

"Hasnt she had enough of that though? She just wants to know her family and belong. I know and see where your coming from and its not my place to change my mind. I was just saying what I felt is all."

Looking down at her paper work on her desk Angel was ready to start again before look up as Trent was about to leave. Part of her wanted him to stay It was nice talking to him again they always had good conversations. But she new it was his choice.

"Than stay longer, and get more of a taste for this side Trent don't just give up yet."

Looking up at Gunner as he gets up Bree can sence the mood change and it just makes her heart ack more for Gunner.

"Yeah you will. Call me when you want to do some star gazing."

Looking down again Bree picks at the table for a moment before looking up again and giving a small smile.

"Try and enjoy the rest of your day ok?"

Digging into her purse Bree finds some money and throws it on the counter along with the other from Gunner. Standing and going the same way he was.

Looking up to the sound of someone entering the barn. Looking around the stall a smile forms on Dan's lips as he see Jade. Stepping out into the isle and removing his hat throwing in on one of the rails she puts his hands on his hips.

"Well look who showed up. I thought for sure after that late night last night I wouldn't see you till at least noon."

Quirking a smile Dan was happy to see Jade. It was a nice break in the day and the company made time go by so much faster.


Trent stops pacing to look at Angel, mulling over her own logic. "Maybe if Jasmine comes and I'm not here, it would be a good reality check for her."

Turning to leave, he hears her final statement, and he pauses with his hand on the doorknob. "Family doesn't always deserve to belong. I'd like to believe it's as simple as you say, but... I have yet to see how it works that way. I've been on the other end for too long."

Gunner doesn't move for a moment, other than gritting his teeth. His eyes remain down and he shrugs. "Ah well... I guess that's what I get."

Pulling back his hand, he stands from the table and fishes in his pocket to pay for the float. He didn't want Bree to have to pay for a half-eaten treat. "I gotta get back to work," he mumbles. "I'll see you soon?"


"She's a girl who dosnt know the word Trent. Someone who had been locked away for the better part of her life its only normal for her to have the hole in her heart."

Angel lets out a sigh as she stands the Pents where hard people, with thick skin and skulls who once they had an idea in there head it was hard to sway them.

"Maybe Katie dosnt have a right, but I guess I can deffilty say she is a Pent alright. You guys all have the same quality. You do what you think is right and no one can sway you. More than likly she inharited her Aunt's vision to see the unspoken."

She did feel bad for Trent, maybe his past wasnt the greatest, and maybe he had hurt her many times but the past was what it was and now was what it was. Her heart went out to him.

"The past never rests untill the wrongs are put right Trent. I just hope that if you do leave Jasmine doesn't come here looking for you because I don't think that would help her at all."

Letting out another small sigh Angel looks at Trent again and puts a soft hand on his shoulder. Before going back to her desk to sit down again.

"Your always welcome here Trent, and you know that. This is family, and family always belongs together."

Sitting at the table Bree was enjoying her time talking with Gunner. Though she didnt like talking about her family much but it was nice to share a little of her past with Gunner.

As Gunner goes to take his phone call Bree turns to her bag searching around for something. She thought she had brought the small toy with her but it looks like she hadnt only to be met by the next bit of new that told her maybe it was a good thing.

Hearing about what happened to Cat and seeing the look on Gunner's face it breaks Bree's hard. She loved animals and hated to see any of them die not to mention she new how much Gunner likes Cat.

"Oh Gunner, I am so sorry."

Reaching across the table Bree places her hand on top of Gunner's. She wasnt sure what else to say. She felt horrible but nothing seemed to sum everything up.

Fatal Accident

Trent's eyes remain down, and for a few moments, he's quiet. "Just because I found Jasmine, doesn't mean it was the plan. Obviously God allowed it to happen, but now I've at least been able to help her get a start as far as finances are concerned. That's enough... she doesn't need to know what kind of a father I am. I don't want to have to explain what happened and why. She should be satisfied with just getting her life back and not be worried about digging up the past. And Katie has no right to interfere."

