

*Katie throws the best smile she can muster at Reese.*

"I guess your right. I'll see ya tomarrow."

*Katie lets out a long sigh and turns leaving Reese office. Once back on the floor she spots Wyatt and smiles. Her ticket home.*

"Hey Wyatt. Since you ditched out on that ride to work the other day how about a ride home. My back is kind of buging me and I dont think I could handle a walk home at the moment."

*Katie trys her best to look happy though on the inside she wasent very. She missed Jason and was worryed no matter what anyone said. This was hard on everyone and even harder on her.*

"Ya I was gonna be on my way out. But I thougt I would stop and see ya before I went. Nothing is waiting for me at home but an empty house. So I guess I really wasent in much of a hurry."

*Misty gets a quirky little smile on her face as she draws into the room more. The unknown force felt before drawing her in again.*

"I guess it does have its advantages huh? However, you, me an empty room I smell danger as well. Remember the last time I was in here with you, I got stuck. Not that I minded."

*Spoting the file laying on Carson's cot she plops down next to him picking it up.*

"Whats this your looking at?"

*Jamie lays back on the bed still talking to Con.*

"Well I guess everything must be ok if nothing new has bene hurd of with Jason. I am sure Lockheart is gonna do all she can."

*Jamie sits up and opens the small fridge in the room looking for something to eat. Spoting an apple she pulls it out. Taking a bit out of it.*

"Ya it smells like rain. Dont think its gonna rain to much and I am hoping it stops by morning. Dont wanna try and find my way around not being able to see."

*Jamie lets out a small giggle. Jamie keeps up the small talk with Con for about another hour or two. Never geting tired of hearing his voice or running out a new things. Leting out a yawn Jamie relizes it was much later than she thought.*

"I hate to bring this to an end sweety but I better get some sleep so I am not to tired in the morning. I'll call you as soon as I get to the Ranch. IT should be around 11 or 12. If I am running late from the rain I will give ya a call and let you know so you dont worry. Sleep well Con. Love you. Bye."

*As Jamie hangs up the phone she heads into the bathroom and takes a quick shower and than hopes into bed. Pulling the picture of Con and herself from her purse she lays it on the dresser and smiles. Finally shuting the light off Jamie finally falls asleep.*


Reese looks up at Katie with sympathy, and shakes his head. “Nothing yet, Katie. But no news is good news. I’m sure he’s doing just fine. And you know, having the preliminary hearing bumped up was a surprise, but that just makes it all the more sooner that he’ll get to come home.”

He offers his young employee a smile, trying to reassure her without letting his own worry show.

Carson lets his eyes linger on the file he’s holding for several moments even after Misty has entered. He runs his finger down a list of names, then tosses the folder aside, sitting on his cot with his back up against the wall.

He gives a little scoff at Misty’s remark, and pulls his legs up to sit Indian style. “I’d just get myself in trouble and get thrown back in here anyway, so I might as well stay.”

He throws her a sidelong glance. “Besides, it’s quiet down here…not much traffic… That does have its advantages, you know.”

Carson looks at her bag. “Heading home?”

Con grins as he picks up the phone and hears Jamie’s voice. He moves around his kitchen, finishing up frying a hamburger for supper. “Glad to know you made it. I saw on the weather that there was rain that way…” He pauses, turning off the stove. “My day has been pretty boring. Took care of Ed – he’s happy. I’m home now. Saw Laura a bit ago… nothing special going on though. No news on Jason.”

Night fall

*As Lockheart makes her way back to the hotal her mind drifts. Her brother ment alot to him, and he was gone. The memorie of him still hurt but it was nice to remember. His voice still so clear in her head the last time she saw him. *

“No matter what happens embrace your dreams, and protect your honor.”

*Lockheart lived by those words now. With every case she had and did.*

"I wont give up Jason."

*As Lockheart pulls into the parking lot of the hotal her mind starts to form a story for Jason. Than it hits her. Geting out of her car quickly Lockheart makes her way inside as quick as she can before the store leaves his mind forever.*

*Katie makes her way from her desk over to Reese office. It was almost time to go and she just finished up a bunch of work for Reese. Knocking on Reese door Katie enters.*

"Reese heres that paper work you asked for and I finished all the rest too. I'm gonna be heading out now I just wanted to let ya know they were finished."

