

*As the ambulince arives they screech to a halt. 3 paramedics jump out rushing over to Katie. One rushes to check her vitles as the other yell directions. Before ya no it Katie has a neck brace on and they are gently moving her onto a strecher.* "Carfel it looks like something is messed up in her back." *Finally geting her on the strecher they load her into the ambulince.. One of the paramedics walk over to Jason.* "You can follow us on in. Once your there you can let them know what happend Son. Your friend is in pritty bad shape." *Turning the paramedic jumps back in and the ambulince speeds off twords the hospetal.*

*A few minutes seem like house finally geting to the hospetal. As the paramedics rush Katie inside Doc's and nurses sworm around her hooking her up to masheens and dressing her burns. They wheel her past a few swinging door. One of the doc step in front of Jason.* " You need to wait her son. Your friend is in good hands." *The doc disapeaes beyound the doors.*

*An hour or so later a doc apears again sweat pouring with a solum/sad look on his face.*


The concern Wyatt feels intensifies. “This isn’t like her. Nothing’s happened the last few days?”

“Nothing suspicious, if that’s what you mean.” Jason gets to his feet, now his own worry starting to form. “What do you think…” His phone interrupts him. “Go tell your dad and see if he wants us to do anything yet.” When Wyatt is gone, Jason is quick to snatch the phone up. Answering, the strange voice catches him off guard. “What do you…what is…” His eyes widen at the exploding sound. “No! Katie!” The line is dead, and the blood drains from Jason’s face. He knows in his gut that this call was no joke.

He dials 911 immediately. “Look I need an ambulance right NOW dispatched to Route…” he cringes, trying to remember. “103, right outside town. ….I’m not sure…no, that’s not where I am, just…. Someone is hurt, so get a squad out there NOW! This is not a prank!” Satisfied that someone actually took him seriously, Jason hangs up. Not even thinking, he exits his office and sprints down the hall, passing Hal’s desk on his way. “I need to borrow your truck.”

Hal sees Jason’s panic and simply holds out the keys lamely. “Is something….wrong…?” His voice trails off as Jason takes off again.

“Tell Reese to call the hospital in an hour!” Jason yells over his shoulder. Once outside, he makes a mad dash for Hal’s truck, not even thinking about the screaming pain in his knee. Kicking the vehicle into drive, he burns rubber on the way out of the parking lot, ignoring the speed limit out of town.

Once on Route 103, he pushes the truck as fast as it will go, trying to keep a level head. Katie was hurt…he could feel it. What had been the explosion he’d heard? What was really going on? There were so many questions. “Oh, Katie where are you?” Jason keeps his eyes on the road. It’s not long before he seeks the smoke and his heart leaps into his throat. Coming upon the scene, he slams on the breaks, barely pulling off onto the shoulder.

He spots a form lying on the side of the road and his stomach lurches. “No, no, no, Katie!” He runs toward her, sliding down on his knees beside her, not even thinking about how she’d ended up so far from the car that’s now just a ball of flames. Nothing else in the world matters. Tears sting his eyes as he sees her battered form. Bloody, burned and twisted, he’s afraid to see if she’s even still alive. Fighting the urge to move her, he puts a finger to her throat, checking for a pulse. Relief sweeps over him. It was weak, but she was alive.

“Oh, Katie what happened?” he whispers. He gently takes her hand in his, and wipes some soot and blood from her face. “It’ll be okay…help is coming…you’ll be okay….” He lifts his head to the sky, taking a deep breath to hold in his frantic emotions. “Oh, please let her be okay.”

Sirens are heard in the distance, and it’s within moments that the ambulance arrives.


*Katie slowly opens her eyes pain corsing through her body. The smell of smoke filling her nose. The car it....was on fire. Frantic Katie trys to move. She has to get out of the car before it blew up. Again Katie trys to move its no use the more she moves the more pain she feels as her body is pinned. It was no use..this was the end. Finally Katie blacks out again from the smoke.*

*2 small but stong hands reach into Katies car gently lifting her from the flames. Carrying her to the side of the road.* "Its ok...Its gonna be ok."

