
You may never

As Katie’s fingers start to comb through Jason’s hair, he automatically relaxes, his eyes falling shut, barely listening to Katie’s words. Her touch is so soothing… Jason catches himself, having to force his mind back on track when Katie’s remarks have ended. He bits his lower lip, fighting the desire just to stay right here.

His eyes still closed, he quirks a small grin. “Katie…you keep this up, you may never get me to move again.”

Con leans forward to receive Jamie’s affection and draws away just enough to see her eyes. He gently moves a strand of hair from her face and bends down to offer another kiss, letting it linger for several moments before finally pulling himself away. “You rest now, okay? You need your strength.”

Happy Again?

*Nate turns with Wyatt geting a silly grin on his face. As they leave He's gives Wyatt a head lock...*

"Cant you move those short legs any faster. Lets see whats going on with Carson. You act like we just killed people or something."

*Nate heads to Ricks with Wyatt in the headlock still. Finally geting to the room. Behind reminded of Ed Nate nods and heads to Con's office.*

*Katie nods at Hal and heads back to her room only minutes later being greeted by Jason.*

"When would I deny your company J?"

*Katie gives a silly grin, and jumps alittle as Jason flops across her lap only to giggle afterwords. Tilting her head to look at Jason the right way she cant help but laugh some more. Without thinking as she talks Katie stands to run her hand through Jason's hair massasing his head along the way.*

"Things are pritty good for me. Had therapy again today. Doing pritty good. Gonne be out of this thing in no time. I am hoping by the time of the fundraiser. Other than that I have been worryed sick about you guys and Jamie. Now that she is here and going to be ok, I feel I can relax a bit. I was really worryed. I am happy everything worked out and I am glad your back too."

*Katie flashes a smile at Jason.*

*Jamie cant help but let a small tear roll down her face.*

"You'll never lose me Con. I'll always find my way back to you. Your to impotant to me to let go that easy."

*Jamie stairs Con in the eyes for a long moment. Enjoying feeling his hand on hers. How she missed him the last few days. Jamie's eyes dance as she moves her finger for Con to come closer. Softly planting a small kiss on his lips.*


Wyatt grimace at Nate, as they aim for Reese’s office. “Well, he can’t yell too loudly…I don’t see we had any other choice. Besides that…it was Jason’s suggestion after all….” He rolls his eyes knowing he wouldn’t intentionally put the blame on any one person.

Passing Susanne with a wave, Wyatt heads for his dad’s door, giving a quick knock before entering.

Reese looks up expectantly at them both. “Well?”

“We’re back.” Wyatt nods decisively. “Chris should be on his way back there to clean up the scene, and Jason is back for the moment, though he’ll be heading on over to the hospital soon.”

He pauses, trying to word things in a way that won’t stir anything up.

Reese raises an eyebrow at the hesitance. “And…?”

Wyatt glances at Nate, then back to his father. “We brought some company along?”


“Yeah. There was a guy who Jason shot but it was just a flesh wound. We didn’t think we should kill him off, or send him back to the Agency, so…”

“You brought him here?!” Reese’s eyes widen.

“Now, look, Carson said he wanted to help us,” Wyatt defends. “We’re not sure if we should believe him or not, but we decided that we’d bring him here to feel him out. If we still felt he wasn’t going to benefit us, we’d turn him over to the law for stuff he’s done.”

Reese looks between Wyatt and Nate, not sure how to react. “So let me get this straight… a member of the Agency is here…at TJY.”

“Yeah, Rick is patching him up.”

Reese rolls his eyes, tossing his pen in the air. “Why do I even try to keep a handle on things. My core group of agents…. One is in a wheelchair, one keeps on breaking the rules, one just quit on me this morning, I got another in the hospital now too, and you two bring back the enemy! The only one not causing me trouble is Susanne!”

Susanne looks up from her computer as she hears her name from the next room. She bites her lip, trying not to smile.

Reese shakes his head, taking a deep breath. “Alright. Do what you must. I wasn’t there, so I can’t say what I would have done. Lock this fellow…Carson…down in the holding room until we decide what to do with him.”

“Right.” Wyatt nudges Nate with an elbow as he turns to go. “We’re on it.”

