

*As Joe hears the door open he steps back farther into the shadows making sure he is not seen. His eyes widen as he see Con come down the steps. Drawing his gun he cocks it silently. Waiting watching.*

*As Jamie feels herself being lifted in strong arms her eyes flutter open to see Con's face. Jamies heart starts to race, he was....Con was alive.*


*Jamie reaches her hand up to touch Con's face making sure he is real, wincing in pain slightly. In a low, horse, weak voice Jamies talks.*

"Con...they..*coughs as the gash on her face starts to bleed again.*...They told me you were dead. I new it couldent be true."

*As Con carrys Jamie up the steps she turns her head slightly spit out of blood.*

"Con...dont for get to help my friend...she is down there to. You have to help Sam."

*Joe watches as Con makes his way up the steps. Steping out of the shadows he aims his gun for the back of Con's head.
Sam watches in horrar as Joe aims for Con. With all the strangth left inside her she decieds for once she was going to start up to the agency and help me friend. Giving a loud shout she says.*


*Joe's gun goes off right as Sam runs in the way of the gun point blank in the chest.*

*As Nate hears the gun fired he runs to the steps seeing Con and Jamie, than seeing another figure fall to the ground. As Nate sees Joe take aim again he takes no hesatation in aiming his gun and aiming at Joe, it was eather him or Con, pulling the trigger Nate shoots Joe in the head sending him falling to the ground with a loud thud. Noding at Con Nate makes his way down the steps kicking the gun from Joe's side. Rolling Sam over her checks her pulse and shakes his head geting nothing. Placing his hand over her eyes her takes one swift motion and closes them saying a silent prayer for her. Standing Nate stands and follows Con and Jamie up the steps.*

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