

Rick eyes Misty with slight amusement. "Well, you certainly did a good job on yourself last night. I'm mighty curious about that."

"Me too." Carson reenters the room, his thumbs hooked in his pockets.

Rick looks at him, studying him for just a moment to ensure really nothing had gone askew the night before. There was an honest look on Carson's face this morning...it satisfied Rick.

Carson leans his back on the counter and looks to Misty. "If you've found an antidote, we better keep it under wraps - that's something the Agency would be mighty fond of finding."

Con returns Jamie's hug and kiss, not wanting to let her go, but he knows he must. He follows her out and stands on the porch, giving a wave as she drives off. Instead of turning back inside, he simply stands for a long while, watching the empty road.

Finally he sighs deeply and goes back inside to check on everything before he went back to his own place for the day. Gathering up his bag, he spies the letter that had been on his mind. Maybe if he could just get away...somewhere away from here...just to think...clear his mind... He wanted a change of scenery...he wanted to stop being angry with himself and scared of his own actions... And there was just one place he had any faith in at all to help. But what about looking out for Jamie's house...her snake...her mail... He couldn't leave - he had taken on that responsibility for her.

Jason lowers his eyes to the table and fidgets with the cuffs on his hands. "I hope you're right, Lockheart. I gotta tell you, I'm not banking on it, but I'm still willing to stick to a story."

As Lockheart asks what happened, Jason's mind reverts to the events of that morning...the words that were said...the implications.

He looks back up at her, staring her in the eye, a dullness slowly, slowly starting to replace the spark that had been there. He had only been in the system three days, but already it was sucking the life out of him. "I ran into the bus door," he states evenly.

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