

*Misty's grin incress as she brings her arms up around Carson's neck pulling him closer to her. Having no problem kissing her back. For a long moment Misty lingers her lips pressed to Carson's enjoying the moment and the touch of is skin to her face. His hands were rough but gental. Something Misty now longed for and loved to feel. After kiss just a while longer Misty pulls her head back deeper into the pillow looking Carson in the eyes. So much emotion his he blue eyes she never tired of geting lost. The grin plays at the couner of her mouth as her eyes dance.*

"I am feeling better. I couldent die and let ou off the hook that easy. So it looks like your stuck with me. As for geting in trouble for being close to my Prince, I'd be willing to gte yelled at 100 more times if that ment I could tast your lips again."

*Misty reaches her head up to Carson again meeting his lips to once again give him a kiss. Removing her lips from his once again she brings her arms around his back and draws him close her lips brushing his cheek as she gives him a tight hug. It was he who saved her life weather he though so or not. If he hadent had trusted her and done what she asked, she might not be alive at this moment. He hadent let her down and Misty new and hoped he never would.*

*As Jamie sits wraped in Con's arm she lets out a content sigh. Yet the thought of leaving made her a bit sad.*

"Probley after lunch around two or three. I figured than I could get a chunk of driving in, stop at a hotel for the night than arrive in texas around lunch time again. I would drive straght though but I never drove that far before and I have hurd tell of Highway hipnosis. I dont need to be geting in any accidents. I found on the computer a nice hotal to stay in so I wont be in some peace of crap place. And I will call to let you know I am ok and what not."

*Jamie takes another sip of her coffee than sets in on the table. Draping her one arm around Con's chest Jamie nuzzles her head into Con's shoulder so her forhead is on his neck.*

"I sure am going to miss you Con."

*Lockheart takes a seat in one of the chairs across from the desk. Saprised by the new information that was being throw at her. Everything was moving alot faster than Lockheart had exspected. She wasent even sure she understood how.*

"No Judge I was not informed of Mr. Stevenson's move or about his preliminary hearing. This is all new information to me and I have to addmit I am not happy one bit Judge Barker. But I guess I will have to deal with it the best I can and not wast time. There is much yet that needs to be done."

*Lockheart stands gathering her items. Before heading to the door Lockheart searches the Judges eyes on more time.*

"I dont know what side your on Judge Barker. If you good or bad, but somewhere you know that boy is innocent. The evadence and statments they have are proof and most of the stuff being spouted is lies. My leaving comment to you befor I see you again is this. When you become a Judge remember the othe you swore, remember the talk of honor to always protect the innocent and to put those who were bad behind bars. When you stand up there on court day, and look down at everyone, Mr. Stevenson, his friends, his family, those that love him can you look them all in the eyes and tell them there son, friend, soulmate is going to die. Can you really live with yourself, go home and kiss your family knowing you killed an innocent man. If you can than your no better than those who should be sent to death row. You infact yourself are a murder, and I pitty your family for loving such a monster."

*Lockheart holds her head high making her way out of the Judges office and down the hall. The meeting dident go as planed but Lockheart felt confadent non the less. Things were moving fast but that only ment it would be sooner that Katie got to see Jason again.*

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