*Katie's eyes flutter and open just alittle to reveal a glowing figure looking down at her. Katie head is killing her, and her body corses with pain was she halucanating.* "M....Mom. Is...is that show."

*The glowing figure looks down at she smiling.* "Shhhh..." *The figure reaches for Katie cell and press the button for Jason..waiting for him to answer.*


*A soft angelic voice replys over the other line.* " Your friend is in trouble she needs you. Call an ambulince she is on RT 103 right outside town." *In the background a loud bang can be hurd as Katie's car explodes. The figure hangs up the phone and buts it down next to Katie. Smiling down at her once again she replys.* " Your friends are on there way. Its not your time." *Slowly the figure starts to walk down the road seeming to almost float.*

*The pain over takes Katie as she watches the figure go her eyes closing and falling into a dark sleep.*

*Wes finish up with the car he is working on and heads into his apartment starting to get ready for tonight. He puts on a nice dress shirt and a pare on black pants. He slips on his nice dress boots looking at himself in the mirror he smiles and heads to the messhall waiting for when Cindy was ready.*


“Jason, did you get those files gone through?”

Jason picks up his phone at Reese’s voice. “Yeah. Didn’t come up with anything.”

“Aw, rats. Well, it was a long shot. Anyway, you heard from him?”

“No…was I supposed to? Katie headed out a while ago…I assumed she went to his place since they’ve been going out for lunch lately.”

“Hmm. Okay.” Reese pauses. “Oh, I just got a call in. I bet its him.”

Jason hears the click and shakes his head. For someone who kept track of so many things so well, there were just a few things Reese had trouble with.

Wyatt cradles the phone between his chin and shoulder as he’s stretched out on his couch. “Hey, Dad. Just wondered if Jason found anything.”

“No, nothing.”

“I thought maybe checking into John Filmore’s records might help,” Wyatt muses. “I’m thinking about coming in to work a few hours.”

“That would be fine. You could come back with Katie then.”


“Yeah. Jason said she headed out earlier – assumed she’d come to your place.”

Wyatt frowns. “No…how long has she been gone?”

“A couple hours at least.”

Wyatt sits up, his jaw tightening. “And she didn’t say anything about where she was going?”

“Not that I know of.”

“I’m coming in.” Wyatt hangs up the phone and stands, looking for his shoes, and still fighting his headache. Something just didn’t feel right.

Jason taps his pencil absent mindedly on his desk. Leaning back in his chair, his thought suddenly bounce to Katie. A nervousness creeps into his veins. That was strange. It was an odd feeling….maybe he was just still confused about the night before. But…no…it was different… He frowns and picks up the phone just as Wyatt appears in his doorway.

“Jase, has Katie come back?”

“Well no. I thought she was with you.”

When everything seems right

*Katie sits in her room laying in bed for a long while listing to Jason play and sing. How she loved his voice and how he played. Soon Katie drifted off to bed a new smile on her face.*

*Back at smile Katie smiles and wave as Jason heads for his office over hearing that Wyatt wasent well. Heading to her desk Katie see the piles of work waiting for her. Digging in she starts to type away. Hours pass and its time for lunch. Leaning back in her chair Katie thinks of Wyatt once again. Katie needed to talk to Wyatt about some stuff Maybe if she braught him some lunch they could talk. Katie needed to get it off her chest before it kileld her. Standing Katies goes to Jason's office to let him know she was gonna be out for an hour or two and she could be back soon. Grabing the can of soup she had taken with her for Lunch Katie heads to her car and is off.*

*As Katie pulls out of the TJY parking lot a dark figure pulls behind her watching, waiting for the right moment.*

*As Katie drives her mind continues to reel once again. She had never had to talk about something like this with a guy. She dident even know where to start. Wyatt had been there for her for a while. He was Such a good guy he deserved to know the truth. Just how was Katie to tell him. Deciding at the last min Katie turns down a differnt road that lease off into the desert. Katie passes a sigh reading "Now Leaving Navada." She needed to clear her mind and figure out what to say to Wyatt before she went to him place.*

*The dark figure inside the car follow Katie laughs.* "Perfect no one will even know out here."