Standing up, he paces in a little circle. "I didn't even know she knew. I asked that only a few people here knew, then that was it. And I had Ryder's word he wouldn't tell." As far as he knew, it was only Mick and Rosetta, Angel and Luke, Becky and Jim and Eric. He didn't think Jeff or Jay knew, and he didn't think the younger generation had been informed. That's how he wanted it - there was no point in spreading it around. But now he wondered if everyone knew it anyway. Secrets weren't easily kept in any of the families around here, and maybe that was fine. "But not Jasmine!"

Realizing he was finishing a statement that had not been voiced, he looks to Angel lamely. "For once in my life, all I want is peace... all I want is to be able to walk away from the past and leave it where it belongs. But at every corner, something comes to haunt me."

Gunner nods a little, listening to Bree. He liked to hear her talk. Learning a little more about her family, nothing surprised him.

"Good thing you and your uncle get along so well then. Seems he kinda likes keeping an eye on you like his own daughter."

His phone rings. Rolling his eyes, he looks at the number. Not recognizing it, he furrows his brow and apologizes to Bree. "Sorry. Hang on." Answering it, he listens. "Hello? Yes, this is he." He rolls his eyes and mouths "Brent" with annoyance.

During the next few moments though, his face changes. Something was wrong. Something had happened. His tone becomes quieter and subdued. "Oh I see. No, that's fine, um... Yes. Thank you for letting me know."

Shutting his phone, he stares at the table as if in another world, his face tight with the tension of his thoughts. "That was my neighbor."

He slips his phone back in his pocket and takes his float again, still not looking up at Bree. "Fire alarm went off in the apartment building. False alarm, but my apartment was checked. Cat got out."

Gunner swirls his straw around, watching the rest of the ice cream melt into the frothy rootbeer. "She got hit by a car."

"Naw... not really important." Leo tries to shrug it off. "Just something I was supposed to help with this weekend. There will be other times though."

He forces a smile, even though it was obvious that something had disappointed him. "A movie sounds good."

Getting up from the table, he walks slowly to the living room, sinking down in the corner of the couch. It didn't seem any way he sat was comfortable though, as he tries to sit so his ribs didn't hurt, but nothing seemed to work.

Rich and Famous

Angel rolls her eyes, she new now why Trent wanted to leave it was because if Jasmin came here to look for him He didnt want to be here. But she did have a hard time believeing Katie would just come forward and say hey guess what.

"Did Katie really say she was going to tell Jasmin about you? Or did she say she was going to lead her in the right direction Trent?"

Sitting next to Trent Angel did feel bad for him and couldnt imagen what was going on inside. He was trying to do what he thought was right, and he did have a point no one else should be in involved. But in a way she could see where Katie was right now too. She had just found out her father was not the man she thought was and almost lost he real dad. Giving a little sigh Angel looks up at Trent again.

"Going where people dont know you wont solve anything. By now you should know Trent running from the past does nothing but bite harder in the end. Things happen a reason that only God knows. Dont you think if you weren't meant to find your daughter you wouldn't have?"

Angel didnt want to push she just wanted to help Trent. They had been to close at one point in time for him not to still be her friends, and for her to care about him.

Sitting back for a moment as Gunner asks about her family Bree just thinks for a long moment. She could feel a churn in her stomach, she always hated talking about her family.

"Before that we didn't see much of each other. He lived here and I lived quite a ways away. It wasnt till a few years back I spent time driving here, for days, weeks and than finally I spent so much time here in Nevada that I figured I might as well move here."

Taking a sip of her float till there was nothing left in the cup she continues sucking through the staw till it made a loud noise. Finally finished getting the very last drop Bree puts the cup down.

"Before that well...there wasnt much before that. I didnt fit in with my family at home, and there way of life. I was to strange as they would say. My dad's a senator, and my mom is living the life of the rich and famous. Me, I like it here where I can work for what I went and have a job because I enjoy it."

Finishing up in the kitchen Ryan trys not to pay attachen to Leo's conversation on the phone. It was non of her never mind but she couldnt help over hear the strange conversation eather. Coming back over to the table Ryan sits.

"I hope it wasnt anything to important you missed out on."