*Katie turns to leave and than stops turning back to Reese*

"You havent hurd anything about Jason yet have you?"

*As Misty finishs up with Rick she lets out a sigh. She was happy to have helped with something that had a greater meaning. Grabing her stuff she says her goodnight to Rick and head out of the room. Next stop was Carson to say goodnight and thank you again. Misty figured by now he would be in his cell. Making her way there she smiles at she enters. Not lookinf directly at him at first but around the room.*

"I dont know why you insist on sleeping in here Carson. There is an extra room down the hall you know with a nice bed and I am sure its more homly than this. you should take advantage of it."

*As the sky starts to get dark Jamie decieds it probley best to stop for the night it was also starting to rain and not really knowing her way around she dident want to get lost and somewhere she shouldent be. Finding a hotel in town Jamie pulls in and gets a room. Once up stairs she takes our her phone and dials Con's number. Waiting till he picks up.*

"Hey Hun, hows your afternoon been? Mines been ok. I picked you up a few things...yep I am at the hotel now. Just got here. What have ya been up too?"

To go or not to go

Rick crosses his arms, a smile spreading on his face. “Misty, I gotta hand it to you. I’m mighty impressed. This is a real breakthrough.”

Carson cocks his head, studying her. “You’re one smart chick, ya know that?”

Rick smirks at Carson’s wordage, but ignores it, keeping his focus on Misty. “Well, how about we get some of that made up and kept on hand in case we need it again? I sure hope we don’t, but I’d rather be safe than sorry, and since you were brave enough to be the guinea pig, we know it works.”

Carson watches the two interact for several minutes before realizing he’s not needed in the room. Slowly backing out, he ambles down the hall, boredom for the day settling in. Misty was better…he wasn’t needed for that anymore. She was busy…he was unoccupied at the moment.

Try as he might, he couldn’t get his mind to stop wandering back to his guilty conscience. That in itself was something he wasn’t used to experiencing, and it didn’t feel good. He thought of variables that might help ease his mind… maybe if he got details now and could prove to himself that taking on the little Agency job wouldn’t hurt anyone here, then he wouldn’t feel as badly.

Finding Jason’s office a convenient stopover once again, he slips inside, glancing around to make sure no one else is within earshot. Grabbing the phone, he dials quickly. “Martin?”

Carson, that you again?

“Had a couple questions.”

Thought you weren’t calling until next week.”

Carson assumes an authoritative tone. “What’s it to ya if I changed my mind?”

Nothing…nothing at all.”

“That’s what I figured. Now look, I want the names of those two lawyers and I wanna know the cases they’re involved in.”

Martin resists. “Why would you need to know that to take ‘em out?

“Just give me what I want, Martin, and don’t be stupid enough to ask questions.”

Alright, alright.” Martin pauses, finding information. “They’re Todd Myers and Linda Hawthorn. No cases too special, ‘cept they worked together to put away Jerry for good.”

“Ahh.” Carson knew the fellow assassin. So that’s why the Agency wanted the lawyers out of the way. “That’s all I wanted for now.” He ends the call before Martin can ask too many questions.

Turning to head back out of the office, his mind begins to work. It was time he got his feelers out…he would find out for sure if it was safe to take this job or not…

Jason furrows his brow a little, listening ot Lockheart. “I’m sorry about your brother. That’s rough.”

As she is escorted out, Jason stands, ready for the guard to take him back to his cell. Walking the corridor again, Jason can’t help his feeling of dread. He’d only been in this position three days…it could be months before a trial date…how would he stand being in here for that long?

Con flips the letter over to read the back again. He really did want to go…it was perfect timing… But how could he leave behind his duties here?


He jumps, startled to hear his sister’s voice so close. “Laura?”

Laura grins as she enters Con’s living room. “Sorry,” she apologizes. “But you didn’t hear me knocking.”

“Mm.” Con is tired of thinking about just what he’s been missing lately. It only made him feel worse to have instances pointed out to him.

“Just wanted to drop by and see how you were,” Laura comments. “I take it Jamie got off then?”

“Yep.” Con nods, leaning back in the couch. “She’s gonna stopover for the night, then get to the ranch tomorrow.”

“Good.” Laura cocks her head, seeing the letter. “Whatcha got?”

Con holds it up for her to see for herself.