*As Katie continues to drive she loses all consintration not relizing someone was following her. Soon a car speady by her and swervs in front of her. Katie snaps back into relization as she see the car.* "Strange why would someone be out here." *Suddanly the car in front of Katie slams on its breaks. In an instinct Katies reflexs kick in as she herself slams on the breaks. Once again the car pulls along side of her.* " What on earth." *The car swerves into her sending her off the road slightly. Regaing controll Katie looks in her review mirror to see another car behind her. She was traped her only option was to go faster and try to out run them. Katie steps on the gas. She seems to be out running them when the car once again pulls next to her.* "Crap." *Katie heart races what was she to do now. Witchout warning a shot ring out through the air shatter Katie's car winshield and sending a shart pain into her shoulder. Katie lets out a scream but trying to stay focused. The car from behind catches up and rams the car, as the one from the side sends Katie sailing odd the road again. Once again trying to regain controll of the car Katie swerves though the desert sand. One of the tires on the car pop as Katies car starts to roll ove and over and over again finally coming to a halt as it hits a tree and bursts into flames.*

*Satisfied with there work the 2 cars drive off into the distince. One dialing a number into his cell phone and waiting.*

*Wes calls to make resavations for Cindy and himself it was going to be a night to remember. He was geting nervouse and excited at the same time. Wes cell phone rings.* "Hello?"

*A gruff voice answers on the other end.* " It is done Sir."

*Wes nods though the caller cant see him.* "Exilent." *Wes makes his way to the shop as his plane in now in motion. He had a couple hours to work before he had to get ready.*

Back in the swing of things

Jason makes himself scarce until supper is ready, feeling the familiar tension all over again. It was his fault, and he felt stupid. He needed to be more careful…needed to keep his head clearer.
Hearing Katie call him, he goes to the kitchen, forcing himself to be as relaxed as possible, attempting to convey that nothing has changed. The moment earlier is forgotten, or at least pushed aside not to be considered anymore.

Jason chitchats with Katie while they eat, doing his best to make the atmosphere light for her sake. When finished, he doesn’t stay up in the living room this time, but helps with dishes, then heads to bed after a quick “Goodnight.”

It’s not until a while later that a soft melody drifts from his open bedroom. A sweet tune floats on the air, soon accompanied by a voice not often heard, singing quiet and low a soothing melody. It continues into the evening until the last notes die away into the darkness.

Though one might wish the night to last forever, morning must have it’s way, and the sun is soon up. Jason rises and prepares for the day, grabbing some breakfast and getting something for lunch later. The now-routine goes as normal, and before they know it, Jason and Katie are back at TJY to start another day. Jason throws her a smile and a wink before heading to his office. “See ya later.”

“Hey, Jason!”

Jason turns around to see Reese. “Yeah?”

“Wyatt called in this morning. Said he’s got a splitting headache and might not make it in today…mind going through some of those case files he’s been on?”

“No problem.” Jason takes some more paper from Reese. “I’ll just pile it on to the rest of my work.”


*Katie heart starts to pound as she knows what is about to happen next. Katie closes her own eyes losing all controll for a moment. Though feelig Jason pull away Katie opens her eyes again and nods. Feeling a bit disapointed and a bit guilty Katie turns and heads back inside.* "Dinner sure does smell good." * As Katie finishs up dinner in the kitchen her mind reels. Jason...Wyatt..Jason.....slowly her feelins for Jason were returning. But Wyatt what about Wyatt if Katie truly care wouldent she feel this way about Jason.* "J dinner is done." *Katie puts the plates down and sits clearing her mind for an enjoyablt meal.*


Jason is a little surprised by Katie’s statement…he’d gained so much from her…it was hard to believe he’d done anything in return. But if she believed that to be true, he wasn’t going to argue.

As Katie joins him at the railing, he turns to her, a smile playing in his eyes. “Ya know…you really are an amazing woman…I’m not sure I’ll ever have you figured out.” He locks eyes with her, a slight tension beginning to grow. “…But then…what would be the fun with no mystery?” He searches her eyes, the sun rays dancing off her face, putting a glow to her cheeks.