Nodding at the phone as a sigh she was talking about whatever his phone call was. Taking note to the werry look on Leo's face Ryan new his body had been through alot and probley just wanted to relax and heal.

"How about we pop in a movie so you can relax?"


Leo's eyebrows rise at Ryan's insistence. "Um... okay then... I guess I'll stay for a while. I still need to make a few calls though." He grimaces. "I think my cell phone got smashed the other night."

Eli reaches around behind him to take the cordless off the wall and hand it to him. "All yours." He rises from the table, going to put his boots on, while glancing casually back at Ryan. "Gonna go for a ride. I'll be back in a while."

Leo has to stop and remember the number he's trying to dial. Once he's connected though, he tries not to let it bother him that he wasn't alone at this end of the conversation. "Hey, Jan. Yeah, it's Leo... I know, I know... I got into a bit of a scrape, I'm sorry I didn't show up.... No, I'm fine, but I won't be able to make it tonight. Nuh-uh... I know, but Chris will have to fill in for me. He's wanted to anyway. ...No, next Saturday I should be able to be back on schedule. Yeah. ....Don't worry about it. If anybody asks, just tell them I'm not feeling well - that much is true. ...No, I'm fine, don't worry about it. ...Okay. Thanks. Later, bye."

Ending the call, he sets the phone aside, trying to think if there was anyone else he needed to call. Even his brain seemed to hurt. Folding his arms, he lets his head down to rest on them. He'd slept all night - he shouldn't be tired.

Gunner's eyes find Bree's. He knew she meant it that he could call her any time, and it was a bit of a comfort, even though he knew he'd probably never take her up on it. "Thanks."

He takes another sip from his float, then looks at his watch. He'd barely been there but a few minutes, and already, he had a nagging feeling that he needed to get back to work. Or was it that he didn't want to be vulnerable today so he just wanted to escape to some place he wouldn't be thinking about himself? His leg starts bouncing again.

"So when I was looking at pictures at your uncle's, I saw lots of him and you in the last few years but.... not a whole lot before that..." He lets his phrase trail off, not wanting to pry, but wondering about the family connections.

Trent shrugs lamely at Angel's question. "I don't know... I just feel... claustrophobic or something."

He looks down at his hand, running a finger along the new bandage. That really wasn't the truth. "I've never belonged here... even after everything I've done to try and make up for the past I just.... I just don't fit. And now...." He stops, refusing to look back up at Angel. "Katie's gone to meddling and she's gonna do all but tell Jasmine straight out about me."

His shoulders drop. "If she wasn't my niece, I woulda had it out with her right there. No one has any right to interfere with my decisions for my personal life."

Trent knew he sounded awfully grouchy, and he tries not to be. "Maybe I just want to go somewhere where no one knows me, I don't know."


Ryan rolls her eyes looking back at Leo.

"If I didnt know you hurt so much at the moment I'd slap you upside the head."

Washing up the few plates Ryan keeps her back to the other two until she was finished and drying her hands off. Looking at her brother she just shakes her head.

"If I had plans today I wouldn't have bothered to invite you to stay. So dont give me that I dont wanna bother you crap when you know darn well your not."

Ryan spoke her mind no matter what and she new it though her tone with Leo was differnt it that the softness to it still it stern showing she ment what she said.

It wasnt often Bree smiled in public but this was one of those time. Cocking her head a little bit she looked back at Gunner searching his eyes.

"In time, yes. Your body just has to adjust. It might take a little bit, but they will slowly stop."

Taking another sip of her float Bree felt bad for Gunner. The dreams that came were horrible, they were never fun for anyone no matter who they where.

"If you ever need someone to call when you wake up, I'll always listen."

Wrapping Trent's hand up Angel was a little surprised by his comment of leaving. He'd just got here not to long ago and he wanted to leave already?

"Why would you want to leave? Everyone likes having you around and I know Rosetta enjoys having her family close."

Finished with his hand Angel sits down in one of the chairs next to Trent to look up at him and search his eyes.

It had been a long time since the spark between them was there, but for many years that had shared much with eachother and been close. Even now there was still the small hints behind the eyes, and lines of knowing something more was going on. But how far should Angel push?

"Where would you go that you cant get here?"