Laura raises an eyebrow as she scans it. “Ahh…how come you didn’t tell me you’d heard from him sooner?”

“I forgot,” Con honestly admits.

Laura gives him a smirk, then settles into a chair to read the whole letter herself. When finished, she looks back up at her brother. “You want to go, don’t you.”

Con thinks for a moment, then shrugs. “I guess.”

“Well then why don’t you?”

“I’ve got to watch Jamie’s place, and besides, I know this is a bad time for you, and I didn’t want to leave you out.”

“I’m not the one who needs a vacation,” Laura reminds. She shakes her head. “You should go. I’ll take care of Jamie’s stuff for her.”

“Really?” Con starts to seriously consider his options. “But…”

Laura sighs. “Con…you need to get out of here. Get some fresh air. Of course I want to go along, but this is your time…I’ll go another time. You need this, and things will be find back here.”


“Go,” Laura orders. “Or I’ll call them myself and have them officially invite you so you can’t say no.”

Con can’t help a dry chuckle. “You drive a tough bargain.”

“I learned from the best.” Laura grins at her brother, then becomes more sober. “I mean it, Con…you could use this. Just go and enjoy yourself.”

She stands up and hands the letter back to him. “I’m gonna go home. If you decide to go, let me know.”

Con watches his sister leave, still undecided. But it was awfully tempting…

A little story

*Misty takes the vial off the counter and holds up the black tar like liqued. Studing it for a moment than puting it back down on the counter. Fliping a through a bunch more pages she comes to a bag that says anidote wiht a bunch of mesurements, and diagrams.*

"This baby there in the vial is called Cyanide antidote kit. It consists of .05 ml of Crotalidae Polyvalent for the pitviper venom, .03 ml of Latrodectus mactans for the black widow venom, and than it all so has, 0.3 mL amyl nitrite ampules, 10 ml sodium nitrite, and 50 ml sodium thiosulfate. Whiped that stuff up together and there we go. We have what saved my life. It wasent to hard to figure out what should be mixed and how much. It was actully alot of fun."

*Misty once again falls silent looking between Rick and Carson waiting for there reactins. Misty felt kind of proud of herself for actully figuring something like this out. It put her mind to the challange and over came it and it felt pritty dran good. This could save so many people's lifes.*

*Lockheart moves her eyes from Jason looking down at her papers.*

"Its because of you Jason she is happy, its cuz of being able to feel you she has meaning in her life. Jason you mean more to that girl than you will ever know."

*Lockheart closes her brefcase and stands. Making her way around the table she lays a hand on Jason's shoulder.*

"Your strong Jason. You have been through worse than this I know you will be ok. Just dont give up. I'll tell you the story of another person I new like yourself who was strong and full of curage. His story dident end as happy as your did Jason but he never gave up."

*Lockheart collects her thoughts as she replys her memories. Her brother face so fresh in her mind still.*

"My brother Angeal he was a good guy always trying to help people in need. He's never hurt a fly. He's tryed to help someone one day and crossed the wrong people."

*Lockheart moves over to the bared window across the room and looks out.*

"They set my brother up for murder. They lawyer he had was in on it and dident even try to defend Angeal. They just let him rot. Angeal's trial came and went and was sentinced to death. It cuz of my brother I became the best lawyer I could. So people like him, like you could have a chanse. Thats why no matter who this case looks I wont give up and I wont let you down Jason."

*Lockheart picks up her brefcase and heads for the door and turning back to Jason smiling.*

"I know you will make it through the night Jason. So I WILL see you tomarrow. Dont close your heart off Jason. Dont forget the love, Dont push Katie away and say love it not for you. Dont become me. I looks happy but have been hurt and closed myself off. I'm happy but not always. You have a chanse to love, and when you get out to live. Dont let it slip away."

*Lockheart calls to the guard for the door to be open and makes her exit.*

*As Jamie drives through towns and citys she is amazed by everything she see. Making short stops here and there to strech her legs she does some shopping as well. Even finding some stuff for Con she pick it up. Grabing a small bit to eat than is on her way again. Jamie cant help but keep looking behind her as she drives. This was her first time out of the small town in Navada. Deciedning she would drive for a few more hours than call Con Jamie puts on some music and keeps on driving facing any challange head on.*

That's it

Amusement shows on Carson’s face at the mention of Misty’s other ‘endeavors,’ and he winks at her.

