

*Katie cant help but smile even bigger. As she watches Jason and everyone interact. Feeling Jason's eyes on her more than once, Katie offers small nods to let Jason know he is doing ok, and its gonna be ok. The smile never leaving Katie's face. Soon...soon Jason was going to be free and he wasent going to need Katie's protection anymore. At one time that though scaired her, but now it brang her joy. Katie new even if Jason dident need her to pull him out of the nightmares, he would still be there to be her friend. Watching Jason and everyone interact Katie suddonly feels like the odd person out looking in at everyone. Laughing, joking, telling storys of the past. She had been at TJY for a while now but yet dident hold as much knolage as everyone alse. Katie lets out a sigh. She was still content and it was good to see Jason open up to everyone. Smiling Katie walks over to Scott and hands him a napkin.* "Here ya go dig in." * Before long everyone has eaten there fill of cookies and other snacks and are now back to work. Katie sits at her desk typing up the little but she needed to finish. Once she is done she turns her computer off and heads for Wyatt's desk. Seeing he is not there Katie figures he is gone for the day. Katie heads back to Jason's office and lets him know they would leave when he was ready.*

*A bit more time pass and finally Jason and Katie are on there way back to the hotel. It was nice to see the sun still up when they leave. Summer was a good time. Once they are back Katie heads to the small kitchen and starts cooking up some steak, patato salad, and corn for dinner. As the sun is now starting to set Katie makes her way out onto the small balcony. The sky were differnt shades of red, purple, and orange. It was a grandsigh indeed. Katie sits down in one of the small chairs to relax as dinner cooks.*

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