
To go or not to go

Rick crosses his arms, a smile spreading on his face. “Misty, I gotta hand it to you. I’m mighty impressed. This is a real breakthrough.”

Carson cocks his head, studying her. “You’re one smart chick, ya know that?”

Rick smirks at Carson’s wordage, but ignores it, keeping his focus on Misty. “Well, how about we get some of that made up and kept on hand in case we need it again? I sure hope we don’t, but I’d rather be safe than sorry, and since you were brave enough to be the guinea pig, we know it works.”

Carson watches the two interact for several minutes before realizing he’s not needed in the room. Slowly backing out, he ambles down the hall, boredom for the day settling in. Misty was better…he wasn’t needed for that anymore. She was busy…he was unoccupied at the moment.

Try as he might, he couldn’t get his mind to stop wandering back to his guilty conscience. That in itself was something he wasn’t used to experiencing, and it didn’t feel good. He thought of variables that might help ease his mind… maybe if he got details now and could prove to himself that taking on the little Agency job wouldn’t hurt anyone here, then he wouldn’t feel as badly.

Finding Jason’s office a convenient stopover once again, he slips inside, glancing around to make sure no one else is within earshot. Grabbing the phone, he dials quickly. “Martin?”

Carson, that you again?

“Had a couple questions.”

Thought you weren’t calling until next week.”

Carson assumes an authoritative tone. “What’s it to ya if I changed my mind?”

Nothing…nothing at all.”

“That’s what I figured. Now look, I want the names of those two lawyers and I wanna know the cases they’re involved in.”

Martin resists. “Why would you need to know that to take ‘em out?

“Just give me what I want, Martin, and don’t be stupid enough to ask questions.”

Alright, alright.” Martin pauses, finding information. “They’re Todd Myers and Linda Hawthorn. No cases too special, ‘cept they worked together to put away Jerry for good.”

“Ahh.” Carson knew the fellow assassin. So that’s why the Agency wanted the lawyers out of the way. “That’s all I wanted for now.” He ends the call before Martin can ask too many questions.

Turning to head back out of the office, his mind begins to work. It was time he got his feelers out…he would find out for sure if it was safe to take this job or not…

Jason furrows his brow a little, listening ot Lockheart. “I’m sorry about your brother. That’s rough.”

As she is escorted out, Jason stands, ready for the guard to take him back to his cell. Walking the corridor again, Jason can’t help his feeling of dread. He’d only been in this position three days…it could be months before a trial date…how would he stand being in here for that long?

Con flips the letter over to read the back again. He really did want to go…it was perfect timing… But how could he leave behind his duties here?


He jumps, startled to hear his sister’s voice so close. “Laura?”

Laura grins as she enters Con’s living room. “Sorry,” she apologizes. “But you didn’t hear me knocking.”

“Mm.” Con is tired of thinking about just what he’s been missing lately. It only made him feel worse to have instances pointed out to him.

“Just wanted to drop by and see how you were,” Laura comments. “I take it Jamie got off then?”

“Yep.” Con nods, leaning back in the couch. “She’s gonna stopover for the night, then get to the ranch tomorrow.”

“Good.” Laura cocks her head, seeing the letter. “Whatcha got?”

Con holds it up for her to see for herself.

Laura raises an eyebrow as she scans it. “Ahh…how come you didn’t tell me you’d heard from him sooner?”

“I forgot,” Con honestly admits.

Laura gives him a smirk, then settles into a chair to read the whole letter herself. When finished, she looks back up at her brother. “You want to go, don’t you.”

Con thinks for a moment, then shrugs. “I guess.”

“Well then why don’t you?”

“I’ve got to watch Jamie’s place, and besides, I know this is a bad time for you, and I didn’t want to leave you out.”

“I’m not the one who needs a vacation,” Laura reminds. She shakes her head. “You should go. I’ll take care of Jamie’s stuff for her.”

“Really?” Con starts to seriously consider his options. “But…”

Laura sighs. “Con…you need to get out of here. Get some fresh air. Of course I want to go along, but this is your time…I’ll go another time. You need this, and things will be find back here.”


“Go,” Laura orders. “Or I’ll call them myself and have them officially invite you so you can’t say no.”

Con can’t help a dry chuckle. “You drive a tough bargain.”

“I learned from the best.” Laura grins at her brother, then becomes more sober. “I mean it, Con…you could use this. Just go and enjoy yourself.”

She stands up and hands the letter back to him. “I’m gonna go home. If you decide to go, let me know.”

Con watches his sister leave, still undecided. But it was awfully tempting…

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