Rick rolls his eyes. “How about we keep those endeavors to a minimum, at least during working hours, shall we?” He gestures to Misty. “Keep going.”

Listening intently, he starts shaking his head with the new information. He snaps his fingers as she lists off the ingredients in the strange poison mixture. “Venom – that’s it! I knew there was the lead and nerve agents, but I couldn’t decipher the venom. I didn’t even think about that. I kept trying for plants or chemicals.”

Carson seems to draw a connection in his mind. “Ah. The science lab. Yeah, I remember wondering one time why I’d seen snakes in there. I figured they were studying them for some reason, not using them.”

Rick nods, now pondering what kind of antidote Misty had obviously discovered. He’s so intent that he doesn’t even think about the fact that he hadn’t realized Misty’s range of knowledge. “So what was it that you had Carson inject in you yesterday? I’m guessing you came up with your own formula to combat those individual agents.”

Jason’s eyes flicker as Lockheart accuses him of lying. “Maybe I changed my mind,” he shoots back. “Things would be a whole lot easier on Katie if she couldn’t feel me at all.”

Lowering his eyes again, he listens to what his lawyer has to say, afraid to trust…afraid to hope…but grasping for her reassurance.

His eyes still aimed downward, he sees the paper and photo as they’re pushed towards him on the table. After a moment, he finally reaches out to take the picture in his hands, just studying it…remembering…longing for the simplicity of that moment.

He scans the words that Katie had written…the words that reflected her very heart. Swallowing hard, emotions builds behind his eyes. Resting his elbows on the table, he folds his hands to support his forehead as he closes his eyes. “Oh, Katie.”

Finally he looks back up at Lockheart, switching gears again. “Alright. Bring me your story tomorrow.” He folds up the paper and puts it and the photo in his shirt pocket. “If I make it through the night, we’ll talk more.”

Dont give up

*Misty gets a slight grin on her face at Carson’s comment not being about to help her sarcastic yet playful tone.*

“No really? I was going to run out and tell EVERYONE.”

*Misty shakes her head and hops off the counter walking back to her desk and pulls out her bags revealing her notebook and folders.*

“Its funny, I’ve been here for a while now, and I have been doing many reports but no one even asked me what I was really doing.”

*Misty opens up her note book and her folder revealing many formulas, components, strings of DNA, the breakdown process of different cells and poisons. A long list of antidotes and what they entail.*

“Since the day I got here and I saw you working with the blood Rick I was intrigued. I have always like breaking things down, seeing what they consist of. My brain does the work on what it is, and starts the long process of correcting it. In-between my other indevers….”

*Misty looks at Carson and gives a grin before looking back at Rick and her papers.*

“..this is what I have been working on. I finally figured out what the poison consisted of.”

*Misty turns some pages in her book to reveal the poison and the break down process taken to figure out what it was.*

“ Its was not just one poison, but many different together and that’s what made it so deadly. The containts of the poison were Heparin witch causes profound drop in blood pressure explains the dizziness is causes. Pit viper venom witch causes blurry vison, paralysis, and death. Black widow venom witch causes high tempatures, slipping into the state of no response aka a coma, hallucinating and death. That explains what happened to Jason. There is also forms of Led and Nerve agents such as sarin, soman, and tabun in it as well and that explains the cold like symptoms, fever, tormented dreams, shaking, and restlessness. Which explains what happened as well to Jason, Con and myself.”

*Misty draws in a deep breath as she relized she just said all that hardly breathing at all. Misty looks around at Rick than Carson giving them time to ask questions if they need to and hoping she dident lost them somewhere along the way to much.*

*Lockheart continuse to study Jason carfely. She was a lawyer and she could tell when people lied, not to mention Katie can come to see her at her hotal before she left.*

"Jason I know it was more than you running into a door. Katie came to see me before I came here. I dont think she would of been upset nearly as much as she was if has simply been a door you ran into. Where did the guy go that said he dident like to lie?"

*Lockheart lets out a sigh and figures she should just dig in while she can.*

"Jason you palimanry had been moved day after tomarrow and than the court day will be set up after that. Its sooner than exspected but that just means I need to work my tail off more. I have a story started and will have it done tonight than than tomarrow we can go over it together, work out the wrinkles. This is gonna be all over soon Jason and your gonna be able to go home. I know it dosent look that way but you will."