Jason watches as Carson is patched up, then turns around as Wyatt and Nate show up in the doorway. “Oh, hey. We’re just about done here.”

“Good,” Wyatt nods. “We’ll take him downstairs from here. Get him settled in a safe spot for a while until we decide what to do.”

Carson looks between all of them, suspicion in his eyes. “Downstairs?”

Wyatt smirks. “It’s a whole lot nicer than that basement where you were keeping Jamie, I’ll tell you that.”

Carson grits his teeth. “Look, if you wanna play this game, don’t play it with me, because I’ll win. You want me out of here, just say so. I gave you the chance once and you chickened out.”

Before Wyatt can respond, Jason holds up his hand. “Cut it out before I shoot both of you. Now look…” He glances to Carson. “As far as I’m concerned, you’re the lowest piece of trash I ever met. But for some odd reason, I’m willing to have a little faith here. And you…” Jason looks to Wyatt. “Cool it before we start another war.”

Wyatt quirks an eyebrow, taken aback by the fact that he’s getting reprimanded by the one person who was always flying off the handle himself. “Well, yes sir, cap’in.”

Jason rolls his eyes. “Just take Carson downstairs, will you? I’m getting out of here to see what’s up at the hospital. Oh, and Nate, Ed is in Con’s office. You might want to check on him.”

Hal watches the doctor walk away, and shakes his head at Katie. “I don’t know. I guess we just play it cool for now. He may or may not stick to his own promise.” He glances at his watch. “I’m heading back over to TJY for now. Since you’re here, you might keep an eye out for anything strange.”

Jason kills the engine on his bike and within moments is headed into the hospital. It seemed strange…he was so used to this route by now. He stops at the nurse’s station to inquire about Jamie and finds out that she’s going to be okay. Knowing this, he makes his way upstairs, opting to head for Katie first.

Poking his head around the corner of the doorframe, he gives a weary smile. “Opposed to company?” He slips inside Katie’s room, not being able to help his slight grin. “If I look as tired as I feel, don’t tell me.” He approaches her bed and sits next to her, suddenly flopping down on his back across her lap, yawning and stretching himself out with his feet still on the floor. “So how are things at your end of the world?”

A small smile creases Con’s lips, and he reaches over to take Jamie’s hand. “You’re always beautiful, you know that.” He runs his thumb along her hand gently. “Welcome back. …I thought I’d lost you for good this time.” He studies her face, just letting his eyes linger on her. “I’m just glad we found you…I don’t know what I would have done if we hadn’t.”

She dosent leave this hospetil

*Slowly Jamie opens her eyesand slowly turns her head looking at Con. Though all the pain, and all the sadness, the burses and cuts Jamies maynot be able to smile but her eyes do. They dance with happyness as she lays sights on Con."

"Hi....you dont looks so hot."

*Jamie cant help but grin wincing alittle at the pull from the sitches. Bringing her hand to her face she feels the bandage.*

"I guess I probley dont eather huh?"

*Dr. Tailbit looks from Katie to Hal and back to Katie again.*

"I know thats not the case and I know there is more to it than that. But for now I will leave it lay. But dont think I will have forgeten. Before Jamie leaves this hospetal I want to know the truth to what happend to that girl."

*Dr.Tailbit turns and heads into another room, leaving Katie and Hal alone.
Katie turns and looks at Hal bewildered.*

"Now what?"

*Nate follows Wyatt to Reese office as he see Jason disapear with Carson into Ricks room. Nate comes alongside Wyatt and slings his arm around his shoulder.*

"How about we both get yelled at for Carson insted of just you."

*Nate throws Wyatt a silly smile.*


Con knows Katie’s words to be true, but it’s hard to take them to heart just yet. There was jus so much wrong…so much turmoil.

He remains quiet until someone comes to tell them that the doctor has word on Jamie.

Gathering around, the news is received with both concern and relief. Jamie would be okay…that was the main thing.

As the doctor’s question comes up, nervous glances were exchanged. This was the problem with being underground…no one could explain what happened. The truth couldn’t be told, lest everyone be put in danger. But lying was never easy.

Con glances to Katie, then Hal, and opts to exit. “I’m going to go see Jamie,” he says quietly. “Hal, you can take over here.” He slips away, leaving the discussion to the others.

