
I'm ready

Jason offers a low chuckle at Katie’s suggestion of pretending they didn’t hear the alarm. “I wish.” He almost goes for her hand teasingly as it runs across his arm, but thinks better of it, and simply grins. He scoots his feet to the side to make it easier for her to get off the couch, and sighs with content as he watches her exit the living room. “Mm-hmm,” he answers to her statement about breakfast, but he takes a few minutes to finally roll off the couch himself. He heads to his own room and shower, and it doesn’t take him long to be shaven and ready to go. Stuffing his other clothes into his bag, her grimaces. Maybe he can beg Laura to do some laundry for him since he hasn’t been able to get to a laundry mat or anywhere to buy new clothes yet.

Heading into the kitchenette, he opens the small fridge and grabs an apple. He leans up against the short counter to eat his light breakfast, and runs a hand through his hair, trying to get it dry. His mind felt fairly clear this morning…he was fair spirits…for someone whose life had turned upside down. He still had a lot to get through as far as all that had happened the last few days were concerned. But…this morning he had just a little more confidence that he could make it through. It wouldn’t be easy…but the only direction he had to go was up.

“I’m ready when you are, Hero,” he calls loudly, tossing the apple core into the trash. He takes just as moment to test his blood sugar to keep Rick happy, then gathers his bag to wait in the living room.

Con is just ready to shut off his computer after checking his TJY’s emails, when he notices a new one has come in. He grins as he reads Katie’s message, and replies before heading to the ranch.
[Hey, Kat! Great – glad you’re on the band wagon. Most of the staff is. Scott got a hold of me yesterday. Of all people, he knew what kind of guitar Jason’s always wanted. Ha. Anyway, Thanks for letting me know.
Got yourself a car huh? That’s great! I’d like to come up for a visit one of these days to touch base with Carter, so now I’ll have to see the car.
By the way – I’ve emailed Jason a couple times but haven’t heard back from him. Be sure he knows that if he needs a place to stay he can always bum out at my apartment. He should have a key, but if he doesn’t, Laura does.
Take care of yourself. Will be talking to you soon.
Big Bro Con
PS – Last night at supper we all found out that your aunt and Mick are now officially engaged.]

Cindy sighs deeply and puts her phone back down before dialing. Jason was already going through so much…Reese had reported to Con last night that Jason had been in to see Rick on top of everything else, apparently having passed out. And yet…the older he got, the harder it was to talk to him. He was so protective of her…and yet had kept himself at a distance. And she was supposed to talk to him about the future? But what could she really say? She’d hinted to him that she might stay in Texas, depending on how things progressed between her and Wes… but at the same time, she was unsure if anything was going to happen there anyway. She hoped it would…but would Wes actually want to take that step? She wasn’t sure. Maybe he really wasn’t that serious…maybe….
She sighs again. No, she should just call Jason and clear the air. Picking up the phone again, she dials, but receives news from Susanne that he isn’t in to work yet. So much for that.
Finally getting up enough gumption, Cindy rises from her bed and goes outside to head to the mess hall. Things were changing here…Luke and Angel were engaged…Rosetta and Mick were now engaged… it was fun to see these people picking things up where they’d left off so long ago. Was there a happy ending in it for her too?

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