*Lockheart take look to the dull look in Jason's eyes. He couldent give up hope. She would never win if he let his spirits to low.*

"Dont give up yet Jason, I need you to stay strong and stick with me on this one."

*Lockheart looks down in her brefcase finger the peace of paper and picture Katie had given her earlyer that day. Taking it out she pushs it twords Jason.*

"Katie asked me to give this to you. Stay strong for her Jason, dont give up for her. Your not alone in this."

*The picture is one taken of Katie and Jason while there we are Mikes house for the picnic. Katie had forgoten Mike had taken it till Jen gave it to her while she was visiting with her. It showed Jason and Katie with there heads together smiling arms wraped around one another. On the small peace of paper was writen.*

"You were taken away to a dark place,
There is no more smile on your face,
And I can only hope your ok.
At the end of each day I will stop and think,
And say for you a prayer.
They can take away your freedom,
They can take away you rights,
But they can’t take away your memories you think about each night.
The memories that will help you stay strong,
The memories that will help you carry on.
And know I’ll be waiting for you my dear friend,
Until the day I see you again."


Rick eyes Misty with slight amusement. "Well, you certainly did a good job on yourself last night. I'm mighty curious about that."

"Me too." Carson reenters the room, his thumbs hooked in his pockets.

Rick looks at him, studying him for just a moment to ensure really nothing had gone askew the night before. There was an honest look on Carson's face this morning...it satisfied Rick.

Carson leans his back on the counter and looks to Misty. "If you've found an antidote, we better keep it under wraps - that's something the Agency would be mighty fond of finding."

Con returns Jamie's hug and kiss, not wanting to let her go, but he knows he must. He follows her out and stands on the porch, giving a wave as she drives off. Instead of turning back inside, he simply stands for a long while, watching the empty road.

Finally he sighs deeply and goes back inside to check on everything before he went back to his own place for the day. Gathering up his bag, he spies the letter that had been on his mind. Maybe if he could just get away...somewhere away from here...just to think...clear his mind... He wanted a change of scenery...he wanted to stop being angry with himself and scared of his own actions... And there was just one place he had any faith in at all to help. But what about looking out for Jamie's house...her snake...her mail... He couldn't leave - he had taken on that responsibility for her.

Jason lowers his eyes to the table and fidgets with the cuffs on his hands. "I hope you're right, Lockheart. I gotta tell you, I'm not banking on it, but I'm still willing to stick to a story."

As Lockheart asks what happened, Jason's mind reverts to the events of that morning...the words that were said...the implications.

He looks back up at her, staring her in the eye, a dullness slowly, slowly starting to replace the spark that had been there. He had only been in the system three days, but already it was sucking the life out of him. "I ran into the bus door," he states evenly.


*Misty smiles now shower and dressed she felt like a human being. Walking back over to the bed Misty hopes up on the edge.*

"Morning. I'm not a doctor yet just an assistent. So I guess you would be right to call me patient, And I am doinh ok. I feel like I have been hit by a truck a few times over though. My body still feels week but I guess that is to be exspected. It will wair away in time."

*So many thought ran through Misty's mind. There was so much she wanted to tell Rick. So much she needed to explain and she wasent even sure where to start. Misty sits trying to collect her thought at she stairs at nothing inpaticulare.*

*Jamie smiles back at Con.*

"I'll try not to work to hard and how could I ever forget to call you."

*Jamie stands as her an Con exit. The ride home is quiet as Jamie thinks about her trip. Everyonce and a while just watching Con as he drived. Finally geting home Jamie heads inside with Con to do some last minute stuff around the house. Her pulse started to race as the time to leave drew closes. She wouldent addmit it but she was so scaired. Glancing at the clock Jamie lets out a sigh it s 2pm and time to go. Jamie throws her arms around Con giving him a big hug and a long kiss. Drawing away Jamie looks deep into Con's eyes looking for her own reasureance, along with showing him some.*

"I'll be back in no time. Make sure you feed Ed for me, and get the mail, and...."

*Jamie laughs at herself as she relizes how redickulace she sounded.*

"Why am I telling you all this you already know. I guess I am just trying to stall."

