
Chapter 13

*Charlotte sits next to the tree with Bret and watches the fireworks. Turning her head she watches Bret for a moment. The colored light, light up both there faces. Bouncing back and forth. She thinks back for a moment on the day she first met him. How lucky she was and to think she would now be living in Nevada. Her relationship with him was differnt, neather say the words most people need to hear yet know there was something more to them there. Moving a little closer to Bret the fireworks light up her face once again.*

"Bret, thank you for being in that bar the day I met you."

*Charlotte gently leans aganst the tree next to Bret her finger intertwined with his.*

*Katie snuggles her head into Scott's arm as her own is across his chest. Watching the fireworks she feels content. The summer was almost over and so much had happend through out. There were times when Katie though life passed by so fast and dident slowly down. Like she own life was slipping away. But than at certin moments Katie couldent help but be thinks full that things did go fast. Because of the wonderus things that layed a head. Katie had started a new chapeter in her life and though it held some sad parts already Katie new here happy ending was waiting around he courner one of these days.*

*As the night draws on Jamie sits comfortanly at a table leaning on Con a bit watching the firewords. Her one arm in Con's lap and her other around the small sleeping form of Sarah who had curld up next to Jamie to watch the fireworks but was now passed out. Jamie glances down at Sarah for a moment and than back at Con smiling before she focuses on the fireworks once again ending the night perfectly.*

*Nate holds Laura close as they watching the fireworks. His one hand interlocked with hers and the other around her. At the short break Nate shifts a bit cocking his head as she studys Laura's face. Giving a small grin her rubs her back gently.*

"Well, Maggie has really taken a liking to you and I think thats wonderful. She's such a big part of my life like you are not too and its just makes it so much easyer that you both get along. It's nice to because now thats she is geting older, there are somethings I know that a big brother just cant help her with and with her being special its more of a delicit situation, not to mention I'm a guy and I dont know this girly stuff like how to put on makeup and stuff."

*Nate cant help but give a small laugh. He felt nervouse and this really wasent even a hard question to ask.*

"...anyways...I think its great she likes you and you like her so that leads me to my question. Its kind of silly really its not that big of a deal but, I guess to me it is alittle bit. Maggie and I are going camping in two week. And I hope its not wrong of me to ask but I wanted to know if you would like to come with us. You would get your own tent or you could shair Maggie's with her, but I just throught it would be nice if the three of us could go and spend time together. We always have a blast when we go, and its just a part of our life we would like to shair with you because you mean so much to us. So Laura Gribb's will you join Maggie and I on our camping trip?"

*Nate gives a small shake of his eyes though his eyes hold his searousness.*

"And I'm not ordering you on this one, I want you to come because you want too not because I said for you to. So weather the answer is yes or no, I'm happy because its what you want."

*Misty sits with Carson for a long while watching the firewords. Slowly her eyes beging to drift shut no matter how she tryed to keep them open. She was content and comfortable. The day had been long and filled with fun and it was now taking its toll. With in minutes Misty was fast asleep leaning on Carson.*


“Mm.” Con returns Jamie’s kiss and draws away, smiling before he pulls her close for a tight hug. “You can dive bomb me with water balloons any day, as long as you do it close range.”

Carson turns to kiss the top of Misty’s head as she leans on him, just remaining quiet as his response. He wasn’t used to getting out in groups like this, and found himself more pensive than interactive. But having Misty here helped, and he was quite content just to sit here for a while longer.

After a while though, Carson finally takes the initiative to rise, leading Misty to a nice shady spot to wait for sunset and fireworks.

Scott rubs Katie’s back as she gives him a hug, and nods. “Ice cream it is. But just for the record, you make a beautiful prune.” He grins and tucks her under the chin with a finger. “Come on.” Leading the way, he takes Katie away from the pool along with most of the others.

Though wet and still in swim suits, most opt to just let themselves dry off in the breeze.

The line at the table is formed once more, this time for the cold treat. Kids giggle and pick on each other as they run around, trying to remain energetic, while at the same time growing sleepy. For some, it was getting close to their bedtime, or even past it already.

Finding spots to sit down, the group gets a little quieter, thought chatter continues.

As the evening draws to a close and the sun sinks below the horizon, across the park, Dan sets up the fireworks, and the display begins.

Sitting at a table, Con wraps an arm around Jamie’s shoulders, pulling her close and giving her cheek a kiss. Running a hand through her hair, he gives a contented sigh, and just watches the fireworks.