Hal purses his lips in thought, hooking his hands in his pockets. “Well, doc, we just found Jamie like that. She’s a friend of ours, she was outside town, looked like she’d been roughed up, and we brought her here.” Hal looks the doctor in the eye, warning flashing through his look. “End of story.”

Con slowly walks down the hall and slips into Jamie’s room. He knows he himself looks a sight, but doesn’t care and approaches her bed quietly. He eases down into a chair and leans forward to rest his elbows on his knees. He studies her face…bandaged and bruised… she was so thin…so pale.

He swallows his emotions, just sitting…watching…waiting.

Carson cooperates as he’s put in the car and blindfolded. He says little on the way to TJY, listening and trying to ignore his pain.

Once reaching the building, Jason takes him by his arm to lead him inside, guiding him roughly around corners and through doors. Finally onto the floor, Wyatt goes to Reese to explain what’s happening. Jason pushes Carson down the hall, ignoring the questioning looks of coworkers. Reaching Rick’s office, he enters, taking off Carson’s blindfold.

Carson blinks in the light, and looks around the sterile room, wondering where he’s ended up at.

Rick looks up from his work table in surprise. “Jason…who’s this?”

“If I told you, you wouldn’t want to help him,” Jason retorts. “He’s got one of my bullets in his shoulder.”

“One of yours?” Rick raises his eyebrows.

“Don’t ask. I’ll explain later.” Jason shoves Carson towards the table to sit on so Rick can work on him.

Carson remains quiet, gritting his teeth as Rick starts to dig around in his arm.

Hours seem like Days!

*Katie smiles at Con.*

"Your welcome. Your my Big Brother I cant just leave ya."

*Katie sits with Con for a long while.not saying much but just being there for him. So much was changing in Con's life right now and Katie new it. He's almost lost something he held so close to him, and he world was still changing*

"Your not a bad person Con and God still loves you along with the rest of us too. Maybe what you need is just some time off. Get away clear your head. No matter what you do remember I'll saport you, and I am sure Laura and Jamie will too. You really do have so many people who care."

*Silence falls over the small church as no more words are said, but the presence of another person was enough to help chase away the hard times for now.*

*Nate leads the way back out of the woods, throws glances over his shoulder every once and a while to make sure everyting is ok still. Once geting back to the cars Nate stops Jason and Carson going to Con's car Nate find a black tie and takes it out bring it over to Carson and tieing it around his eyes.*

"At least if you are lieing to us I can do this so you dont see how to get to our headquorters."

*Nate nods at Jason to start going again. Soon they are on the road, Wyatt, Jason, and Carson ahead while Nate was in back to keep an eye on things.*

*Hours seem like days as there is no word of how Jamie is doing. Finally a doctor exits the OR and makes his way over to Hal, Con and Katie (who were back now.) sticking out his hand for a strong shake introducing himself.*

"I'm Dr. Leroy Tailbit. Whatever happend to you friend she got messed up pritty bad. A nice gash on her face, witching i assume you noticed. It goes from the courner of her mouth up across her cheek."

*Dr.Tailbit makes a motion with his hand to show where the cut was.*

"It was a pritty deep wound I was saprised to see that the 2 peaces of skin were still connected. Anyhow it took 14 stiches but I got it together and cleaned out. The only repracution from that will be a nastly scar but everything will be normal. Jamie had many other cuts and burses on her face, arms and legs. A few of them needed sitches but not alot more. They should heal up nicly leaving only tiny scars if any at all. She got a pritty nice size bruise to her back but no damage done there all in all her body is gonna be pritty sore. She was VERY malnurished when she got here. We put her on some IV's to get nutrition into her body so she can start eating some solid food. Though for a little bit cuz of the cut on her face I only want her to eat applesause, jello stuff she dosent really have to chew. We also did a blood transfustion. Your friend lost alot of blood. Your lucky you guys got her here when you did. If it had been a few more house she probley would of died. She will be good to go home in a few days. We just want to make sure she get food in her system and starts to heal ok."

