

Con knows Katie’s words to be true, but it’s hard to take them to heart just yet. There was jus so much wrong…so much turmoil.

He remains quiet until someone comes to tell them that the doctor has word on Jamie.

Gathering around, the news is received with both concern and relief. Jamie would be okay…that was the main thing.

As the doctor’s question comes up, nervous glances were exchanged. This was the problem with being underground…no one could explain what happened. The truth couldn’t be told, lest everyone be put in danger. But lying was never easy.

Con glances to Katie, then Hal, and opts to exit. “I’m going to go see Jamie,” he says quietly. “Hal, you can take over here.” He slips away, leaving the discussion to the others.

Hal purses his lips in thought, hooking his hands in his pockets. “Well, doc, we just found Jamie like that. She’s a friend of ours, she was outside town, looked like she’d been roughed up, and we brought her here.” Hal looks the doctor in the eye, warning flashing through his look. “End of story.”

Con slowly walks down the hall and slips into Jamie’s room. He knows he himself looks a sight, but doesn’t care and approaches her bed quietly. He eases down into a chair and leans forward to rest his elbows on his knees. He studies her face…bandaged and bruised… she was so thin…so pale.

He swallows his emotions, just sitting…watching…waiting.

Carson cooperates as he’s put in the car and blindfolded. He says little on the way to TJY, listening and trying to ignore his pain.

Once reaching the building, Jason takes him by his arm to lead him inside, guiding him roughly around corners and through doors. Finally onto the floor, Wyatt goes to Reese to explain what’s happening. Jason pushes Carson down the hall, ignoring the questioning looks of coworkers. Reaching Rick’s office, he enters, taking off Carson’s blindfold.

Carson blinks in the light, and looks around the sterile room, wondering where he’s ended up at.

Rick looks up from his work table in surprise. “Jason…who’s this?”

“If I told you, you wouldn’t want to help him,” Jason retorts. “He’s got one of my bullets in his shoulder.”

“One of yours?” Rick raises his eyebrows.

“Don’t ask. I’ll explain later.” Jason shoves Carson towards the table to sit on so Rick can work on him.

Carson remains quiet, gritting his teeth as Rick starts to dig around in his arm.

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