A blanket covers a nice soft patch of earth, and Scott stretches out on his back, pulling Katie down close to him, offering his shoulder as a pillow for her. On a slight incline, it provides a perfect view for the bright display.

Bret leans back against the tree, toying with a blade of grass between his fingers of one hand, while is other hand was interlocked with Charlotte’s. This day had turned out quite differently than planned, but…then again, with no plans, it couldn’t have turned out much better. This had been fun. A loud boom makes him jump a little and he looks up to see the end of a bright firework.

Laura snuggles into Nate’s chest as they sit on the ground, tucking her hand into his. As the fireworks dance across the sky, a smile is pasted on her face. At a short intermission, she shifts her head to see Nate’s face, and speaks quietly. “I was supposed to remind you to talk to me about something important…what was it you wanted to say?”

In the short distance, the sound of giggles and a few splashes echoes within the confines of the swimming pool where only two remain. For one who had come miserable from a bad day, happiness had finally been gained, and the prompter was now satisfied as well.

Jason floats in the corner of he pool as Camryn sidles up to him for another kiss. He splashes her and she laughs, trying to dunk him, but he pulls her under first, only giving in to the kiss as soon as she bobs up, ignoring the water running down her face.

Ice Cream/Fire Works

The laughter joy and fun continues. Everyone having a great time. Than shairing in a tender moment of two people confessing there love it warms the heart. Something people wouldent want to miss.

*Katie gives a nod and smile to Jason. She was happy Jen had found the happyness she longed for and who better than with Mike. It was a perfect match. Turning to Scott Katie gives him a hug.*

"How about some ice cream? I'm starting to look like a prune."

*Misty slowly swims over to the ledge. She dident feel much like ice cream but being close to him she did. Climbing up and out of the pool she goes over next to him and sits down. Leaning her head on his shoulder. She was starting to feel a bit tired but she dident want to addmit it, this was one of those nights she dident want to end.*

"I had a really nice time. Thanks for decieding to come along with me Carson."

*Jamie gets out of the pool and wraps a towel around herself. Giving her head a small shake. Steping off the steps she gives Con an elbow.*

"I'm glad we ended up coming. This has been alot of fun. Even if I did dive bomb you with water balloons."

*Jamie wraps her arms around Con's neck and leans in for a long kiss. The ice cream could wait.*

More people exit the pool and make there way to the tables once again for ice cream and fireworks. That chatter growing, the kids laughing, everyone siting with someone and talking about something. Couple snuggled together, arms wrapped around eachother jokes, laughter though alittle calmer the fun continued.

A moment

Laura can’t contain her laughter as she watches everyone, staying clear in the shallower end of the pool. “Oh, Nate, you’re going to drown them!” she yells.

Kyle spits and sputters as he’s dragged under with Katie several times, unable to get away. “Not fair!”

Suddenly there’s movement under Katie’s feet and two hands at her sides to tickler her, forcing her to let go of Kyle.

Kyle is quick to slip away, turning to see what had happened. A figure comes up from the deep and emerges, proving to be Scott. A silly smile on his face, he squirts water through his teeth to spray the top of Katie’s head. “It’s not nice to hold people captive,” he chides.

“I, no, Jason! Cut it….Out! Oh!” Camryn disappears underwater, seemingly all on her own until she comes back up with Jason at her side. She splashes at him. “You big bully!”

“You’re the one who wanted me in here.”

“Well yes, but not to attack me!”

“Awww.” Jason gives her a pouting look. “Is Camryn feeling sorry for herself?”

Camryn smirks at him. “You dweeb.”

“Thank you.”

“Hey, Jase!”

He turns around and squints. “Huh?”

It’s Bret hollering at him. “Con says he can hold his breath longer than anybody else here.”

“Oh, is that so?” Jason swims to the deeper end, throwing Con a challenging look. “Didn’t we do this once before?”

“Yeah, but you cheated.”

“I did not.”

“Well let’s find out now,” Bret interrupts. “I’ll be the ref.”

Con and Jason get ready to sink on Bret’s command. As the seconds are counted down, both go under, sinking to the bottom of the pool.

That end of the water goes quiet, all eyes on the two dark figures at the bottom. Bret looks at his watch, glancing at them every so many seconds. A few bubbles come to the surface, but no movement is made.

Camryn dares to come a little closer, more intrigued than worried, but not knowing how long either men could stay underwater.

As Bret reaches two minutes, several more bubbles surface and one of the figures floats slowly to the top, finally breaking into the air. Jason gasps for breath and grimaces, knowing that Con had beat him.

