

Before anyone knows it, food is devoured and frisbee is underway. Much of the large group stays behind to eat more or talk, the kids running off again, while those with energy to spare and who aren’t too full to move, opt for the game.

Jen smiles at Misty, her eyes showing how much she really does appreciate the company. It wasn’t often that someone remembered her like that. The guys usually did, but she was used to getting lost in the shuffle.

Eyeing the cards, she nods. “I’d love to play.”

“I got it, I got it, I got it!” Kyle runs to the far side, reaching out to catch the frisbee, only to have it slide right through his hands.

Carson’s team cheers. “Way to go, Kyle!” Con yells. He throws a wave to Jamie, who is on the opposing team. “Sorry you picked the losing team, babe.”

“Watch it, Tank,” Bret threatens from Mike’s team. “The night is far from over.” He shields his eyes from the sun to find Charlotte. “Traitor!” he calls out. “You’ll be sorry!”

All the guys laugh while Kyle scrambles to retrieve the frisbee, letting Mike be the one to throw it back to the other side, only to slip through Mark’s fingers this time. Mike lets out a cheer. “Yeah! Now who’s laughing eh?!”

Con slings it back with force, this time it arches to the outside edge, aiming for Scott who tries to avoid the speeding projectile, but somehow manages to catch it, even though his eyes were closed.

“Yay, Scott!”


“Throw it back to ‘em! Let ‘em have it!”

Taking aim, Scott does just that, and lets the frisbee fly. It soars through the air, rising high on the breeze. Con, Phil and Carson start to back up at a fast pace, all eyes on the flying disc. Mike had thrown it hard, and it was going far.

Carson’s eyes are glued to it as he runs to the side. Con is quick on his feet, determined not to lose another point. Neither man watches where he’s going.

Despite Laura and Camryn’s shrieks, along with several shouts, Carson goes airborne to catch the frisbee. However, catching the disc has its drawback as he comes back down…straight into Con.

Carson hits Con with enough force to bring them both down. Arms and legs go flying, Con lands on his back, with an elbow from Carson knocking the wind out of him. Despite the soft landing, Carson lets out a groan as Con’s knee catches his gut and both men roll into a heap, panting from the run.

Laughter breaks out in a roar.

“Why didn’t I have my camera?” Camryn yells. She’s laughing so hard that tears form in her eyes.

“Ohhh man.” Carson sits up and shakes his head, dazed. “You ARE built like tank, man.”

Con blinks and gets to his feet a little unsteadily. “Sheesh, next time give me some warning – you got force.”

Realizing how ridiculous they both look, both start to laugh and brush themselves off.

Con raises his hands. “We’re okay!” he shouts. “No need to worry! I’m sure some of you were worried…” He scans the laughing faces. “Some of you…maybe…one or two…” He spots Jamie and points at her. “You certainly aren’t helping any! Some fiancĂ© you are!”

“So throw the thing back,” Mike taunts. “Or can’t you do it now?”

Con quirks a defiant eyebrow and bows to Carson. “Give ‘em your best shot.”

Carson moves to the front line and stands straight, surveying the opposing team. “Fire in the hole!” Letting the disc fly, it’s hurled with speed, bouncing a little on the breeze, but heading at eye level like a torpedo to anyone standing in the way.

Jason sits back under a tree, watching the activity. He sees Katie laughing and having a good time…he sees Camryn interacting with everyone, her bouncy personality contagious. Everyone was having fun…and he wished he could interact. Sighing, he leans his head back on the tree and closes his eyes. A nap didn’t seem like such a bad idea.

Children’s screams and laughter can be heard amidst splashes, indicating the pool was indeed being used on this hot evening. The cool water beckoned many, adults and children alike.

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