
Night fall

*As Lockheart makes her way back to the hotal her mind drifts. Her brother ment alot to him, and he was gone. The memorie of him still hurt but it was nice to remember. His voice still so clear in her head the last time she saw him. *

“No matter what happens embrace your dreams, and protect your honor.”

*Lockheart lived by those words now. With every case she had and did.*

"I wont give up Jason."

*As Lockheart pulls into the parking lot of the hotal her mind starts to form a story for Jason. Than it hits her. Geting out of her car quickly Lockheart makes her way inside as quick as she can before the store leaves his mind forever.*

*Katie makes her way from her desk over to Reese office. It was almost time to go and she just finished up a bunch of work for Reese. Knocking on Reese door Katie enters.*

"Reese heres that paper work you asked for and I finished all the rest too. I'm gonna be heading out now I just wanted to let ya know they were finished."

*Katie turns to leave and than stops turning back to Reese*

"You havent hurd anything about Jason yet have you?"

*As Misty finishs up with Rick she lets out a sigh. She was happy to have helped with something that had a greater meaning. Grabing her stuff she says her goodnight to Rick and head out of the room. Next stop was Carson to say goodnight and thank you again. Misty figured by now he would be in his cell. Making her way there she smiles at she enters. Not lookinf directly at him at first but around the room.*

"I dont know why you insist on sleeping in here Carson. There is an extra room down the hall you know with a nice bed and I am sure its more homly than this. you should take advantage of it."

*As the sky starts to get dark Jamie decieds it probley best to stop for the night it was also starting to rain and not really knowing her way around she dident want to get lost and somewhere she shouldent be. Finding a hotel in town Jamie pulls in and gets a room. Once up stairs she takes our her phone and dials Con's number. Waiting till he picks up.*

"Hey Hun, hows your afternoon been? Mines been ok. I picked you up a few things...yep I am at the hotel now. Just got here. What have ya been up too?"

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