Seeing Jason surface, Con grins and stays for several more seconds just for effect, but finally comes shooting up with a splash.

“You ARE a whale,” Kyle exclaims.

Con laughs, trying to catch his breath. “What does that make you?”

“A shrimp,” Phil quips.

“Hey!” Kyle goes to dunk him, but misses, ending up with his own mouthful of water.

Jen laughs from a short distance away where she’s in a swimsuit on a little inflatable raft. “Kyle, you’re not doing very well today, are you?”

Kyle smirks at his sister and throws a splash in her direction, but it doesn’t go quite far enough to hit her. Rolling his eyes, he heads to the edge of the pool to get out, heading for the diving board.

Carson sits on the sidelines, having taken his sneakers off, but even so was staying back from the water, just watching everyone else. The sun was setting and there was a nice breeze starting to blow. He keeps an eye on Misty, watching the others too, but ever watchful of her to make sure she was doing alright, whether she actually needed him to or not.

“Cannonball!” Kyle hurls himself off the side of the pool, curling up for the biggest effect and succeeding at making a nice tidal wave. Not realizing that Jen had floated closer though, it’s a big enough wave to make her raft bounce and for her to lose her balance.

With a little cry she slips into the water. Though able to tread with just her arms, she goes under for just a moment, coming up choking on a bit of water, but more startled than anything.

Before she can even call for help, Mike has already swum up next to her and put an arm around her. “Hey, you alright?”

Jen nods, catching her breath. “Yeah…I think so…” She puts an arm around his neck to hang on as he takes her toward her raft that was floating away.

Kyle sees what’s going on and immediately feels bad. “Sorry, Jen! You okay?”

“I’m fine, I’m fine,” she calls back. She hated it when her brother felt bad. She’d just as soon no one notice what had happened and just go back to what they were doing. Her face reddens just a little. She could stay afloat on her own, but otherwise she was pretty helpless.

As Mike brings her to the air-filled raft, he pauses a moment, both with their heads just above water. Jen is resting in his arms and he looks at her for several seconds. Both were hidden from view by the raft, the others in the pool unable to see them.

Jen’s eyes lower, her voice growing quiet. “Are you…going to put me back on my raft?”

Mike cocks his head. “Maybe I like you here.”

Jen can feel her face growing redder, her heart starting to race. She was around Mike all the time, but lately it seemed her mind had wandered to him more frequently, and seeing him had held new meaning for her than it used to.

Feeling a finger under her chin, she finally looks up, the water dripping down her face. She trembles a little, unsure about any of this, yet she would trust Mike with her life.

“Quit shaking,” he whispers.

In a single moment, everything seems to stop, and Jen’s focus on anything around her seems to stop. All she sees is Mike’s eyes…those eyes that lured her into their comfort and depth. Swallowing hard, she brings a timid hand to his face.

He brings her face closer to his until their foreheads are touching, his breath on her skin. His voice is soft and quiet. “Do you know how many times I’ve wanted to hold you in my arms? Or how many times I’ve chickened out of giving you that kiss I’ve wanted to?”

Jen looks down again, her lower lip starting to quiver. She was in no shape to have a relationship. Anyone who got her got a full-time job of taking care of her. “Don’t…please…”


“I could never…I mean…it’s…” Jen felt so good resting against Mike, feeling his warmth. Her pulse raced, her heart screamed at her for the love she so desperately had wanted. “I hold people back…I’m a burden to…”

“Hey.” Mike interrupts, his voice still quiet but stern. “Don’t you ever say that again. It’s never a burden when love is involved.”

Jen looks up again quickly, her eyes scared to meet his. Question flickers in her stare. Had she really heard that?

Mike can read her look and gives her a small smile. “Yeah…I guess it’s true. I’m in love with you, Jen…I can’t help it.”

Tears fill Jen’s eyes as his words hit her harder than she would have thought they would. Mike wasn’t playing around. They’d spent so much time together…she’d always been close to him just because of unique relationship they’d shared the last few years. Maybe she’d realized it was developing into more…but it still seemed a surprise.

Mike searches her face. Not allowing another chance to slip by, he moves in closer, his lips pressing against hers in a tender kiss.

No one would ever want to make fun…no one would ever tease. But the pool had become quiet as the raft had drifted far enough to reveal the intimate moment between the two, neither realizing they now had an audience.

Kyle is the first to catch sight of them, and waves some of the others quiet, drawing attention to his sister and Mike. He grins, but not because he found it funny – rather because he found it enjoyable to see his best friend and sister sharing something as special as this.

