

*Katie slowly opens her eyes pain corsing through her body. The smell of smoke filling her nose. The car it....was on fire. Frantic Katie trys to move. She has to get out of the car before it blew up. Again Katie trys to move its no use the more she moves the more pain she feels as her body is pinned. It was no use..this was the end. Finally Katie blacks out again from the smoke.*

*2 small but stong hands reach into Katies car gently lifting her from the flames. Carrying her to the side of the road.* "Its ok...Its gonna be ok."

*Katie's eyes flutter and open just alittle to reveal a glowing figure looking down at her. Katie head is killing her, and her body corses with pain was she halucanating.* "M....Mom. Is...is that show."

*The glowing figure looks down at she smiling.* "Shhhh..." *The figure reaches for Katie cell and press the button for Jason..waiting for him to answer.*


*A soft angelic voice replys over the other line.* " Your friend is in trouble she needs you. Call an ambulince she is on RT 103 right outside town." *In the background a loud bang can be hurd as Katie's car explodes. The figure hangs up the phone and buts it down next to Katie. Smiling down at her once again she replys.* " Your friends are on there way. Its not your time." *Slowly the figure starts to walk down the road seeming to almost float.*

*The pain over takes Katie as she watches the figure go her eyes closing and falling into a dark sleep.*

*Wes finish up with the car he is working on and heads into his apartment starting to get ready for tonight. He puts on a nice dress shirt and a pare on black pants. He slips on his nice dress boots looking at himself in the mirror he smiles and heads to the messhall waiting for when Cindy was ready.*

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