

Nate cant help the sicking feeling he felt and the tears that wanted to come to his eyes though he held them back. This was no joke, this was no nightmare. This was real, Katie was hurt and they had nothing. It was that alone that could drive someone crazy.

"Phinox I want you to think up a plan on how you can get a meeting with Rod, or information from him anything. Than when your done I want you to run it by Carson and I to see if we aprove. Please think quickly."

Pasing the floor Nate cant look at the screen his stomach was still clenched. Though he tryed to block his own emotions his hear still broke.

"Carson I want you to continue to watch. Look for anything reflections, slip ups anything, any hair out of place let me know."

Pressing the intercom button Nate trys to keep his cool though he knows there is stress in his voice.

"Sapphire how is it coming along with that number?"

"I am still doing the search. Its going to be a little bit Nate, give me about an hour its the best time I got."

"Ok, thank you."

Pasing the floor again Nate grabs a peace of paper and jots some stuff done. A bunch of numbers and the name of the acid used on Katie.

"I got a good blimps of that bottle. I am going to see if I can track it down and see where it came from. If I can find the sorce than maybe I can find who sold it and at least its something to go on."

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