A tingle runs through Jen as she feels Mike’s kiss and for a moment, her eyes close as she melts in his arms. When he draws away, she opens her eyes again, unable to help the smile that slowly forms on her face. She liked it…she liked this sensation, and…she had feelings for him too. She couldn’t deny it…the feeling was there and her heart had never been more open to anyone else.

Seeing her smile of acceptance, Mike’s own smile spreads. “Can I finally call you my girlfriend?”

Jen puts her other arm around his neck to hug him, burying her face against his shoulder. “Yes…I’d like that.”

Kyle can’t keep himself quiet any longer. “Wooo!”

Mike and Jen look up quickly, both royally embarrassed to realize that their cover had floated away. But after a moment, neither can help but grin as several other people whoop and clap.

“You two…” Phil chuckles. “And how long as this been going on?”

Mike looks to Jen for a moment, then back to her brother. “The only time worth counting is the future, don’t you think?”

Jason floats near the other end of the pool, just watching the scene for several minutes. He glances around and finds Katie’s eyes, throwing her a wink. He knew she’d probably suspected that growing relationship as he had. It was good to see Mike and Jen happy…both had gone through some rough times. They deserved this.


Kyle turns around to see Tommy outside the pool looking through the chain link fence. “Yo, Tommy. Whassup?”

“Ice cream!” Tommmy holds up a melting ice cream cone. “Mom said to tell you to tell everyone else that there’s ice cream. And Dad said he was going to put off some fireworks.”

“Ice cream? Fireworks?” Kyle throws up his hands with a splash. “That is awesome!”

Tommy giggles at his older cousin. “Are you coming?”

“You bet!” Kyle swims to the edge of the pool. “Anyone wants ice cream,” he yells, “better hightail it before it melts!”

Pool Fun

*As Scott drags Katie to the pool she laughs more as she trys to pull the other way.*

"Scotty dont you even think about it..."

*There was no use in trying to struggle Scott wasent letting. Before Katie new it, as was we from head to toe still laughing."

*As Charlotte receves Bret's kiss she bring her arm up and about him starting to return it only to be intarupted by Con. Letting go of Bret she watches him get drug away. Following behind them she still smiles.*

"Bret I'll side with you and save you after Tank lets go. I may like to chanse things but I'm not stupid."

*As they get to the pool Charlotte takes off her socks and shoes and sticks her feet into the water.*

*Misty gives a nod to Jen and stands. Making her way slowly to the pool area. Taking off her top and throwing it over the fence shows she had her bathingsuit on underneath already. Keep her short on Misty heads to the waters edge and slowly feels the water with her foot.*

The fun continues and everyone has a good time doing there own thing. This group of people though grow with the hardships of life still new how to let go and just be a kid. There was a time for fun and a time to be grown up. This was the time for the fun to continues and thats just whatever one did.

*As Jamie see Con she has a slight feeling she new what he was going. Moving out of the way he proves her right. One he comes up she shakes her head at him and swims over to him wrapping her arms around his neck.*

"You know when there is a big title wave coming usaly someone is nice enough to warn the others."

*Jamie cant help but smile and gives a big kiss.*

*Katie turns as she hears the splash and cant help her own laughter and it continues as she watches Camryn, than Kyle get dunked. Watching everyone for a moment Katie relized how one sided this is. Without even thinking she jumps back into the pool. Very quietly she watchs Jason go after Kyle. Going under the water she makes her way twords Kyle coming up behind him. Linking her arms under his and around she holds him so he cant squerm away.*

"I got him J, fair game."

*Katie laughs as she continues to hold Kyle.*

*Jamie trys to dunk Con but it dosent work.*

"Dont I get like a handycap or something because you cheat from being so dang tall."

*Jamie cant help but laugh as she clings to Con's back.*

*Still holding Kyle Katie looks over at Jamie and grins.*

"I'd like you but, one I'm holding Kyle and two I think Con could lift us both up and once so I dont think it will work."

*Katie than looks to Scott and throws him a wink before focusing back on Kyle.*

*Nate joins in the fun going after whoever is closest to him. Grining at Katie. Going up behind her he takes her by the waist and holds her.

Katie lets out a little shreek but dosent let go of Kyle.*

"Nate you big dork put me down."

"Let go of Kyle."

"No way."

*Nate gos under the water draging Katie and Kyle with him before coming up again.*


"Not on your life."

*Nate goes under again and than back up.

Katie keeps her hold on poor Kyle as she laughs spiting out water.*

"Help, help, I'm falling and I cant get up!!"