Without even thinking, Jason reaches out to tuck a strand of hair behind Katie’s ear, and suddenly finds himself being drawn in closer, his heart beating faster. A brief memory flickers through his mind of the day back in Texas when Katie had impulsively given him a brief kiss, embarrassed as she might have been…he’d never forgotten it. Tonight it’s his own face to move down barely inches from hers, and he closes his eyes, feeling her breath on his cheek. His lips move towards hers as he anticipates what’s to come.

……Katie’s taken
………We’re just friends

The movement stops just before his lips meet hers. Jason takes a deep breath and slowly backs off, straightening up as he tries to control his heart rate, and swallowing hard. He catches Katie’s eyes for just a moment, conveying a brief look of apology. “Guess we better check on supper…smells like it’s getting done.”

Your Welcome

*Katie smiles up at Jason* " You had it in your all along Jason. You just needed to out faith in your and outright told you what they though." *Katie cant help but giggle her eyes dancing in the seting sun.*....Your welcome J. And thank you. You probley dont relize it but you helped me alot too. I've opened up alot since i have met you. I've learned of love and friendship. I guess the saying is true we all learn something new from people everyday." *Katie sits up in the chair and streaches.* "I'm happy you had a great day Jason. You did need it and you do Deserve it." *Katie holds her smile as he last rays of light disapear over the harizon. Standing Katie leans on the railing and looks out as the tiny lights of the town flicker on.*

My Stability

The afternoon seems to go by in a blur. By the time Jason is back at the hotel with Katie, it feels like the day had been a dream. His body felt like it had been run over my a truck, but his mind is still running a million miles per hour. Everyone had been so nice…things would be different at TJY now…but I would be better…he had a circle of friends now that he’d never known he had…it was a comfort he’d never experienced.

Setting his guitar on its stand in the corner of his room, he looks at it one more time, just shaking his head. He only wished Con had been there like he’d wanted to be, but there had been a change of plans.

Smelling supper cooking, Jason makes his way to the kitchen. Not seeing Katie, he looks around until spotting her out in a chair on the balcony. Sighing, he tucks his thumbs in his jeans pockets and wanders out onto the deck. He takes a deep breath of the warm night air and leans down to rest his elbows on the railing, looking down at the swimming pool, then out past the city lights. He’d hardly had a chance to talk to Katie all day...though he’d wanted to. The day would have been much different if she hadn’t have brought him this far.

He finally straightens and turns around, crossing his arms casually and offering half a grin. “I haven’t had a chance yet to thank you…” A short laugh escapes and he lowers his gaze for just a moment before looking back up to see her eyes. “You do realize that if it wasn’t for you…I never would have been able to do the things I did today. You’ve…helped me see things in a different light ever since I met you, and…” He purses lips in thought. “Well...I don’t know how I would have made it through all this without you. You’ve been my stability, Katie…thank you.”


*Katie cant help but smile even bigger. As she watches Jason and everyone interact. Feeling Jason's eyes on her more than once, Katie offers small nods to let Jason know he is doing ok, and its gonna be ok. The smile never leaving Katie's face. Soon...soon Jason was going to be free and he wasent going to need Katie's protection anymore. At one time that though scaired her, but now it brang her joy. Katie new even if Jason dident need her to pull him out of the nightmares, he would still be there to be her friend. Watching Jason and everyone interact Katie suddonly feels like the odd person out looking in at everyone. Laughing, joking, telling storys of the past. She had been at TJY for a while now but yet dident hold as much knolage as everyone alse. Katie lets out a sigh. She was still content and it was good to see Jason open up to everyone. Smiling Katie walks over to Scott and hands him a napkin.* "Here ya go dig in." * Before long everyone has eaten there fill of cookies and other snacks and are now back to work. Katie sits at her desk typing up the little but she needed to finish. Once she is done she turns her computer off and heads for Wyatt's desk. Seeing he is not there Katie figures he is gone for the day. Katie heads back to Jason's office and lets him know they would leave when he was ready.*

