

Cindy grins and leans into Wes. “I’d love to go out with you. As if you thought I’d say no.” She giggles. “Sounds like fun.

The next few days go by quickly, with nothing out of the ordinary happening. Jason stays on an even keel, though avoids most people at work, sticking close by to Katie in the evenings to help him regroup and stay focused. He stays on track with his eating and finally gains approval from Rick to not have to have daily checkups, and continues his daily workouts at TJY in his spare time. He steers clear of Wyatt for the most part, and doesn’t talk much to the others, still unsure of himself and his own feelings for everything that’s been happening.

By the next week, Jason’s fully recovered from his flashbacks. Behind the scenes, the rest of the staff has joined together to secretly get Jason’s guitar and make plans for an in-house party. Tuesday afternoon, a group gathers in the break room, waiting for Jason to come in for lunch and surprise him.

“Shhhh!” Susanne waves at the group that’s hiding the guitar, and she peeks around the corner. “He’s coming, he’s coming!”

Jason strolls down the hall, his eyes on the filing folder in his hand. His stomach growls and he pauses before the break room, but then decides he’ll eat in a while. He wants to finish this research first. He continues his route to his office, shutting the door behind him.

“The twerp!” Laura exclaims. “I told you that if we banked on him coming for lunch he wouldn’t. Now what?”

Susanne looks to Katie. “See if you can get him to come in here, will ya? Say something like….oh, I don’t know…. Just get him in here, then we can all yell ‘surprise’ or something when he shows up.”

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