
Dont give up

*Misty gets a slight grin on her face at Carson’s comment not being about to help her sarcastic yet playful tone.*

“No really? I was going to run out and tell EVERYONE.”

*Misty shakes her head and hops off the counter walking back to her desk and pulls out her bags revealing her notebook and folders.*

“Its funny, I’ve been here for a while now, and I have been doing many reports but no one even asked me what I was really doing.”

*Misty opens up her note book and her folder revealing many formulas, components, strings of DNA, the breakdown process of different cells and poisons. A long list of antidotes and what they entail.*

“Since the day I got here and I saw you working with the blood Rick I was intrigued. I have always like breaking things down, seeing what they consist of. My brain does the work on what it is, and starts the long process of correcting it. In-between my other indevers….”

*Misty looks at Carson and gives a grin before looking back at Rick and her papers.*

“..this is what I have been working on. I finally figured out what the poison consisted of.”

*Misty turns some pages in her book to reveal the poison and the break down process taken to figure out what it was.*

“ Its was not just one poison, but many different together and that’s what made it so deadly. The containts of the poison were Heparin witch causes profound drop in blood pressure explains the dizziness is causes. Pit viper venom witch causes blurry vison, paralysis, and death. Black widow venom witch causes high tempatures, slipping into the state of no response aka a coma, hallucinating and death. That explains what happened to Jason. There is also forms of Led and Nerve agents such as sarin, soman, and tabun in it as well and that explains the cold like symptoms, fever, tormented dreams, shaking, and restlessness. Which explains what happened as well to Jason, Con and myself.”

*Misty draws in a deep breath as she relized she just said all that hardly breathing at all. Misty looks around at Rick than Carson giving them time to ask questions if they need to and hoping she dident lost them somewhere along the way to much.*

*Lockheart continuse to study Jason carfely. She was a lawyer and she could tell when people lied, not to mention Katie can come to see her at her hotal before she left.*

"Jason I know it was more than you running into a door. Katie came to see me before I came here. I dont think she would of been upset nearly as much as she was if has simply been a door you ran into. Where did the guy go that said he dident like to lie?"

*Lockheart lets out a sigh and figures she should just dig in while she can.*

"Jason you palimanry had been moved day after tomarrow and than the court day will be set up after that. Its sooner than exspected but that just means I need to work my tail off more. I have a story started and will have it done tonight than than tomarrow we can go over it together, work out the wrinkles. This is gonna be all over soon Jason and your gonna be able to go home. I know it dosent look that way but you will."

*Lockheart take look to the dull look in Jason's eyes. He couldent give up hope. She would never win if he let his spirits to low.*

"Dont give up yet Jason, I need you to stay strong and stick with me on this one."

*Lockheart looks down in her brefcase finger the peace of paper and picture Katie had given her earlyer that day. Taking it out she pushs it twords Jason.*

"Katie asked me to give this to you. Stay strong for her Jason, dont give up for her. Your not alone in this."

*The picture is one taken of Katie and Jason while there we are Mikes house for the picnic. Katie had forgoten Mike had taken it till Jen gave it to her while she was visiting with her. It showed Jason and Katie with there heads together smiling arms wraped around one another. On the small peace of paper was writen.*

"You were taken away to a dark place,
There is no more smile on your face,
And I can only hope your ok.
At the end of each day I will stop and think,
And say for you a prayer.
They can take away your freedom,
They can take away you rights,
But they can’t take away your memories you think about each night.
The memories that will help you stay strong,
The memories that will help you carry on.
And know I’ll be waiting for you my dear friend,
Until the day I see you again."

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