*Jamie brings her hand to Con's face for a moment.*

"I love you Con. I'll call in a few hours to let you know how the drive is going. See ya again in no time."

*Jamie walks off the pourch and to her car geting in and starting it up. As she pulls out of the driveway Jamie sticks her arm out the window and waves at Con starting her long trip to Texas to fofill her commetment.*

*Lockheart eyes Jason. There was something differnt about him. Prison could change any man into someone completely differnt and it was doing just that to Jason.*

"They may not think they are going to let me win Jason. But I, we will. I'm geting you out of here if its the last time I do."

*Lockheart lets out a long sigh.*

"What happend to your eye Jason?"

You realize...

Heading slowly down the hall, Carson goes to the holding room for his bag and a clean change of clothes, then hits the shower. Finishing up, he finds himself looking in the mirror. Who was that man anymore? He hadn't been lying when he'd stated that Misty had him so that he didn't even know which way was up anymore. Who was he? Was he the hired hitman? The torturer? The con artist? Was he the good guy? The changed guy? Did he even really know what that entailed?

Shaking his head, he exits the bathroom. This whole thing was just way too complicated. At least when he was with the Agency, he'd known where he'd stood...until he'd seen Jamie...

Rick makes his way into the infirmary and lifts his eyebrows, seeing Misty up. "Well good morning." A smile spreads. "Hows the patient? Or should I say, the doctor/patient?"

Con cocks his head as Jamie catches his gaze. "I find it hard to accept thanks when I've had just as good a time today." His eyes show a spark...not prominent, but it was there if one looked closely...and it was a spark that had been missing for a long time.

"I guess while you're gone I better start thinking about what on earth I'm gonna do now... my paid leave from TJY is about up..." He gives a little sigh. "Don't work to hard while you're gone, eh? Enjoy the ranch and the company." He throws her a wink. "And don't forget to call."

The waiter comes to pick up the tab, distracting Con to look at his watch. "I guess we better get back to your place if you're gonna leave at a decent time."

Jason is brought roughly down the long hall towards the private room. He's been dressed in jeans and blue prison shirt, and his hands are cuffed in front of him. Shoved through the door, he glares at the guard, who simply nods to Lockheart. "Holler when you're ready to leave."

Irritated, Jason walks to the chair and sinks down into it, his jaw tightened with a new anger. His right eye displays a new bruise.

Copping an attitude, he quirks one eyebrow at the lawyer. "You realize this is only the beginning. They're never going to let you win this thing."


*Misty offers Carson a smile.*

"Well thank you for watching over me Carson. It means alot to know you cared."

*Misty pulls her blankets back and swings her legs over the edge of the bed streching.*

"I probley should do that same. At least make myself look presentable. I'm sure I have alot of explaining to do to you and Rick about what I have been working on, and what aprears to be the cure. I'll be seeing you soon than. "

*Misty slowly stands and goes to the drinking fountain to grab a drink than slowly makes her way to her bag. Her bare feet soflty scuffing across the floor. As Misty dug through her bag for a few things she stops for a moment and thinks. Carson had spent the night watching over her, making sure she was ok. He's helped give her a shoot and cool her down from her high feaver. Maybe Carson had found his place after all..*

*Jamie gives Con a squeeze and sits up.*

"Well I think I am gonna get up take a shower, pack the car and than I think I want to go out and do something with you. I'm not sure but I want it to end with having lunch. Your going to feel smothered I tell ya before I go. But I think you can deal with it. I need to make up for all the time I am gonna be without you. Than I guess I will be on my way."

*As the day pass Jamie and Con spend much time together, going to the tiny fair at the part, looking around in differnt stores. Jamie and Con even find themself in a small photo booth geting there picture taken. One photo strip for each of them. Finally the hours pass all to fast and its time for lunch. Jamie and Con find themself in someplace differnt for lunch. Jamie had already said he goodbyes to her family and dident want to have to feel the tears again. So insted they find themselfs in a differnt small cafe right around the courner from Jamie's apt.*

"I've had a great morning and afternoon with you Con like always. Thank you for making the day special for me."