*A bit more time pass and finally Jason and Katie are on there way back to the hotel. It was nice to see the sun still up when they leave. Summer was a good time. Once they are back Katie heads to the small kitchen and starts cooking up some steak, patato salad, and corn for dinner. As the sun is now starting to set Katie makes her way out onto the small balcony. The sky were differnt shades of red, purple, and orange. It was a grandsigh indeed. Katie sits down in one of the small chairs to relax as dinner cooks.*


Jason looks up from his desk, raising his eyebrows. Katie didn’t usually beg him to join her for lunch…she’d been going out with Wyatt lately. “Um….” He smirks at her puppy eyes and shakes his head with a laugh. “Alright. You win. But if Reese gets on my tail for being late with this thing, I’m sending him to you.”
He gets up and walks with Katie out of his office, trying to remember what he’d put in the fridge for lunch that day.


Jason skids to a halt in the doorway, stunned by everyone gathered in the break room. “What…?” His eyes go wide, shifting from person to person. They were all wearing smiles…apparently he wasn’t in trouble. But what on earth was going on? He swings his gaze to Katie for a moment, before looking back at the others.

Laura comes forward, giving Jason a hug. “We all thought you could use a pick-me-up,” she explains, smiling. “Come on. We’ve got some cookies and everything.”

Jason steps further into the room, feeling dumb. “I….what…”

Laura giggles. “And we’ve got something for you too…” She gestures for the others to spread apart, revealing the acoustic guitar on its stand.

Jason hadn’t known he could be even more surprised, but his eyes get even wider. “Please don’t tell me you…”

“We did.” Laura beams. “Is it the kind you wanted?”

“Well…yes, but…” Jason can’t understand any of this, and continues to look around at the group lamely. “I don’t….I don’t understand. Why…?”

“Because we wanted to do something nice for you,” Susanne speaks up. “It’s a far cry from what we’d like to do after everything that’s happened, but we thought it might help.”

“It was Con’s idea,” Laura adds. “He rallied all of us to pitch in.”

Jason can’t help but step forward and reach out to touch the frets of the shiny new guitar. It was exactly the instrument he’d wanted for a long time. It was even better than what he’d had. He glances up at the others again, beginning to feel a strange mixture of emotions. “I still don’t….” He furrows his brow. “Why?”

“Is it so hard to believe we care about you?” Hal questions gruffly.

Susanne smiles. “Hotshot, swallow your pride and accept the fact that we love you.”

Jason’s face begins to grow red. “But…I don’t deserve…I mean….I can’t accept something like this.”

“Yes you can,” Laura states flatly. “You deserve a whole lot more than this, too.”

“Oh come on, me?” Jason is so taken aback by all of this that he doesn’t even know what to do.

“Yes, you.” Susanne gives his shoulder a pat. “Don’t act so surprised. You brightened this place up as soon as you started working here. You’re one of the best we got, you’re kind to all of us around here, and without you, this place just seems a little bit duller.”

Jason swallows the lump in his throat. These people had it all wrong. They were putting him on a pedestal that he certainly didn’t deserve. They had no idea what he’d thought, or who he’d pretended to be in front of them all these years. They were giving him a gift that showed they cared about someone who he wasn’t. “I…” He glances to Katie, his eyes pleading for help, but this time he was on his own, and the spotlight was getting hotter. “You guys shouldn’t have…I mean…man, this guitar is a beauty. I’ve been dreaming about this kind for a long time. But…I just…” His gaze finally drops to the floor. “If you knew who I really was, I don’t think you’d be doing this.”

The room grows a little quieter as it’s obvious that Jason’s tone is implying more than surface embarrassment.

“What do you mean, Jase?” Susanne questions.

The silence seems to drag on for an eternity, when really it’s only several seconds. Jason’s mind reels. Here was a group of people…a dear group of friends that he had underestimated…even taken for granted. He’d had no idea they cared about him that much…he’d always simply thought that they considered him a coworker…someone to hang out with at best if they had no one else. But this…this gathering and this gift…it blew him away. And he’d been hiding from them all. He’d been blind to their friendship, and as a result, he’d hidden his true self, afraid of rejection or embarrassment.

