

Kyle is quiet for several moments, going through Misty's words one at a time in his mind. Sighing deeply, he lowers his arms, slowly reaching across the table to take her hand in his. He looks down, running a thumb over her fingers thoughtfully before looking up at her face.

A slight smile is forced through. "You realize that, um... a guy can't just forget it when a girl tells him something like that." He makes himself hold a wary grin. "I'm glad you didn't hide anything, but... there's obviously something there and... I..."

Kyle stops, not even sure what to say. Misty obviously didn't want to hurt his feelings, or cause a rift or anything, but what she'd said... he couldn't simply ignore it.

"...I don't know... what to do." His admitting it aloud sounded almost silly, but it was true.

He withdraws his hand and leans back in his chair, his appetite having dwindled. "What do you want to do? I mean... if it's really nothing, then fine, but... I can tell it's not just nothing, so..." He tries to keep emotions out of his voice, speaking out of pure logic and question. "Do you want to change something or... take time out, or.... I mean.... I... I'm cool with whatever... whatever you want to do. As long as you're happy, ya know?"

He throws Misty a wink. "You're what counts, babe. Us guys... we're at your mercy."


*Continuing to cook Herb nods as Carson talks.*

"Yeah Nate might be a good person to talk to. He seems like the kind of guy that could have a lot of insight about that stuff."

*As the morning rolled on more people came in and more orders where taken. Having Jess there to help Mable and Aerith was nice and she enjoyed it. It was something to keep her busy in her spair time.*

*Misty continues to play with her food on her plat for a moment before looking back up at Kyle.*

"Oh Kyle, of course I am enjoying what we have and I care about you so much. You mean a lot to me and I have grown so close to you. What Carson and I had I don't know if it could ever be regained. I just wanted to be fair in telling you how I felt because I didnt want to hide anything from you. I just...I guess I am confused. I'm sorry Kyle, forget I said anything ok."

*Misty looks down at her plat again. What was she trying to say? What was she trying to do? Her heart was being pulled two differnt ways and she didnt like it.*