derek's pulse quickens. "I don't understand." He hears a click on the line, signalling that his wife had hung up the kitchen phone.

"You are to go to your airport and check in under your name. You have a seat waiting for you on flight 2594, non-stop to Nevada."

Derek blinks. "I what?"

"Please, Mr. Stevenson, write this down." Susanne grows a little testy, in a hurry and wanting him to pay better attention. "Your passage has been booked and your plane leaves Wisconsin in an hour and twenty minutes."

"But what is this about?"

"That information is confidential. I'm sorry, this is all I can tell you. Can we count on you?"

"I..." Derek looks up as Gina appears in the doorway again. "I don't know, I mean... I still don't understand. How do I know this is legit? Is my family safe?"

"At this point, your family is not a factor."

"At this point? What about later? What about tomorrow?"

"Mr. Stevenson, please do not worry about them. We will make sure they're taken care of. Please... just go to the airport and get on the plane. Someone will be at the Nevada airport to pick you up."

Derek frowns. He didn't like this one bit. "I need proof that this is legit and not some trap."

"There's no time. You will have to trust us. Please... a young woman's life is in danger..."

"...Dad? Where are you going?" Liz walks in on Derek, who was hurriedly throwing a few things into a small duffel bag.



"I'm sorry, Liz, I can't explain. I don't even know everything, but I'm being called in by the Elite."

Liz's eyes widen. "Isn't that that new law enforcement branch?"


Liz studies her father's body language for several moments as he packed. "This has to do with your past, doesn't it?"

Derek stop and turns to her, his face grim. His family knew of his past with the Texas gang, and also his brief invovement with the Agency. But all of that had been laid to rest, never cropping up until now. "I don't know. But if it is, everything will be ok, alright?"

Liz's eyes fill with worry, but she nods. "Okay." She hesitates. "Isn't that where Jason works?"

"Who told you that?"


Derek sighs. "Yes... as far as I know, it is."

"What are you going to do?"

"I don't know. I have no idea if I'll even see him. But I have to leave now... your mother is calling a taxi to take me to the airport."

Liz bites her lip. "How long will you be gone?"

"I... I don't know." Derek zips up his bag and heads for the doorway. He lays a hand on Liz's shoulder. "But I'll be back, I promise. Don't worry, okay?"

Liz embraces her father, receiving a kiss on the top of her head. "Okay. Be careful."

"I what?"

"You are needed in Nevada, Mr. Pent," Susanne repeats. "At the Elite headquarters."

"But... why?"

"It's concerning your daughter."

Jay's stomach churns. He'd gotten the call from Mick that Katie had been taken, and had been worried sick. "Have they found her? Is she okay?"

"I'm sorry, but the situation is delicate and I'm not at liberty to share any more information."

"Is she alive?" Jay demands. "Tell me, or I won't come."

There is a pause. "She's alive, Mr. Pent. But unless you come, there may be nothing we can do."

Jay walks down the hallway with the cordless phone in hand. He wasn't going to waste time... not when Katie's life was at stake. He would do anything. "How much time do I have?"

"There is an Elite jet waiting at the airport. Get there as soon as you can."

"I'll be there in forty-five minutes." Jay didn't know why they wanted him in Nevada, but he didn't care. Whether they needed information, his presence to find Katie, or even in the field, he would do it.

Kyle sat with the others at the table in the diner - their breakfast meal spent out. The last couple dasys had gone well. Their routine had been well-received again. This morning, the group from Break Out was gathered, eating, talking and laughing as usual. In a couple hours, they would hit the road again.

As the chattering and joking makes its rounds, Kyle listens, joining in, while his mind wanders at the same time. Done eating, his right hand fidgets, his fingers strumming in a rhythmical pattern.

"You're fidgety today," Chloe teases.

Kyle snaps to attention, abruptly stopping his hand, not having even realized what he was doing until now. "Hmm?"

Chloe rolls her eyes with amusement, then looks across to Alice who was between Kyle and Hunter. "I don't know how you can sit next to him, all his moving around morning."

Kyle smirks and downs the rest of his water. "She's more kind than you," he quips to Chloe. "But just so you won't have to stand my fidgetiness any longer, I shall excuse myself." Pushing away from the table, he leaves his napkin behind. "Talk about me all you can while I'm gone so when I get back, you're all emptied out." He throws a wink at Chloe, while his hand goes to Alice's shoulder to give her a little squeeze. "Never fear, the great wacky wild child Kyle shall return."

Once outside in the fresh air, Kyle leans back against the building, hearing the city noise. The morning sky wasn't quite blue yet, but was still painted with shades of purple and a hint of orange around the horizon. The air felt good, even if it was within a city he doesn't know.

Reaching into his pocket, Kyle pulls out his prescription bottle. He'd been happy lately. He'd really started to settle in and enjoy being on the road. But it was so hard to let go of what he had credited it to.

But Chloe had almost caught on to the one thing that had really been tugging at him lately. He needed more peace... he needed more peace to stop the senseless want for what used to be.

He pops the lid on the bottle. Next town over he could find a pharmacy and have his prescription filled again.


Nate cant help the sicking feeling he felt and the tears that wanted to come to his eyes though he held them back. This was no joke, this was no nightmare. This was real, Katie was hurt and they had nothing. It was that alone that could drive someone crazy.

"Phinox I want you to think up a plan on how you can get a meeting with Rod, or information from him anything. Than when your done I want you to run it by Carson and I to see if we aprove. Please think quickly."

Pasing the floor Nate cant look at the screen his stomach was still clenched. Though he tryed to block his own emotions his hear still broke.