*Dr. Tailbit stops for a moment as if collecting his thoughts. He folds his arms and looks between Katie, Con and Hal.*

"You guys can go in and see her but please try not to make to much noise. She needs her rest not to mention after what she has been through she might be alittle jumpy. First I need an answer to a question I need it for a report. That girl laying in there came in her almost dead, it looks as though someone was torchuring her. I need to know what happend. "

Time to stop

Con feels a hand on his shoulder, and hears Katie’s voice. He doesn’t move for several minutes still, unsure of what to say or how to respond. Finally though, he lifts his head to sit up straight, his eyes continuing to stare ahead. The grime on his face is streaked where tears have run, though he’s managed to stop them. He draws in a shaky breath, trying to stay on top of his emotions, especially in front of someone else. “I don’t think I can take this anymore,” he says quietly. He swallows hard, remaining kneeled on the floor. “When I kill a man out of anger…it’s time to stop. Something has to give…I can’t keep fighting…not like this.”

After another long pause, he reaches up to pat Katie’s hand on his shoulder. “Thanks for being here, Kat.”

Carson shrugs at Nate. “If you can think of any way I can prove my motives, go ahead and tell me, but I think it’s gonna take faith on both our parts.”

Wyatt grimaces, his brain hurting from all this thinking. “How am I supposed to know? We’re stuck. If we take him back to headquarters and he betrays us, he’ll have all the information the Agency needs to take us out. If we let him go, he’s still got more information than he should, and will be right back on our tails. If we take him to the cops, they’ll either take down our headquarters themselves, or put us all in jail for what’s happened.”

He sighs deeply, shaking his head. “How about we take him back to the house, tie him up and leave him there until tomorrow when we’ve thought about it?”

“Aw, come on.” Carson finally sits up, leaning against a tree, one hand on his bloodied arm. “Don’t leave me in there all night. I’ll bleed to death.”

“Maybe you deserve it.”

Carson scowls at Wyatt. “Look, if you’re gonna leave me to die, for pity sake, finish me off nice and quick now. Just put a bullet through my head and be done with it.”

“Tell you what,” Jason intervenes again. “Lets take him back to headquarters and have Rick clean him up. We keep him there until we can make a decision. If we don’t want to keep him around, we take him to the cops. Clean cut, no Agency involved.”

Wyatt nods his agreement. “Alright.” He reaches down to pull Carson up to his feet, being none too gentle.

Carson winces. “Easy, mate.”

Jason gestures to the path in the woods. “Now come on. I’ll call Chris to come back out here and clean this place up a bit so we can’t be traced.”

Trust or Not to Trust

*A sigh of releaf washes over Katie as she hears the news from Reese.*

"Praise the lord. Thank you Reese. I am gonna head downstairs to sit with Con while Jamie is being looked at. Thank you for filling me in."

*Katie hangs up the phone and makes her way into her wheelchair. Leaving her room and heading to the emerhancy section. Only to see Con and Jamie dispear threw swinging doors. Rolling over to Hal and Chris Katie gives a small wave.*

"How is she? Hows Con?"

*After geting a bref rundown Katie knows Con needs his alone time, but also needs a friend. Katie thinks hard of where he might have gone. There was no way they would of let him go all the way with Jamie. The small church. Maybe her went there. Leting Hal and Chris know she was going to find Con she makes her way to the church. Pushing open the small doors Katie spots Con with his head bowed. Making her way over slowly, Katie gently lays a hand on Con's shoulder trying her best not to starlt him.*

"Hey Big Brother. I thought you could use a friend."

*Katie trys her best to give Con a reasureing smile that everything is gonna be ok. Jamie was safe now.*

*Nate sighs as he puts his pistol away. Searching Carson's face for truth and lies.*

"How do we know your telling the truth? What do we get to prove you mean what you say and your not just trying to feed the Agency information about us? Sorry but we arnt all gun ho to let a guy that just torchered and messed our friend up pritty bad go, so he can feel us to the lisons."

*Nate brings a hand to his head as a headack forms.*

"If you guys want to trust him I am for it. but we need some kind of reasuance you mean what you say. Wyatt what do you think?"

Friend or Foe?