Jason raises his eyes again, the raging emotions reflecting in his eyes. He owed these people more than that. He owed them the truth before they took anything too far…it was time.

“Look…” He catches Katie’s eye, groping for support before moving his gaze around the room. “I’m not really the ‘Hotshot’ y’all think I am. I got a life, a past, and problems that I’ve never told anyone here about before because…well, because I was afraid to. I see now that it was wrong…but I’ve always shown you guys a person who’s not really me…and…I don’t know how to accept a gift like this when that’s the truth.”

Susanne steps forward with compassion, putting a hand on his shoulder. “You think we don’t know that?” she asks. A gentle smile creases her lips. “You’ve always lived a private life, Jason… there’s things about you that none of us know because you always made yourself off limits when it came to personal things. But no matter how good you are at TJY, and no matter how skilled you are at your job…we do know you’re still human. Everyone has problems whether others know about them in particular or not. It would have been nice to know you apart from work, but we knew you had your reasons. And just because you locked yourself away doesn’t mean we didn’t see this…” She moves her hand to Jason’s chest. “You may think that ‘Hotshot’ is all a lie…but how can it be, when it’s a portion of your heart? Whether you intended to let your own self shine through or not, you can’t tell me that your willingness to help others wasn’t real. You can’t tell me that your passion for this job wasn’t real. You can’t tell me that your compassion for those in need wasn’t real.” Susanne shakes her head. “There’s a lot we don’t know about you because you never let us in. But there’s a whole lot we do know, and those are the things that count.”

Jason is so completely taken aback, that he doesn’t realize the tears pooling behind his eyes. He wasn’t sure of a time he’d been more humbled than this. He forces a short laugh. “I don’t know what to say.”

Hal’s eyes widen teasingly. “Hotshot? Speechless? This is quite the occasion.”

Jason can’t help a small grin and he sighs deeply. “You all have me backed into a corner, you realize that?” He shakes his head. “I guess now would be a good time to apologize…I did have reasons for separating myself from you…but they weren’t good reasons. And…I know just since I came back from Texas, I haven’t exactly been sociable…and I’m sorry about that.”

Rick lifts an eyebrow. “Is there anything we can do for you?”

“Ha!” Jason points to the guitar. “You guys have done way too much already.”

“No…is there anything we can do for you?” Rick repeats. “You like to hide, no doubt, but if there’s anything we can do to help you through whatever it is you’re going through…you only have to let us know.”

Jason swallows hard, finding his eyes sinking to the floor again. “No…not really. It’s…not just the fire or…or things here at work that have…well sort of got me down lately though,” he confesses. He might as well tell the truth now that he had an opening… now that he realized it couldn’t hurt him. “It’s not a secret that I was abducted when I was nine…” He clears his throat awkwardly. “And…I have problems with that…” He looks up again, finding Katie’s face, though still addressing the group. “I locked myself away a long time ago because of it…and I hurt myself in the process. And now that I’m an adult, it comes back to haunt me. I thought I worked through everything, but now and again I experience a relapse that pretty much entails fierce nightmares and flashbacks.” He pauses, trying to maintain an even keel with his emotions, and purses his lips grimly with a nod. “I’ve realized that I’ll probably have periodic relapses the rest of my life, though hopefully the frequency and severity will decrease… It’s something that’s been rather an embarrassment as of late, and…I apologize if anything I did or said reflected anger towards any of you, when really my anger was aimed at something completely different.”

Laura is quick to wipe a tear from her eye. She was so proud of Jason…so happy that he was finally, finally letting people in.

Hal offers Jason a nod. “You’re not alone, Jase. When I was a firefighter years ago there was a tragedy I experienced firsthand. I worked through it, but it still comes back to me…sometimes it’s just one flashback…sometimes it takes me down for a week. I can understand, and you don’t need to apologize.”