*From the side of the pool Charlotte hears Katie and laughs. Looking around she spots a long styrafome noodle use to swim with in the pool. Moving alittle bit but still siting on the edge she grabs and bops Nate on the head with it lightly.

Nate werls around receving the bop to the head still holding Katie who is holdng Kyle he looks at Charlotte who is laughting.*

"Hey, what was that for?"

*Charlotte trys to look innocent and gives alittle shruge. Once Nate turns away again she bops him again, and again not being able to contain her laughter.*


Scott braces himself as he sees the bucket hovering over him, but nothing can stop him from getting drenched.

Spitting and sputtering, he sits up, cocking his head to look up at Katie. “You realize this means war.”

His eyes catch sight of Kyle running for the pool and he stands, grabbing Katie’s hand. “I hope you brought you swimsuit, because you’re getting in that pool whether you like it or not.”

With the chatter and laughter still going on around them, Scott sprints for the pool, not letting go of Katie’s hand.

“A dip sounds fabulous.” Con moves to sling his arm around Jamie’s shoulder, and follow the others who are headed to the pool. On the way though, he’s sidetracked by Bret and Charlotte.

“You HAD to get me, huh?” Bret sets his hands on his hips and lifts one eyebrow at Charlotte. Within second though, a grin seeps out. Reaching out, he pulls her close, looking her in the eye. “Well I just HAD to do this.” Tilting his head, he plants a kiss on her lips.

“Hey! None of that smoochy smoochy out here in public.” Con breaks up the kiss, putting Bret in a side headlock and starting to drag him away.

“Aw, Tank!” Bret struggles, but can’t help a laugh. “Let go before I belt ya.”

Con stops and cocks his head to see Bret’s face, not letting go. “You want to go up against me?”

Bret stops struggling for a moment. “On second thought…lead the way.”

Con grins and turns to holler at Charlotte. “Better hurry up. You’ll have to come to the pool if you want to see this man of yours again.” He continues to drag Bret, his other arm still slung around Jamie’s shoulder.

Bret staggers beside him. “Alright, you can stop now…Con…you can let go of me now…Conrad!”

Laura’s eyes widen and she resist Nate’s kiss as she feels the water soaking through her shirt. Pulling away, she gives him a smirk. “You big meanie.” She slaps his arm. “I was just ready to go get my swimsuit on. Couldn’t you have waited a couple more minutes?”

Jen smiles at Misty. It was almost like a treat to her, to have someone else who was willing to help her out and who didn’t mind. “I should be okay. I’ll just head over to the car and get my swimsuit, then I’ll meet back with everyone at the pool. Thanks, Misty.”

Not fifteen minutes later, it’s the adult’s turn in the pool. While the shallow end is still occupied by several children, most have gotten out already, and the deep end of the pool is now occupied by the loud group of adults…or at least they appeared to be adults.

“Whoa!” Kyle is already in the water and sees Con coming slowly toward the diving board. He waves his hands in the air. “No whales allowed!”

Con ignores him and steps to the end of the board. “Oh, come now…I’m just a little whale.”

Kyle laughs. “Alright…I suppose you’re okay. But if you overflow the pool, it’s your fault.”

Con gives a sly grin and positions himself as if he’s going to dive, and several move out of the way to give him room. But as soon as he’s airborne, he curls up into a ball. The splash is enormous, catching everyone who is near the diving board.

“Aw, Con!” Laura gives a cry as she’s caught by a wave.

He comes up, unable to help his smile and look of innocence. “What? What did I do?”

Jason leans back against the fence that surrounds the pool, having been convinced by Mike to at least come to join the chatter even if he wasn’t going to swim. He grins a little at Con’s antics, far enough away to feel only a bit of spray from the splash.

Camryn walks alongside the pool, stopping near Jason to throw her towel down, claiming a spot. “Hey handsome, you decided to be sociable afterall.”

Jason looks up from his seat and squints in the sunlight. “You talking to me?”

“Well I certainly wasn’t talking to Kyle – he’s got a big enough head the way it is.”

“I heard that!” Kyle calls from the pool.

Camryn laughs and shakes her head. Her brightly colored two-piece swimsuit made it obvious that she wasn’t here just to sit. Crossing her arms, she looks down at Jason, who was fully clothed in jeans and t-shirt, having only relented to taking off his shoes and socks. “You don’t look at all like you’re having enough fun.”

“Oh, I’m having plenty of fun,” he retorts.

