

*Charlotte gives a grin at Bret than looks at Con than back to Bret.*

"I know better than to try and go aganst this big guy."

*Jamie cant help but laugh at the sigh.*

"Oh you big baby, you dont need my pitty. If you were hurt you'd be screaming. I think the only thing hurt was your pride Mr. Macho."

*Katie catches the frisbee now and than and tossing it back. This was more fun than she thought it would be.*

*Nate lets out alittle shreek as he ducks the flying object Carson threw than looks back at him.*

"Hey, that could of poked someones eye out you know."

*As the game continues its easy to tell everyone was getting hot but no one wanting to stop. Katie scans the open area and quietly slips away heading back to the car grabing out the white bucket that was inside.

Jamie looks out twords the cars and see Katie. Giving a shout.*

"Guys I have to do something fast, I'll be back."

*As Jamie heads twords where Katie is she spots a few kids that arnt in the pool. Geting an idea she smiles and heads over to Tommy, Caleb and Sarah.*

"Hey you three want to have some fun with Katie and Me?"

*Jamie motions for them to follow as the head to where Katie is by the spicket.

As Katie hears them aproching she turns and look at Jamie and than smiles at the three following her.*

"Is this our calvery?"

*Jamie laughs.*

"I figure alittle help would be ok."

*Jamie smiles as Katie hands her a waterballoon.

Sarah check out the bucket and giggles with laughter.*


*Jamie laughs and brings a finger to her mouth.*

"Shhh....we have to saprise them. Everyone grab a balloon. and remember dont aim for the face ok?"

*Seeing all the little heads nod Jamie looks to Katie and nods.

Katie carrys the bucket to the edge where the frisbee game is going on. Happy everyone was wrapped up in the game they hardly notices. Katie gives a nod, each person grabing a balloon.*


*Katie throws her balloon and it hits Scott in the leg some of the water landing on someone alse.

Jamie throws her own and hits Con in the back the water going everywhere.

Little Sarah throws her and hits Kyle in the feet she cant help but let out a loud laughter.*


*Jamie and Katie roar as everyone starts to get wet. Each girl grabing another balloon.*


*Balloons sail through the air again landing on there designated target and some hiting poor by standers. Katie and Jamie bloth split off going there own way running and tossing more balloons than aiming for the buckets again. Laught, screams and shouting filling the air.*


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