Reese makes his call with Nate brief, accepting the information and instructing them to do their best and cleaning up the scene and getting back to TJY as soon as possible before they head to the hospital.
Ending the call, he picks up the phone again, dialing Katie. "They made it out with Jamie...some of the guys are still there, but they're okay. Con should actually be on the way to the hospital now with Jamie - it's too severe for Rick to handle. ...Thanks for your help, Katie...couldn't have done it without you."

Con reaches up to take Jamie's hand. It feels so small compared to his own. "Shh...don't try to talk. Just relax." His pent-up emotions build as tears that finally fill his eyes, but he wills them not to overflow.

He glances to the front at Hal. "Can't you make this thing go any faster?"

Hal keeps his eyes on the road, knowing the urgency of the situation. "Not unless you want us all to end up in the hospital. We're almost there, Con."

Con cradles Jamie, trying to make her the most comfortable as possible.

The hospital finally comes into view and Con wastes no time in getting out and picking Jamie up in his arms once again.

Once inside, everything turns to chaos. Con yells for help, several doctors and nurses come running, firing off a million and one questions. Someone comes with a stretcher, someone else tells Hal and Chris to stay in the waiting room. Con manages to follow to the third floor O.R. but he's finally stopped by the doctor, not allowed to enter. The doors swing shut, Con's eyes lingering on them, the stress and worry wearing him down.

The weight of the last few days presses down on him, trying to break him. He wanders back down the hall, hearing pages over the intercom, seeing visitors down the hall, seeing doctors run by. It's all a blur.

Back down to the second floor, Con slowly walks the hall. It's familiar here from visiting Katie, but his eyes find it hard to recognize anything. He looks down, realizing the blood on his shirt...some his own, some Jamie's. He almost feels like he's going to be sick.

Suddenly he sees a welcoming door at the end of the hall. It was the small chapel, available to patients or visitors. Drawn in by sheer desperation, Con finds himself in the warm room. It is quiet. No one else is there. Vases of flowers are set on several small tables, a few chairs are set up, and candles accent the far wall where a cross hangs.
His heart in turmoil, Con slowly approaches to look up at the cross, a reminder of what really matters...a reminder of who is in control...a reminder of love.

Con sinks to his knees, the anger, hate, horror, desperation and fear surging through his heart. Doubling over, he buries his face in his hands, feeling his own tears as they fall.

As Jason is joined by Wyatt and Nate, he slings his rifle over his back and heads to where Carson had fallen. Not much is said until he sees the body. He approaches slowly and takes his boot to roll the thug over.

Carson winces in pain and stares up a the three faces.

Jason's eyes widen. "How could I have missed?"

"You didn't." Carson withdraws his hand from a wound to the edge of his chest, below his shoulder, just far enough away from anything vital that it hadn't killed him. "I tripped right as you pulled the trigger."

Jason swings his rifle back around and points it to Caron's head. "And what's to stop me from finishing you off now?"

"Nothing." Carson tries to catch his breath, fighting fatigue and pain from his injury. "But if you kill me now, my guess will have been wrong."

"And what was your guess?"

"That you all are an honorable group of people."

Jason swallows hard and exchanges a glance with Wyatt and Nate. He withdraws his rifle, unable to kill like this. "If we let you go, we're putting ourselves in danger. You know that."

Carson nods, propping himself up on an elbow, but still not making a move to rise from the ground. "I didn't think you'd make it this far. I've never seen anyone stand up to the Agency like this before and actually win a battle."

"And what? You want us to let you go so you can tell your boss about us and he can turn up the heat another notch?"

Carson shakes his head. "No, but I can help you."

Jason raises an eyebrow. "Help us? How?"

"I'm in with the Agency. I'm pretty high ranking, if you know what I mean. I can feed you information. You're out to ultimately take them down, aren't you?"

Wyatt steps in, his own suspicions raised. "Who wouldn't want to take them down? But why should you care? You just tortured a friend of ours without blinking, and my guess would be that it's not the first time. Why would you even want to help us?"

"Because you've given me hope." Carson looks up at them, searching their eyes, his own conveying a look of longing that he hasn't dared express until now. "I didn't think anyone existed who would even try to go against the Agency, let alone succeed."

"Why do you want to see them go down?"