Camryn shakes her head and moves to stride to the diving board. “Sure you are.” Making sure no one is in the way, she springs off the board for a smooth dive into the water, swimming a ways before coming up near the edge. “Oooh does that feel good.”

“On a day like today?” Phil laughs. “Yes, it does.”

Camryn holds onto the side of the pool, looking at Jason. “Come on…the water’s great.”

“I did not intend on swimming today.”

“What? Don’t know how?”

Jason rolls his eyes. “Of course I know how.”

“Well why don’t you show me?”

“I don’t want to strain my knee.”

“It’ll be good exercise. Why don’t you just come in?”

“Because I don’t want to.”


“I am not!”

Camryn throws him a smirk. “I think you are.”

“Do I look like I’m prepared to swim?” Jason holds out his arms. “I didn’t even bring trunks with me, so the answer is no. I got my feet wet, that’s as far as I go.”

Camryn pulls herself up out of the water with a splash, flicking some water in Jason’s direction. “You’re a real pain, you know that?”

“Takes one to know one.”

Camryn’s jaw drops as her hands go to her hips. “You’re cruising for a bruising, you know that?”

Jason finally gets to his feet, hobbling a little. He was tired, this whole day had been a disaster, and he just wasn’t in the mood for this. “I think it would be safer for me to go find a nice shady tree where there are no annoying girls around to pick on me.”

“Ooh, no you don’t.” Camryn grabs his arm. “Stay. I promise to behave myself.”

“That I’d like to see.”

Camryn huffs. “Someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, or what? I’ve been trying all evening to get you to enjoy yourself, but you’re downright cranky.”

Jason takes her by the shoulders and turns her back towards the pool. “How about you just enjoying your swim, hmm?” He gives her a light shove, intending to get her back in the water.

Camryn, however, turns at the last moment and grabs hold of Jason’s shirt. Falling backward, gravity takes over, and Jason is pulled right along with her.

The splash is huge as both plunge into the pool. Camryn comes up first, unable to hold in her laughter. After several moments, Jason finally emerges, able to stand up in the water where Camryn has to tread. His eyes narrow. “Do you realize that because of you, I’ll now be walking around in wet clothes the rest of the evening?”

Camryn stifles another giggle. “Sorry?”

Before she can react, Jason has grabbed her and dunked her under the water. She comes up shrieking and he just dunks her again, her efforts to take him down with her doing no good. Letting her up again, he finally releases her. “That’s not good enough punishment, but it’ll have to do.”

Camryn slaps the water with teasing frustration. “Will no one help me?!”

That’s all Kyle needs and before anyone can react, he’s underwater, grabbing Jason’s ankles out from under him. Jason goes under once more, coming up sputtering as he’d swallowed water that time. Though his knee hurt, it wasn’t as bad in the water with no weight to hold it back. Spinning around he sees Kyle as his new target.

Kyle’s eyes widen, realizing his mistake. “Whoopsies.” He gives Jason a cheesy grin. “Accident?”

“Accident my foot.” Jason lunges after him, though has to swim to keep up. Within minutes, others are involved in a dunking war, Phil seeming to be the only one on Jason’s side. Having trouble with being weighed down, Jason pulls off his tee and flings it onto the ledge before taking another aim at Kyle, this time succeeding and getting him under the water.

Camryn moves back away from the waves, a grin on her face as she watches Jason with the others. Her mission had been accomplished. He may not be wearing a smile yet, but at least he was having some fun.

The fun plays on

*Laughter and shreeking rings though the air and continues. Receving a few water balloons she cant help but laugh as she is now drenched. Going back to the bucket its empty of balloons but there is water in the bottom still. Looking back to where Scott laughing laying on the ground. Picking up the bucket Katie walks over to them.*

"You guys look hot, maybe you should chill out."

*Taking the bucket her dumps the water on both of them still laughing*

*Charlotte cant help but jog over to Bret after geting hit with a water balloon herself now a big wet stain on her pants. Charlotte smiles at Bret and shakes her head trying to look innocent to who threw the balloon.*

"Sorry you were being a smarty pants. I had to get you."

*As Nate is hit with the balloon that was aimed for Laura he just stands there for a moment as if stuned. As he turns around to face Laura a smile lights up his face. Grabing her and drawing her close her gives her a big kiss wrapping his arms around her and drawing her close so she got wet from him. Drawing away he smiles.*

"Oh, I got you wet sorry."

*Jamie cant help but laugh as she melts into Con's arms. They were both wet and Jamie had to addmit it felt good on the hot day.*

"Well seeing as we are both wet any how, how about we go for a dip?"