Jason looks at Hal with surprise. He hadn’t known that. He could remember times that Hal had taken leave for several days quite unexpectedly, but had never realized why.

Susanne sees Jason’s surprise, and smile. “The benefit to sharing yourself is having others share with you too.” She cocks her head. “We’re here for ya, Hotshot…that’s a promise.”

Jason can’t even express how he feels. All his walls…his barriers…they were gone. He was left out in the open bare and vulnerable…but it hadn’t been as painful as he’d thought. He hadn’t received the strange looks he’d thought he would. No one was upset with him. No one thought he was crazy. Hal could even relate. Jason had feared for so long to allow these people to know him, and now that he’d finally taken a step forward, he was finding out just how ridiculous that fear had been. These people…these friends…they cared about him enough not to be shocked by his past…not to be bothered by it in the least…they only wanted to help if they could.

Scott can see the emotions building, and quite loudly breaks things up before Jason melts in the spotlight. “If we’re not going to have these cookies, I’m going to have to remove myself from the room before I drool all over them.”


*Katie nods to Susanne* "I'll see what I can do." *Katie exits the break room and heads to Jason's office. Knocking and entering.* "Jason...I'm heading to lunch and I'd like some company, will you come with me please?" *Katie smiles trying not to show the excitment in her eyes.* " I know your going to say you want to finish your research but it can wait. It will be back for when you return. PLEASE..." *Katie cant help but flash some puppy dog eyes.*


Cindy grins and leans into Wes. “I’d love to go out with you. As if you thought I’d say no.” She giggles. “Sounds like fun.

The next few days go by quickly, with nothing out of the ordinary happening. Jason stays on an even keel, though avoids most people at work, sticking close by to Katie in the evenings to help him regroup and stay focused. He stays on track with his eating and finally gains approval from Rick to not have to have daily checkups, and continues his daily workouts at TJY in his spare time. He steers clear of Wyatt for the most part, and doesn’t talk much to the others, still unsure of himself and his own feelings for everything that’s been happening.

By the next week, Jason’s fully recovered from his flashbacks. Behind the scenes, the rest of the staff has joined together to secretly get Jason’s guitar and make plans for an in-house party. Tuesday afternoon, a group gathers in the break room, waiting for Jason to come in for lunch and surprise him.

“Shhhh!” Susanne waves at the group that’s hiding the guitar, and she peeks around the corner. “He’s coming, he’s coming!”

Jason strolls down the hall, his eyes on the filing folder in his hand. His stomach growls and he pauses before the break room, but then decides he’ll eat in a while. He wants to finish this research first. He continues his route to his office, shutting the door behind him.

“The twerp!” Laura exclaims. “I told you that if we banked on him coming for lunch he wouldn’t. Now what?”

Susanne looks to Katie. “See if you can get him to come in here, will ya? Say something like….oh, I don’t know…. Just get him in here, then we can all yell ‘surprise’ or something when he shows up.”

Yet Another Day

*After Katie finishs up in the bathroom she packs her own small bag and heads to the kitchen. Making herself a small lunch she makes a sndwitch for Jason too. Puring coffee for the both of them she makes sure the lights are shut off and heaads out to the car with Jason making there way to TJY.*

*As Wes exits the shop he see Cindy walking to the mess hall. Running up next to her he puts his around around her shoulders.* "Morning Pritty Lady." *Wes plants a kiss on Cindy's face.* "Hey I was thinking how about next wensday we go out to eat at this new place in town. Its a bit fancy but I'd like to try it out and who better to try it out with." *Wes cant help but beam.*

I'm ready

Jason offers a low chuckle at Katie’s suggestion of pretending they didn’t hear the alarm. “I wish.” He almost goes for her hand teasingly as it runs across his arm, but thinks better of it, and simply grins. He scoots his feet to the side to make it easier for her to get off the couch, and sighs with content as he watches her exit the living room. “Mm-hmm,” he answers to her statement about breakfast, but he takes a few minutes to finally roll off the couch himself. He heads to his own room and shower, and it doesn’t take him long to be shaven and ready to go. Stuffing his other clothes into his bag, her grimaces. Maybe he can beg Laura to do some laundry for him since he hasn’t been able to get to a laundry mat or anywhere to buy new clothes yet.

