

*As the ambulince arives they screech to a halt. 3 paramedics jump out rushing over to Katie. One rushes to check her vitles as the other yell directions. Before ya no it Katie has a neck brace on and they are gently moving her onto a strecher.* "Carfel it looks like something is messed up in her back." *Finally geting her on the strecher they load her into the ambulince.. One of the paramedics walk over to Jason.* "You can follow us on in. Once your there you can let them know what happend Son. Your friend is in pritty bad shape." *Turning the paramedic jumps back in and the ambulince speeds off twords the hospetal.*

*A few minutes seem like house finally geting to the hospetal. As the paramedics rush Katie inside Doc's and nurses sworm around her hooking her up to masheens and dressing her burns. They wheel her past a few swinging door. One of the doc step in front of Jason.* " You need to wait her son. Your friend is in good hands." *The doc disapeaes beyound the doors.*

*An hour or so later a doc apears again sweat pouring with a solum/sad look on his face.*

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