*Jamie smile at Con as she continues to laugh looking up at him deep into his eyes. Today was turning out to be a great day after all.*

*Misty smiles at Jen. She really did have a nice time chating with her and playing cards. It was nice to keep someone company and have company herself.*

"I think I could go for alittle cool off. Can I help you or should I get someone alse?"

*Misty looks up for a moment and smiles at she see Carson with everyone alse. It was nice to see him interacting with everyone and laughing. *


Scott lets out a yell as he’s hit with a water balloon. His eyes wide, it takes him a moment to realize what on earth just happened, only in time to receive another wet projectile that hits him in the chest. “Katie Pent!!!”

“Whoa, what the…” Con whirls around, his back soaked and catches sight of Jamie. “You little…” Humor dances in his eyes as he forgets about the frisbee game and starts to run in her direction.

“Eek!” Kyle jumps, his sandled feet getting wet and he looks around quickly, spotting Sarah. “Ohhh, Sarah…” He grins and leans down, his hands on his hips. “Katie’s is teaching you bad manners…”

Bret sees a balloon hurled in his direction and holds up the frisbee as a shield. The balloon hits hard and bursts, sending water to those around him, keeping him dry. Bret raises his eyebrows in surprise, then straightens, quite proud of himself for that idea. Too late, another balloon hits him, soaking the front of his shirt.

The war had started, the frisbee game was over.

Somehow, some of the guys manage to steal some balloons and start fighting back. Scott gets as hold on one and searches for Katie a moment, then finding her, let’s loose. The balloon hits her in the back of the head, bursting to soak her hair.

A balloon out of nowhere hits Jamie’s leg. Another smacks Camryn, only to be met with shriek as she goes to find her own and fight back.

Laura sees a balloon flying in her direction, but grabs Nate to pull in front of her, letting him receive the wet weapon instead as her laughter can’t be contained.

Jason’s eyes fly open as the yelling starts and he stares at the water war. A slight grin plays with the corner of his mouth. He tries to figure out who’s winning, but it’s hard.

Con continues to hunt Jamie down and finally catches up to her, spinning her around and pulling her into him. Landing a big kiss on her lips, he pulls back with a grin. “I love you too.” Before he can be stopped, his one hand retreats, then returns firmly to Jamie’s back with a splat, bursting a balloon to soak the back of her shirt. “But that doesn’t mean I won’t get even.”

After running, yelling and getting wetter, Kyle flops onto the ground, panting heavily and grass-stained from slipping and falling several times. He’s joined by Scott who has given up the fight, too tired to keep on with the war.

Kyle turns his head to look at him and grins. “Half the kids are out of the pool now…what do you think?”

“I think…..” Scott takes a moment. “….that is one find idea.”

Kyle jumps to his feet and starts to run. “Last one to the pool is a rotten egg!”

Watching from the table, Jen laughs and shakes her head. “That bunch is having way too much fun.” Seeing Kyle race for the pool, she grins. “Now I could go for a nice dip. How about you, Misty?”


*Charlotte gives a grin at Bret than looks at Con than back to Bret.*

"I know better than to try and go aganst this big guy."

*Jamie cant help but laugh at the sigh.*

"Oh you big baby, you dont need my pitty. If you were hurt you'd be screaming. I think the only thing hurt was your pride Mr. Macho."

*Katie catches the frisbee now and than and tossing it back. This was more fun than she thought it would be.*

*Nate lets out alittle shreek as he ducks the flying object Carson threw than looks back at him.*

"Hey, that could of poked someones eye out you know."

*As the game continues its easy to tell everyone was getting hot but no one wanting to stop. Katie scans the open area and quietly slips away heading back to the car grabing out the white bucket that was inside.

Jamie looks out twords the cars and see Katie. Giving a shout.*

"Guys I have to do something fast, I'll be back."

*As Jamie heads twords where Katie is she spots a few kids that arnt in the pool. Geting an idea she smiles and heads over to Tommy, Caleb and Sarah.*

"Hey you three want to have some fun with Katie and Me?"

*Jamie motions for them to follow as the head to where Katie is by the spicket.

As Katie hears them aproching she turns and look at Jamie and than smiles at the three following her.*

"Is this our calvery?"

*Jamie laughs.*

"I figure alittle help would be ok."

*Jamie smiles as Katie hands her a waterballoon.

Sarah check out the bucket and giggles with laughter.*


*Jamie laughs and brings a finger to her mouth.*

"Shhh....we have to saprise them. Everyone grab a balloon. and remember dont aim for the face ok?"