*Jamie watches Con from across the table, her eyes meeting his. Every moment spent with Con was pressuse to Jamie. Even the simplist of things mattered and braught a smile to her face.*

*As Lockheart shut her hotal room door and opens the letter her eyes become wide. How could the Judge move the date up even more. Lockheart dident even again understand who this was possable. There was no time to wait She could work on her statment/speach tonight than run is by Jason in a few days. Right now she needed to see Jason and go over what he would plee in court. Than she needed to call Reese and let him know what was going on as well. Shuting her laptop Lockheart grabs her brefcase and starts her long drive to the state prison.

After parking the car Lockheart makes her way to the front gate flasking the guard her papers shower her who she was she heads inside. Geting to the front desk she askes about Jason and is escorted to a room and told to wait here while they went and fetches him. Siting down at the table Lockheart pops open her brefcase and goes through some papers waiting for Jason to arrive.*


Misty’s rebellious words cause Carson to grin. “You like bucking the rules, don’t you, ya spitfire?”

Drawn back into a kiss, he leaves Misty in control, allowing her to drive the exchange. Taken into a hug though, evokes a strange feeling. It wasn’t an embrace of passion, but rather one of care…comfort…trust. It was different…

Finally pulling back, Carson sits up and just looks at Misty for several moments, using the silence to concentrate on what was showing through her eyes. She trusted him. Though hardly having known him for long at all, she also cared for him. It still confused Carson to a certain degree. It was nice…he couldn’t deny that fact. But it brought on things within himself that he didn’t want to deal with…questions without answers…locked emotions…

His mind diverts to the deal he’d made the day before. He knew that it went against everything Misty thought he was…what he was changing into. Could he really go through with it, when someone like her had put so much trust into him?

Forcing a wry grin, he gives her shoulder a squeeze. “Now that I don’t have to watch you like a hawk, I’m gonna get myself ready for the day. I’m sure Rick will be here soon to take care of ya.”

Con chuckles and sets his own coffee cup down. Shifting Jamie around, he pulls her up so she’s sitting sideways on his lap and he can wrap his arms around her planting a kiss on her forehead. “It’ll only be for a week or two. I have confidence that you can survive without the likes of me for that long.”

He tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear. “But this morning I’m all yours.”

Judge Barker doesn’t appear to react much to Lockheart’s bold statement, though tension rises in his eyes. Seeing her leave, he finally lets out a sigh, rubbing a weary hand over his face. He reaches for the phone, jumping slightly as it rings. “Yes? …Not great…no trouble…I don’t think…” He pauses, listening. “You did what?! But we can’t… you said I wouldn’t get into trouble! Well if you do this then….look, I’ve already stuck my neck out far enough. If I push this back any more, it’s gonna look like….” He stops, gritting his teeth. “Fine. Send it to me and I’ll sign it. But this goes no further, do you understand? From here on out, its legit.”

A knock comes to Lockheart’s hotel door, and a maid is standing, smiling. “Sorry to bother you, Miss, but this just came for you and they said it was urgent.” She hands Lockheart a sealed letter, then turns to leave.

The envelope contains a folded paper, a copy of a faxed document, signed by Judge Barker. The date of the preliminary hearing, stated only hours before, had suddenly and been changed to the day after tomorrow…an action unheard of.


*Misty's grin incress as she brings her arms up around Carson's neck pulling him closer to her. Having no problem kissing her back. For a long moment Misty lingers her lips pressed to Carson's enjoying the moment and the touch of is skin to her face. His hands were rough but gental. Something Misty now longed for and loved to feel. After kiss just a while longer Misty pulls her head back deeper into the pillow looking Carson in the eyes. So much emotion his he blue eyes she never tired of geting lost. The grin plays at the couner of her mouth as her eyes dance.*

"I am feeling better. I couldent die and let ou off the hook that easy. So it looks like your stuck with me. As for geting in trouble for being close to my Prince, I'd be willing to gte yelled at 100 more times if that ment I could tast your lips again."

*Misty reaches her head up to Carson again meeting his lips to once again give him a kiss. Removing her lips from his once again she brings her arms around his back and draws him close her lips brushing his cheek as she gives him a tight hug. It was he who saved her life weather he though so or not. If he hadent had trusted her and done what she asked, she might not be alive at this moment. He hadent let her down and Misty new and hoped he never would.*

*As Jamie sits wraped in Con's arm she lets out a content sigh. Yet the thought of leaving made her a bit sad.*

"Probley after lunch around two or three. I figured than I could get a chunk of driving in, stop at a hotel for the night than arrive in texas around lunch time again. I would drive straght though but I never drove that far before and I have hurd tell of Highway hipnosis. I dont need to be geting in any accidents. I found on the computer a nice hotal to stay in so I wont be in some peace of crap place. And I will call to let you know I am ok and what not."

