

Ryan rolls her eyes looking back at Leo.

"If I didnt know you hurt so much at the moment I'd slap you upside the head."

Washing up the few plates Ryan keeps her back to the other two until she was finished and drying her hands off. Looking at her brother she just shakes her head.

"If I had plans today I wouldn't have bothered to invite you to stay. So dont give me that I dont wanna bother you crap when you know darn well your not."

Ryan spoke her mind no matter what and she new it though her tone with Leo was differnt it that the softness to it still it stern showing she ment what she said.

It wasnt often Bree smiled in public but this was one of those time. Cocking her head a little bit she looked back at Gunner searching his eyes.

"In time, yes. Your body just has to adjust. It might take a little bit, but they will slowly stop."

Taking another sip of her float Bree felt bad for Gunner. The dreams that came were horrible, they were never fun for anyone no matter who they where.

"If you ever need someone to call when you wake up, I'll always listen."

Wrapping Trent's hand up Angel was a little surprised by his comment of leaving. He'd just got here not to long ago and he wanted to leave already?

"Why would you want to leave? Everyone likes having you around and I know Rosetta enjoys having her family close."

Finished with his hand Angel sits down in one of the chairs next to Trent to look up at him and search his eyes.

It had been a long time since the spark between them was there, but for many years that had shared much with eachother and been close. Even now there was still the small hints behind the eyes, and lines of knowing something more was going on. But how far should Angel push?

"Where would you go that you cant get here?"

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