Carson gives a sorry laugh. "It's not just people like you that the Agency has hurt, ya know. You think I'm here because I volunteered? I've done an awful lot of bad things, and I deserve that bullet through the head. I should have died a few minutes ago." He pauses, still short of breath as the pain increases. "This sounds so ridiculous, but...that girl...Jamie..." He shakes his head again. "I don't know why, but something about her.... her courage...her...her forgiveness. It was enough to make me realize that there was something else out there. Something better. I don't know what it is, but I'm willing to try and find it."

"You were going to leave her there to die," Jason counters angrily.

"I was trying to save my own hide," Carson admits. "I didn't want her to die...but I felt trapped. I was trying to get the other guys to leave her there while she was still alive in the hopes someone would find her before it was too late." He allows another pause. "Look, at the very least, turn me in to the feds so I can serve my time behind bars. If I can't go back to the Agency to work for you, I'll take prison."

"For what?" Jason scoffs. "The cops don't even believe an Agency exists, and those that do are in on it, not against it. We could turn you in for murder, but there would be no proof of anything. Kidnapping would be the worst of it if Jamie survives and can testify." He turns to Wyatt and Nate, at a loss. "What do we do?"

I love you!

*Jamie opens her eyes, and smiles her best she can at Con. His sweet voice filling her ears.*

"Thank.....thank you Con..for givng me the hope I needed to get through this."

*Jamie reaches her hand up to reach for Con's face again, slowly running her shaking hands along his face. Though Jamie had just been through so much as she looks up at Con the sparkle in her eyes is present.*

"I....I love you Con."

*Nate follows Jason and Wyatt deeper into the woods. Nate's gun still drawn just in case there was anymore trouble. Dialing Reese on his phone and talking silently.*

"Jamie is on her way to the hospetal. She was messed up in a pritty bad way...yeah.."

*Nate fills Reese in on everything that had gone down.*


Con grits his teeth against the emotions that want to send tears to his eyes as Jamie speaks. He couldn’t stop now…he had to finish this before it was too late.

Hearing Sam’s yell behind him, he whirls around just in time to see Sam fall. Shock crosses his face. Before he can even react, he watches as Joe drops dead before him, taking a bullet from Nate. He hadn’t even had time to react… Stunned, he watches Nate, knowing the horrid truth, that a comrade had just fallen.

Carson sees Nate go for the stairs, and suddenly realizes that he and Vince are alone. Vince goes for his gun, getting himself up off the floor, though wincing against the bullet wound to his leg.

Hearing the next gunshot downstairs, Carson knows that Joe has been taken down. In an instant, he sees two choices. Vince is moving closer to the stair well, his gun aimed high for the first person he sees.

Without even thinking, Carson swiftly draws his knife from the sheath on his side, aims and throws.

Vince drops his gun and stumbles backward into the wall, his eyes wide with shock as the knife takes his life.

Carson stares at his deed, never having felt the sting before, but never having felt the pride either. Hearing the others coming up the stairs, he’s quick to hit the door running.

Jason hears several shots ring out and tenses, ready for anything. Within moments, he sees a figure running from the house and across the clearing. Feeling no choice, he captures the man in his sights and squeezes the trigger. Carson goes down.

Con turns from the miserable scene and makes his way up the stairs, holding Jamie close. Reaching the room, he sees Vince dead with a knife in his chest, and realizes that the other man is gone. Before he can think, he hears a rifle shot and knows what has happened. Ignoring the circumstances around him and blocking out the pain, Con takes route out the door.

Jason catches movement at the house again and sees Con emerge with Jamie in his arms. He immediately gets back on his walkie-talkie. “Hal, get the car here pronto.”

Con is just to the end of the dirt walkway when the car comes into view. As quickly and carefully as he can, he opens the backdoor and sets Jamie inside, then slides in himself, her head resting in his arms. “Get to the hospital now,” he orders sternly.

As Hal steps on the gas, Con runs his hand through Jamie’s blood-matted hair. “Come on, Jamie…talk to me. You’re gonna be okay…we’re almost there. Hang in there…please…”

Jason takes route into the clearing, waving at Wyatt and Nate that it’s safe, and heads toward the fallen target. They would need to make the scene look like an accident or other, so as not to point authorities to TJY.


