
Chapter 13

*Charlotte sits next to the tree with Bret and watches the fireworks. Turning her head she watches Bret for a moment. The colored light, light up both there faces. Bouncing back and forth. She thinks back for a moment on the day she first met him. How lucky she was and to think she would now be living in Nevada. Her relationship with him was differnt, neather say the words most people need to hear yet know there was something more to them there. Moving a little closer to Bret the fireworks light up her face once again.*

"Bret, thank you for being in that bar the day I met you."

*Charlotte gently leans aganst the tree next to Bret her finger intertwined with his.*

*Katie snuggles her head into Scott's arm as her own is across his chest. Watching the fireworks she feels content. The summer was almost over and so much had happend through out. There were times when Katie though life passed by so fast and dident slowly down. Like she own life was slipping away. But than at certin moments Katie couldent help but be thinks full that things did go fast. Because of the wonderus things that layed a head. Katie had started a new chapeter in her life and though it held some sad parts already Katie new here happy ending was waiting around he courner one of these days.*

*As the night draws on Jamie sits comfortanly at a table leaning on Con a bit watching the firewords. Her one arm in Con's lap and her other around the small sleeping form of Sarah who had curld up next to Jamie to watch the fireworks but was now passed out. Jamie glances down at Sarah for a moment and than back at Con smiling before she focuses on the fireworks once again ending the night perfectly.*

*Nate holds Laura close as they watching the fireworks. His one hand interlocked with hers and the other around her. At the short break Nate shifts a bit cocking his head as she studys Laura's face. Giving a small grin her rubs her back gently.*

"Well, Maggie has really taken a liking to you and I think thats wonderful. She's such a big part of my life like you are not too and its just makes it so much easyer that you both get along. It's nice to because now thats she is geting older, there are somethings I know that a big brother just cant help her with and with her being special its more of a delicit situation, not to mention I'm a guy and I dont know this girly stuff like how to put on makeup and stuff."

*Nate cant help but give a small laugh. He felt nervouse and this really wasent even a hard question to ask.*

"...anyways...I think its great she likes you and you like her so that leads me to my question. Its kind of silly really its not that big of a deal but, I guess to me it is alittle bit. Maggie and I are going camping in two week. And I hope its not wrong of me to ask but I wanted to know if you would like to come with us. You would get your own tent or you could shair Maggie's with her, but I just throught it would be nice if the three of us could go and spend time together. We always have a blast when we go, and its just a part of our life we would like to shair with you because you mean so much to us. So Laura Gribb's will you join Maggie and I on our camping trip?"

*Nate gives a small shake of his eyes though his eyes hold his searousness.*

"And I'm not ordering you on this one, I want you to come because you want too not because I said for you to. So weather the answer is yes or no, I'm happy because its what you want."

*Misty sits with Carson for a long while watching the firewords. Slowly her eyes beging to drift shut no matter how she tryed to keep them open. She was content and comfortable. The day had been long and filled with fun and it was now taking its toll. With in minutes Misty was fast asleep leaning on Carson.*

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