

Giving a nod of thanks to his brother Wes new here his family would be taken care of. Even if he was worried still it would be eased just a little bit.

Letting out a sigh and turning from his brother Wes continues to the house to see Rosetta and BJ. He'd stay there a little while before going back to Cindy and talking with her.

Ryan can't help the slight color that came to her face at Eli's comment. No matter how many times someone would give her a comment she would probley never get use to it.

Once the subject it off Leo Ryan feels a little better. Its was still talking about Leo and thinking of him maybe interested in another person but Ryan had to move past it, it was just going to take a little bit.

"Yeah, he's another guy that raced with me went by the name of Roth. He's one of those big guys that thinks they can boss everyone around. I dont know if they ever got him or not the police or not. More than likly I would say no. When we are out there racing we really take everything into our own hands or thats what the law enforcement thinks anyways."

Giving a little shrug Ryan continues to play the card game not looking at her brother. It was hard to talk about still what had happened at the race and almost ended her life. Not to mention thinking Roth was still out there kind of scaired her, but she didnt want anyone to know that.

Looking up from her desk and seeing Axel Misty was a bit suprised but a smile forms on her face anyways. Carson had mentioned to her once about Axel's hand but never really went into much detail. Having a new challange in helping someone was always nice to keep her mind going.

"Why Hello Axel, its good to see you again. Please come in and take a seat."

Continuing to smile Misty new it must have felt alittle stangs for Axel to be here and asking for help but she was happy he had.

"I have been doing some research I guess you could say its my specialty. Digging deeper into things and make something possable form the imposable."

Leaning back in her chair for a moment studys Axel for a long moment before leaning forward on her desk again.

"Well if you really want my help its going to take a while, and this is all just experimental I guess you could say seeing as its never been proven to work. I promise I wont make you deformed looking or anything eather."

Misty cant see the skeptacle look in Axel's eye and dosnt blame him. If she was in his shoes she would be the same way. Just being a tets subjest could be hard for anyone not really knowing the out come.

"How about this..if you have time now let me take a look at your hand and have you tell me what happened. I can explain what my research has come up with so far in helping you and than if you want to give it a try we can. If not you can walk away no harm done. What do you say?"


Sparky nods, quiet for a moment. He couldn't imagine what Wes must feel. He knew his brother loved his country, but now that he had a family... it was much different.

"I'm sorry. We'll be here for you... whatever you need." He gives Wes' arm a pat. "You can go check on Rosetta... when you tell Cindy, make sure she knows whatever she needs... it's here."

Eli smirks a little. "Yeah, well, he won't find one as cute as you. I think he wound up with the short end of the stick on this one." He tosses Ryan a wink. "Brother's privilege to brag about his sister."

Pausing, he concentrates on the game for a few minutes. "So... we never really talked about this guy who got you into this hospital in the first place. He's another racer, right?"

Axel wanders down the hallway, feeling a little lost. He'd been in here a time or two, but hadn't been paying very good attention. A woman ends up pointing him in the right direction and he finally finds his way to the infirmary. Looking in, he sees Misty at her desk. He recognized her - they had met a few times and they saw each other at church, but they hadn't interacted very much. He was friends with Carson, but Misty seemed just an acquaintance.

He clears his throat and knocks, wandering in a few steps. "Misty?" He offers a small smile. "Um... sorry to bother you, um... I... talked to Carson a while ago. My girlfriend wanted me to come, um..."

Axel feels a little retarded, not sure how to ask what he wants. He gestures to his lame hand. "I've got some major nerve damage and I've lost the use of my hand. Carson said that you'd been doing some research and... well, I don't know... I guess maybe I'm just looking for some help and I got desperate."


Giving a small nod Ryan laugh a little dry and sadden laugh. They did always do things the hardway that lead to some heartache in the path.

Continuing the card game Ryan would rather get off the topic of Leo but seeing her brother was continuing she just plays her card staying silent for a moment.

"Yeah he is a good guy with a good heart."

Looking up at Eli as he mentions Leo continuing to be down stairs Ryan cant but raise one of her eyebrows. That was strange Leo was still hanging around but for what reason?

"Last time I new he didnt. I guess that could of changed though but...thats odd. Maybe he found a cute nurse or something."

Taking the letter back and putting it back in his pocket Wes lets out a long sigh. He new it was his responsablilty to go but oh so bad he didnt want to and leave his wife and child alone. Kaylee was just learning new things and growing so fast, and just being away from Cindy at the shop was a killer to Wes. Thinking about missing those times even more cut his heart.

"I leave the second week of next month. I really never thought I would ever have a regret about being in the military but...when I got this letter I did. This is going to kill Cindy, and I hating to tell her even though I know I have to."

Looking up at his brother again Wes eyes had a glossy glaze to them though he wouldnt allow any tears to fall. He had to be strong, for his wife, for his daughter for his family, but his own war still raged.

"I'll be telling her tonight. I want to be able to spend as much time with the people I love as I can."

Hanging around

Gunner chuckles. "Yeah, well... I have a feeling. Bree and I are gonna be able to do without a mental hospital. There's something about the stars that doesn't require any specific location to see them."

Eli purses his lips, feeling bad for his sister. "We always did learn things the hard way, didn't we?" He offers a wry grin as he plays a card. "I guess it catches up with us eventually, one way or the other. Leo seemed alright though. Didn't like me none, but I think he was just being protective. Does he volunteer here or something when he's not at the shop? I keep seeing him downstairs when I go to the cafeteria. Never talk to him, but he's usually hanging around the desk area."

Sparky's eyes widen as he reads Wes' letter. He looks back up at his brother, his own fear in his eyes. "Oh, Wes..." He knew they all loved their country, and Wes had made a commitment a long time ago, but now? Why now?

He hands the letter back to him. "You know you don't have to worry about your family here. Whether it's me or anybody else... Cindy and Kaylee couldn't be in a safer spot, you have my word."

He studies Wes' face, seeing the inner battle. "When are you gonna tell Cindy? Or better yet, when do you... have to leave?"