

*Katie throws the best smile she can muster at Reese.*

"I guess your right. I'll see ya tomarrow."

*Katie lets out a long sigh and turns leaving Reese office. Once back on the floor she spots Wyatt and smiles. Her ticket home.*

"Hey Wyatt. Since you ditched out on that ride to work the other day how about a ride home. My back is kind of buging me and I dont think I could handle a walk home at the moment."

*Katie trys her best to look happy though on the inside she wasent very. She missed Jason and was worryed no matter what anyone said. This was hard on everyone and even harder on her.*

"Ya I was gonna be on my way out. But I thougt I would stop and see ya before I went. Nothing is waiting for me at home but an empty house. So I guess I really wasent in much of a hurry."

*Misty gets a quirky little smile on her face as she draws into the room more. The unknown force felt before drawing her in again.*

"I guess it does have its advantages huh? However, you, me an empty room I smell danger as well. Remember the last time I was in here with you, I got stuck. Not that I minded."

*Spoting the file laying on Carson's cot she plops down next to him picking it up.*

"Whats this your looking at?"

*Jamie lays back on the bed still talking to Con.*

"Well I guess everything must be ok if nothing new has bene hurd of with Jason. I am sure Lockheart is gonna do all she can."

*Jamie sits up and opens the small fridge in the room looking for something to eat. Spoting an apple she pulls it out. Taking a bit out of it.*

"Ya it smells like rain. Dont think its gonna rain to much and I am hoping it stops by morning. Dont wanna try and find my way around not being able to see."

*Jamie lets out a small giggle. Jamie keeps up the small talk with Con for about another hour or two. Never geting tired of hearing his voice or running out a new things. Leting out a yawn Jamie relizes it was much later than she thought.*

"I hate to bring this to an end sweety but I better get some sleep so I am not to tired in the morning. I'll call you as soon as I get to the Ranch. IT should be around 11 or 12. If I am running late from the rain I will give ya a call and let you know so you dont worry. Sleep well Con. Love you. Bye."

*As Jamie hangs up the phone she heads into the bathroom and takes a quick shower and than hopes into bed. Pulling the picture of Con and herself from her purse she lays it on the dresser and smiles. Finally shuting the light off Jamie finally falls asleep.*

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