"Carson I want you to continue to watch. Look for anything reflections, slip ups anything, any hair out of place let me know."

Pressing the intercom button Nate trys to keep his cool though he knows there is stress in his voice.

"Sapphire how is it coming along with that number?"

"I am still doing the search. Its going to be a little bit Nate, give me about an hour its the best time I got."

"Ok, thank you."

Pasing the floor again Nate grabs a peace of paper and jots some stuff done. A bunch of numbers and the name of the acid used on Katie.

"I got a good blimps of that bottle. I am going to see if I can track it down and see where it came from. If I can find the sorce than maybe I can find who sold it and at least its something to go on."


Jason just reaches the hallway when he hears Katie’s phone ring. Turning back around, he sees the small commotion at the desk, and stops his route. He goes back, even though his anger still burned for Phinox. He needed to know what was happening.

Carson stands back, watching the screen and hearing the call. He dreaded what would happen next. He eyes Jason, knowing that he would take this the hardest.
Notified and hearing the call, Reese is quick to join the group. He doesn't have time to question why on earth Phinox was there, let alone not being held. But he knows not to question his men - something must have happened between times, and right now it was Katie they needed to focus on. Having a traitor in their midst or not, now was not the time to bring it up.

Eyes widen at the request for Derek and Jay. No one understood why they would be asking for such a thing. Not even Reese seems to know why.

Hearing his father’s name, Jason’s heart leaps into this throat. He hated the man, but this was hitting even closer to home. What was going on? Why? Nothing made sense. He didn’t realize his fingernails digging into his own palms, his fists were clenched so tightly.

Continuing to watch and listen, it's a horror that is set into motion. Carson keeps his eyes on Rod and Gage, trying to pick up signs of what would happen next and how far they would go. He tries to block out the image of Katie herself, barring his emotions from getting in the way. It had been his method to deal with these kinds of things when he'd been the one inflicting pain. He'd developed his own on/off button on when to care and when not to. The only problem was, that being a new man made it much harder to turn that switch off.

Jason, on the other hand, is stunned by what he sees. The horror fills his eyes and for a moment, he feels himself stop breathing. A cry wanted to come, but it got stuck in silence. Tears wanted to flow from his eyes, but they remained behind a shield of terror. He felt like he was in the worse nightmare he'd ever had, except he knew there would be no waking up. This was reality, and the one person that gave him reason to live was being put through a pain he couldn't even imagine.

As Rod goes for a second round with the acid, Jason can't stand any more. His scream echoes across the TJY floor. Completely overtaken with the grief he felt, logic no longer plays a part. He goes for the phone.

Carson and Reese both know how important it is not to disrupt Rod, despite what was happening, and both seeing Jason move, they know they have to intervene.

Jason is blocked head-on by both men. "No!" He pushes against them, trying to make the extra ten feet to the phone Nate held. "They can't do this!" he screams. "No!"

Carson and Reese have to plant their feet, trying to take Jason down before he ruined the call. Both have to use all their strength, pushed to the limit by Jason's adrenaline-driven desperation.

"Jason, you need to leave now," Reese orders.


"You're leaving," Reese repeats. A look over his shoulder proves that within seconds, Katie would be receiving the second round. He glances to Carson, relaying his desire for Jason not to see this. Carson understands, giving a nod. Reese nods back. "Get him out of here."

Jason still struggles, pushing against both of them. "No!"

Carson finally gets a good hold on him and whips him around, dragging him backward away from the scene and to the hall.

Jason fights the whole way, but his desperation clouds his judgment, making it difficult for him to do much harm to Carson. "No!" he screams again. "Katie!"

Carson pulls him back around the corner then spins him around, pushing him to his office. "Don't leave this office until Reese comes and gets you," he orders sternly.

"You can't keep me in here!" Jason tries to get past him again, but is pushed back.

"I can and I will." Carson stares him in the eye. He knew Jason was hurting, but right now they didn't have the time to pamper him. "You're under Reese's orders now. Stay put or it'll be the holding cell."

"I have a right to know what's going on!"

"And you will. But right now you need to stay away from that monitor." Carson backs away, making sure that Jason stayed put before he spins around and walks quickly back to Katie's cubicle.

Jason stands numbly for a moment, unable to straighten out any thoughts at all. Katie's cries echoed in his mind. The picture of her being burned tormented him. "No!" He slams his fist into the wall, tears beginning to sting his eyes. "They can't do this!" he shouts.

A full minute passes with the sounds of his anguished cries mixed with the crashes of office paraphernalia being thrown against the wall. Breaking glass signals that he'd turned his anger to more delicate objects with no less ire.

And then... silence. Jason is slouched on the floor, surrounded by the debris from his storm. Tears roll down the sides of his face and he stares into nothingness.

Back with the small group, Carson watches in pain as Rod's sadistic nature takes over. Reese closes his eyes, unable to see the girl he cared for like a daughter being put through this.

When the call has ended, there is numb relief. But the pain lingers because it had been real... and Katie had been harmed.

"We need to call Jay and Derek," Reese states flatly. "Whether we give in or not, they need to be here for safety, and they need to know what's going on. I'll have Susanne make the arrangements." Giving a nod, he heads to the office, calling over his shoulder to Nate. "Call me when something else happens."

Carson eyes Reese, and knows that he's leaving because he can't take any more. He couldn't blame him. He did agree with bringing in the two men though. "Why do they want Jay and Derek?" He shakes his head. "That doesn't make sense."

Setting his jaw tightly, he sinks down into the chair, once again, assuming his position at the monitor. He didn't want to make Nate do this any longer right now. "What's next?"