Heading into the kitchenette, he opens the small fridge and grabs an apple. He leans up against the short counter to eat his light breakfast, and runs a hand through his hair, trying to get it dry. His mind felt fairly clear this morning…he was fair spirits…for someone whose life had turned upside down. He still had a lot to get through as far as all that had happened the last few days were concerned. But…this morning he had just a little more confidence that he could make it through. It wouldn’t be easy…but the only direction he had to go was up.

“I’m ready when you are, Hero,” he calls loudly, tossing the apple core into the trash. He takes just as moment to test his blood sugar to keep Rick happy, then gathers his bag to wait in the living room.

Con is just ready to shut off his computer after checking his TJY’s emails, when he notices a new one has come in. He grins as he reads Katie’s message, and replies before heading to the ranch.
[Hey, Kat! Great – glad you’re on the band wagon. Most of the staff is. Scott got a hold of me yesterday. Of all people, he knew what kind of guitar Jason’s always wanted. Ha. Anyway, Thanks for letting me know.
Got yourself a car huh? That’s great! I’d like to come up for a visit one of these days to touch base with Carter, so now I’ll have to see the car.
By the way – I’ve emailed Jason a couple times but haven’t heard back from him. Be sure he knows that if he needs a place to stay he can always bum out at my apartment. He should have a key, but if he doesn’t, Laura does.
Take care of yourself. Will be talking to you soon.
Big Bro Con
PS – Last night at supper we all found out that your aunt and Mick are now officially engaged.]

Cindy sighs deeply and puts her phone back down before dialing. Jason was already going through so much…Reese had reported to Con last night that Jason had been in to see Rick on top of everything else, apparently having passed out. And yet…the older he got, the harder it was to talk to him. He was so protective of her…and yet had kept himself at a distance. And she was supposed to talk to him about the future? But what could she really say? She’d hinted to him that she might stay in Texas, depending on how things progressed between her and Wes… but at the same time, she was unsure if anything was going to happen there anyway. She hoped it would…but would Wes actually want to take that step? She wasn’t sure. Maybe he really wasn’t that serious…maybe….
She sighs again. No, she should just call Jason and clear the air. Picking up the phone again, she dials, but receives news from Susanne that he isn’t in to work yet. So much for that.
Finally getting up enough gumption, Cindy rises from her bed and goes outside to head to the mess hall. Things were changing here…Luke and Angel were engaged…Rosetta and Mick were now engaged… it was fun to see these people picking things up where they’d left off so long ago. Was there a happy ending in it for her too?

A new Day

*Still half asleep and awake Katie relizes she never went into her room last not. She had fallen asleep with Jason on the sofa all night. Katie though that this situation would make her feel uncomfortable, but it dident. She had goten a goodnight sleep something she hadent had in a long time. It was so warm and comfortable she dident dair want to movie. Hearing the alarm go off Katie grones and opens her eyes looking at Jason and smiling.* "Cant we just pretend we dont hear it?" *Katie knows even though she dosent want to get up she has to. Removing the blanket Katie streches not meaning to run her hand lightly across Jason's arm.* "I'll start us some coffee and make sure you have something for breakfest before you go." *Katie smiles as she heads into the small kitchen. Jason had made it through the night ok. She was proude of him. That was the first step in the right direction. It was a nice feeling to see Jason awake without large bags under his eyes. After Katie starts the coffee she heades into her room and siting down with he laptop to write an email to Con.*

{Dear Con, I'm in on the idea. I'll give Laura some money next time I see her. I think thats a great idea. Oh ya I am gonna have to come out and see you guys sometime so you can check out my new car. I love it. I'm riding in style now. Well better get going Jason and I will be leaving for TJY soon. Talk to ya later... -Katie}

*After sending the email and shuting her laptop down Katie heads into the bathroom to get ready for the new day. A smile planted on her face not able to move. Katie felt overly happy today, almost content. Today was going to be a good day she hoped.*