*As Joe hears the door open he steps back farther into the shadows making sure he is not seen. His eyes widen as he see Con come down the steps. Drawing his gun he cocks it silently. Waiting watching.*

*As Jamie feels herself being lifted in strong arms her eyes flutter open to see Con's face. Jamies heart starts to race, he was....Con was alive.*


*Jamie reaches her hand up to touch Con's face making sure he is real, wincing in pain slightly. In a low, horse, weak voice Jamies talks.*

"Con...they..*coughs as the gash on her face starts to bleed again.*...They told me you were dead. I new it couldent be true."

*As Con carrys Jamie up the steps she turns her head slightly spit out of blood.*

"Con...dont for get to help my friend...she is down there to. You have to help Sam."

*Joe watches as Con makes his way up the steps. Steping out of the shadows he aims his gun for the back of Con's head.
Sam watches in horrar as Joe aims for Con. With all the strangth left inside her she decieds for once she was going to start up to the agency and help me friend. Giving a loud shout she says.*


*Joe's gun goes off right as Sam runs in the way of the gun point blank in the chest.*

*As Nate hears the gun fired he runs to the steps seeing Con and Jamie, than seeing another figure fall to the ground. As Nate sees Joe take aim again he takes no hesatation in aiming his gun and aiming at Joe, it was eather him or Con, pulling the trigger Nate shoots Joe in the head sending him falling to the ground with a loud thud. Noding at Con Nate makes his way down the steps kicking the gun from Joe's side. Rolling Sam over her checks her pulse and shakes his head geting nothing. Placing his hand over her eyes her takes one swift motion and closes them saying a silent prayer for her. Standing Nate stands and follows Con and Jamie up the steps.*

Surprise Attack

Three figures make their way to the edge of the woods until they can see the house. Jason spots a mirror reflection on the other side of the clearing, and knows Wyatt is in position now too.

He watches intently for two more flashes. “Wyatt’s spotted two men in the house – that’s how many I can see from here too. We might just be in luck.” He grabs his walkie-talkie. “Hal, Chris, we’re here, and it looks good. Hang tight.”

Jason nods to Nate and Con. “I’ve got your back. Get ‘em with surprise.”

Con keeps his handgun in his holster for how, and goes to his stomach to army crawl through the tall grass and weeds towards the house. He can’t hear Nate very well behind him, and can only assume he is.

Jason stands by the tree, his rifle aimed and ready, keeping the scene within his sites. He can only hope he doesn’t have to shoot.

Once Con reaches the side of the house, he gets to his feet, nodding for Nate to do the same. He goes for his gun and holds it up in front of him, creeping under the window, around the side, and onto the porch. Despite his weight, he steps lightly, avoiding noise until he’s positioned in front of the door. Quietly trying the handle, he feels that it’s locked.

Nodding to Nate, he steps back and takes aim. With one swift kick, the door flies open. “Nobody move!”

Carson staggers backward, tripping over a chair as his hands raise into the air, taken completely off guard. The other heavy-set thug goes for his handgun, but isn’t quick enough.

Con fires a bullet into the man’s leg, sending him to the floor with a howl of pain. “I said don’t move!” He spots the closed door and instinctively knows that this is the route he needs to take.

“Nate, hold this scum here and blow their heads off if they try to escape.”

He approaches the door with caution, though doesn’t take his time. Throwing the door open, he stares down into the darkness and descends the stairs, his gun raised. He squints, letting his eyes adjust to the darkness, not seeing a light switch within reach. “Jamie?” He moves further into the darkness, his feet scuffing on the concrete floor. Suddenly his eyes spot Jamie in a heap, lying in the corner. His heart almost stops, and suddenly his caution flees.

Rushing to her side, his gun is holstered and he slides on his knees next to her. Horror fills his veins as he sees the bruises…the blood. Emotions run rampant as he puts a finger to her throat, searching for a pulse. It’s there. Weak, but there. “Jamie, don’t leave me now,” he whispers. “Stay with me…please…” He wraps his arms around her gently, lifting her up to hold her close. “God, please don’t let me lose her…not like this.”

Knowing his task, he gets to his feet with her in his arms, and aims for the stairs.