*Seeing all the little heads nod Jamie looks to Katie and nods.

Katie carrys the bucket to the edge where the frisbee game is going on. Happy everyone was wrapped up in the game they hardly notices. Katie gives a nod, each person grabing a balloon.*


*Katie throws her balloon and it hits Scott in the leg some of the water landing on someone alse.

Jamie throws her own and hits Con in the back the water going everywhere.

Little Sarah throws her and hits Kyle in the feet she cant help but let out a loud laughter.*


*Jamie and Katie roar as everyone starts to get wet. Each girl grabing another balloon.*


*Balloons sail through the air again landing on there designated target and some hiting poor by standers. Katie and Jamie bloth split off going there own way running and tossing more balloons than aiming for the buckets again. Laught, screams and shouting filling the air.*



Before anyone knows it, food is devoured and frisbee is underway. Much of the large group stays behind to eat more or talk, the kids running off again, while those with energy to spare and who aren’t too full to move, opt for the game.

Jen smiles at Misty, her eyes showing how much she really does appreciate the company. It wasn’t often that someone remembered her like that. The guys usually did, but she was used to getting lost in the shuffle.

Eyeing the cards, she nods. “I’d love to play.”

“I got it, I got it, I got it!” Kyle runs to the far side, reaching out to catch the frisbee, only to have it slide right through his hands.

Carson’s team cheers. “Way to go, Kyle!” Con yells. He throws a wave to Jamie, who is on the opposing team. “Sorry you picked the losing team, babe.”

“Watch it, Tank,” Bret threatens from Mike’s team. “The night is far from over.” He shields his eyes from the sun to find Charlotte. “Traitor!” he calls out. “You’ll be sorry!”

All the guys laugh while Kyle scrambles to retrieve the frisbee, letting Mike be the one to throw it back to the other side, only to slip through Mark’s fingers this time. Mike lets out a cheer. “Yeah! Now who’s laughing eh?!”

Con slings it back with force, this time it arches to the outside edge, aiming for Scott who tries to avoid the speeding projectile, but somehow manages to catch it, even though his eyes were closed.

“Yay, Scott!”


“Throw it back to ‘em! Let ‘em have it!”

Taking aim, Scott does just that, and lets the frisbee fly. It soars through the air, rising high on the breeze. Con, Phil and Carson start to back up at a fast pace, all eyes on the flying disc. Mike had thrown it hard, and it was going far.

Carson’s eyes are glued to it as he runs to the side. Con is quick on his feet, determined not to lose another point. Neither man watches where he’s going.

Despite Laura and Camryn’s shrieks, along with several shouts, Carson goes airborne to catch the frisbee. However, catching the disc has its drawback as he comes back down…straight into Con.

Carson hits Con with enough force to bring them both down. Arms and legs go flying, Con lands on his back, with an elbow from Carson knocking the wind out of him. Despite the soft landing, Carson lets out a groan as Con’s knee catches his gut and both men roll into a heap, panting from the run.

Laughter breaks out in a roar.

“Why didn’t I have my camera?” Camryn yells. She’s laughing so hard that tears form in her eyes.

“Ohhh man.” Carson sits up and shakes his head, dazed. “You ARE built like tank, man.”

Con blinks and gets to his feet a little unsteadily. “Sheesh, next time give me some warning – you got force.”

Realizing how ridiculous they both look, both start to laugh and brush themselves off.

Con raises his hands. “We’re okay!” he shouts. “No need to worry! I’m sure some of you were worried…” He scans the laughing faces. “Some of you…maybe…one or two…” He spots Jamie and points at her. “You certainly aren’t helping any! Some fiancé you are!”

“So throw the thing back,” Mike taunts. “Or can’t you do it now?”

Con quirks a defiant eyebrow and bows to Carson. “Give ‘em your best shot.”

Carson moves to the front line and stands straight, surveying the opposing team. “Fire in the hole!” Letting the disc fly, it’s hurled with speed, bouncing a little on the breeze, but heading at eye level like a torpedo to anyone standing in the way.

Jason sits back under a tree, watching the activity. He sees Katie laughing and having a good time…he sees Camryn interacting with everyone, her bouncy personality contagious. Everyone was having fun…and he wished he could interact. Sighing, he leans his head back on the tree and closes his eyes. A nap didn’t seem like such a bad idea.

Children’s screams and laughter can be heard amidst splashes, indicating the pool was indeed being used on this hot evening. The cool water beckoned many, adults and children alike.