

Wyatt grimace at Nate, as they aim for Reese’s office. “Well, he can’t yell too loudly…I don’t see we had any other choice. Besides that…it was Jason’s suggestion after all….” He rolls his eyes knowing he wouldn’t intentionally put the blame on any one person.

Passing Susanne with a wave, Wyatt heads for his dad’s door, giving a quick knock before entering.

Reese looks up expectantly at them both. “Well?”

“We’re back.” Wyatt nods decisively. “Chris should be on his way back there to clean up the scene, and Jason is back for the moment, though he’ll be heading on over to the hospital soon.”

He pauses, trying to word things in a way that won’t stir anything up.

Reese raises an eyebrow at the hesitance. “And…?”

Wyatt glances at Nate, then back to his father. “We brought some company along?”


“Yeah. There was a guy who Jason shot but it was just a flesh wound. We didn’t think we should kill him off, or send him back to the Agency, so…”

“You brought him here?!” Reese’s eyes widen.

“Now, look, Carson said he wanted to help us,” Wyatt defends. “We’re not sure if we should believe him or not, but we decided that we’d bring him here to feel him out. If we still felt he wasn’t going to benefit us, we’d turn him over to the law for stuff he’s done.”

Reese looks between Wyatt and Nate, not sure how to react. “So let me get this straight… a member of the Agency is here…at TJY.”

“Yeah, Rick is patching him up.”

Reese rolls his eyes, tossing his pen in the air. “Why do I even try to keep a handle on things. My core group of agents…. One is in a wheelchair, one keeps on breaking the rules, one just quit on me this morning, I got another in the hospital now too, and you two bring back the enemy! The only one not causing me trouble is Susanne!”

Susanne looks up from her computer as she hears her name from the next room. She bites her lip, trying not to smile.

Reese shakes his head, taking a deep breath. “Alright. Do what you must. I wasn’t there, so I can’t say what I would have done. Lock this fellow…Carson…down in the holding room until we decide what to do with him.”

“Right.” Wyatt nudges Nate with an elbow as he turns to go. “We’re on it.”

Jason watches as Carson is patched up, then turns around as Wyatt and Nate show up in the doorway. “Oh, hey. We’re just about done here.”

“Good,” Wyatt nods. “We’ll take him downstairs from here. Get him settled in a safe spot for a while until we decide what to do.”

Carson looks between all of them, suspicion in his eyes. “Downstairs?”

Wyatt smirks. “It’s a whole lot nicer than that basement where you were keeping Jamie, I’ll tell you that.”

Carson grits his teeth. “Look, if you wanna play this game, don’t play it with me, because I’ll win. You want me out of here, just say so. I gave you the chance once and you chickened out.”

Before Wyatt can respond, Jason holds up his hand. “Cut it out before I shoot both of you. Now look…” He glances to Carson. “As far as I’m concerned, you’re the lowest piece of trash I ever met. But for some odd reason, I’m willing to have a little faith here. And you…” Jason looks to Wyatt. “Cool it before we start another war.”

Wyatt quirks an eyebrow, taken aback by the fact that he’s getting reprimanded by the one person who was always flying off the handle himself. “Well, yes sir, cap’in.”

Jason rolls his eyes. “Just take Carson downstairs, will you? I’m getting out of here to see what’s up at the hospital. Oh, and Nate, Ed is in Con’s office. You might want to check on him.”

Hal watches the doctor walk away, and shakes his head at Katie. “I don’t know. I guess we just play it cool for now. He may or may not stick to his own promise.” He glances at his watch. “I’m heading back over to TJY for now. Since you’re here, you might keep an eye out for anything strange.”

Jason kills the engine on his bike and within moments is headed into the hospital. It seemed strange…he was so used to this route by now. He stops at the nurse’s station to inquire about Jamie and finds out that she’s going to be okay. Knowing this, he makes his way upstairs, opting to head for Katie first.

Poking his head around the corner of the doorframe, he gives a weary smile. “Opposed to company?” He slips inside Katie’s room, not being able to help his slight grin. “If I look as tired as I feel, don’t tell me.” He approaches her bed and sits next to her, suddenly flopping down on his back across her lap, yawning and stretching himself out with his feet still on the floor. “So how are things at your end of the world?”

A small smile creases Con’s lips, and he reaches over to take Jamie’s hand. “You’re always beautiful, you know that.” He runs his thumb along her hand gently. “Welcome back. …I thought I’d lost you for good this time.” He studies her face, just letting his eyes linger on her. “I’m just glad we found you…I don’t know what I would have done if we hadn’t.”

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