*Jamie takes another sip of her coffee than sets in on the table. Draping her one arm around Con's chest Jamie nuzzles her head into Con's shoulder so her forhead is on his neck.*

"I sure am going to miss you Con."

*Lockheart takes a seat in one of the chairs across from the desk. Saprised by the new information that was being throw at her. Everything was moving alot faster than Lockheart had exspected. She wasent even sure she understood how.*

"No Judge I was not informed of Mr. Stevenson's move or about his preliminary hearing. This is all new information to me and I have to addmit I am not happy one bit Judge Barker. But I guess I will have to deal with it the best I can and not wast time. There is much yet that needs to be done."

*Lockheart stands gathering her items. Before heading to the door Lockheart searches the Judges eyes on more time.*

"I dont know what side your on Judge Barker. If you good or bad, but somewhere you know that boy is innocent. The evadence and statments they have are proof and most of the stuff being spouted is lies. My leaving comment to you befor I see you again is this. When you become a Judge remember the othe you swore, remember the talk of honor to always protect the innocent and to put those who were bad behind bars. When you stand up there on court day, and look down at everyone, Mr. Stevenson, his friends, his family, those that love him can you look them all in the eyes and tell them there son, friend, soulmate is going to die. Can you really live with yourself, go home and kiss your family knowing you killed an innocent man. If you can than your no better than those who should be sent to death row. You infact yourself are a murder, and I pitty your family for loving such a monster."

*Lockheart holds her head high making her way out of the Judges office and down the hall. The meeting dident go as planed but Lockheart felt confadent non the less. Things were moving fast but that only ment it would be sooner that Katie got to see Jason again.*


Carson gives a casual shrug. “I was on duty all night, we’ll just leave it at that.”

He develops a sly grin at Misty’s comment, his one eye narrowing slightly. “You must not be feeling too poorly.” He searches her eyes for several moments, letting her suggestion hang in the air.

Finally he moves to place a hand on each side of her so he’s looking down on her face. “Sick people shouldn’t be thinking about such things, ya know…” He pauses, stretching out the moment to intentionally create suspense.

Drawing back, he sits up straight, shifting his focus to the door. “And if Rick caught us, he’d have my hide.”

He pauses again. “But then…” His gaze swings back to Misty, the mischief sparking in his eyes. “I think it might be worth the fallout.”

Carson resumes his position leaning over her, a grin playing at his mouth as he looks down into her eyes. “I take that back. I know it would be worth the fallout.”

Bending lower, Carson’s lips envelop Misty’s in a strong kiss, a rough hand finding the side of her face where his thumb runs along her cheek and jawline.

Con looks up as Jamie brings him a cup of coffee, and offers a sleepy grin. “Thanks.”

Taking a sip, he cocks his head to look at her. He’d grown so used to Jamie’s touch. He swings his own arm around her and leans back into the couch, bringing her with him so she’s tucked up beside him. “I know you’ll be back…if I didn’t, do you think I’d be letting you go?”

He thinks for several moments, taking another sip of coffee. “What time are you leaving?”

Judge Barker rises from his seat, and returns the handshake firmly. “Pleasure, Miss Lockheart. Please, sit down.” He gestures to an extra chair, and sits back down himself.

His eyebrows raise slightly. “I’m sorry you were not informed of Mr. Stevenson’s move. I was told you had been notified.” He sifts through some papers on his desk. “The reason I approved his move was because the county jail is not fully equipped to handle prisoners of this caliber. A new policy has been approved and put into action, giving the Nevada count jails relief by sending their heavier case arrestees to the prison for holding at least until they appear in court.”

The judge leans back in his chair, finding Lockheart’s eyes, unafraid of them. “As you know, due to the overload of cases in the system right now, court appearances have been stacked up and delayed. However, as such, I have also approved several other proposals that will allow for quicker and smoother hearings. I myself was informed by the state department that I would be holding Mr. Stevenson’s preliminary hearing a week from tomorrow, when a trial date will be established. I’m assuming you had been notified of this.”