

Kyle's face turns beat red as Misty turns the questioning over to him. "Wha...well...I...." He looks back to Jason and Katie, an embarrassed but cheesy grin forming. "I....it, um...well..."

"Well come on, Kyle." Jason takes a sip of his pop, leaning back casually, his arm still around Katie. His own smile spreads. Whooo, boy is he squirming. This is fun.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Um...er..." Kyle looks to Misty then Wyatt, receiving no help. He swallows hard. "We just..." He stutters some more. "You two..."

Jason's grin just widens. I've never seen him so red. I should really pull him out of this...but I'm just enjoying this too much.

"Us two, what, Kyle? For pete's sake, spit it out. Or did you eat something that prevents you from speaking?"

Kyle looks down to sip on his straw, then stirs his ice around, clearing his throat. "Hotshot, is your arm enjoying that as a friend, or more than that?"

Jason tries to keep from laughing, but it just won't work as it finally spills out. "Nicely put, Kyle. Nicely put."

Kyle can feel the heat in his own face, and tries to let humor rule. "Yeah, well, how else's I s'posed to put it?"

"I don't know. You wanna try it again?"

"You dweeb!" Kyle throws a napkin at Jason. He looks to Wyatt. "The answer is yes. Or can't you tell?"

Wyatt is simply grinning from ear to ear, and throws Katie a wink. Yes, he could tell.

Dani chews her pizza slowly, just listening to the chatter around her. She felt a little funny...but not so much out of place...and not so much nervous either. It was different here... She had friends back in California, but it was nice to be in a different atmosphere... And these people treated her just like she belonged.

She looks over to the back of the room to see Carson on the phone. Who had he needed to call so urgently? Had she interfered with any of his plans? Or ruined anything?

Letting her gaze wander, she realizes for a moment that Dalton is looking at her. Catching his eye, she offers a little smile. He seemed nice. Something about him seemed different than the others... Dani couldn't put her finger on it, but there was something... Yet there was softness there somewhere...

Dani suddenly realizes she's staring, and looks away, brought back into the conversations by Laura asking her a question.

Carson shakes his head. "Naw, don't bring anything unless you haven't eaten either. I, uh... I don't think I want much tonight. Just bring yourself on over in a while and we'll talk more then."

Wrapping up the call, he finally hangs up, and goes back to the table, joining in on the outskirts until the gang starts to filter out...

Con leans back in his chair and yawns, running a hand through his hair. "Well...." He slings his arm around Jamie to give her a squeeze. "I'm afraid your man is getting tuckered. You ready to head on home?"

"I know I am." Laura nuzzles into Nate. "And since you're my ride...you wouldn't be so nice as to take me home, would you?

"...yeah, I got the music, thanks." Axel sits on the floor of Mike's basement, leaning back against the wall. He was alone...the guys and Taylor were out for the night, but he'd opted to stay behind. He nods. "Yep. Oh, Logan kinda tore it to shreds until I made him slow down. Sweet Sorrow was my favorite. Yeah." He laughs a little. "Naw, we're still playing. Just taking it easy for a while. Feels good to not have a gig every few nights. Settling down a little.... No, no place yet. We're staying at a friend's house... Mmhmm... Hooked up with the band down here, JetStream.... Yeah..."

He stretches out his legs, crossing his ankles. "Yeah, they're good. Nice guys. Hmm? Oh, four-piece. Yeah..." He thinks for a moment. "The, uh... lead vocalist reminds me of you. Well, a younger you.... yeah... Funny thing, his name's Stevenson too."

Axel lifts an eyebrow, and picks at a loose thread on his jeans. "Uh-huh...Jason... I, uh...found out a bit about his family..."


*Jess gives a little giggle, and a sigh of releaf knowing Carson was ok.*

"Yeah I will probley stop by a little later. I took a nap so I am not to tired anymore. Should I bring some of this pizza? or did you eat already?"

*Jess stands and walks around her apartment for a moment as she gathers a few things and opens some other boxs. She liked her new apartment it was nice and it seemed quiet but at the same time it was strange. To be some where new it was kind of intimanating as well.*

*Katie looks across the table at Wyatt, Kyle, and Misty. Knowing what they probley where whispering about but wanted to tease them anyways. With a sly grin Katie comments.*

"Secrets don't make friends you know, if you have a question why don't you shair it with us all?"

*Misty's own eyes widen a bit as she looks at Katie like a deer in headlights.*

"I.....ummm.....ask Kyle."

*Misty points to Kyle and gives a giggle.*

*Dalton gives a nod to Con as he takes a sip of his pop.*

"Crazy they are, as for watching out for them, I think I am going to be far to busy."

*As Dalton scans the table his eyes make there way to Dani and for a moment that is where the linger. There was something about her. Something differnt, she was pretty that was for sure, and she seems to have a spark. Finally breaking his eyes away Dalton continues to eat.*

Forgive me

Carson gives a sigh as he hears Jess' voice. "I'm so sorry... I, um..." He glances back to the busy table. "My sister showed up, Jess. Kinda threw me off balance. And we got a whole bunch from TJY here, so we kinda..."

He stops for a moment. "I forgot. I'm sorry."

Pausing, a slight grin curls his lips as he concentrates on his phone conversation rather than thinking about the interaction he'd just been involved with. "I told my sister she could sack out in my room for the night. I guess she's moving here... I got bits and pieces of why, but right now she doesn't have a place. So... In about an hour, this place will be cleared out and I'll be cleaning up. If you wanna swing on by... I'd like you to meet Dani, and... she's tired so she'll probably sack out early...we could hang out for a while..." He drops to a slightly sly tone. "...that is, if you forgive me."

Back at the table, the guys finally settle down. Though out of breath, they try to get back to eating.

Kyle slides in beside Misty, elbowing her teasingly. "You did save me some pizza, right?"

Jason flops down in his own chair, slinging an arm around Katie. "You just had to break up the fun, didn't you?"

Wyatt quirks an eyebrow as he looks at them, glancing from Katie to Jason, back to Katie again. He leans closer to Kyle, and whispers something to him. Kyle's eyes widen, and he whispers something back, before leaning to Misty, his tone hushed by her ear. "Those to back together or what?"

Con turns his chair around to straddle it beside Jamie, looking over her to Dalton. "Welcome to the gang, Hulk. I'm glad there's a new big guy to watch out for this crazy bunch around the office"

Kit Kat

*Nate wraps his arm around Laura trying to act innocent though the fun and laughter twinkles in his eyes.*

"I don't know what your talking about Babe. I'd never wanna leave ya. Anyways compaired to them I'm little I might get squished. I'm saprised Kyle hasent."

*Leaning in Nate gives Laura a kiss to the head and a gentil squeeze.*

*As Misty watches the others she can't help but feel like eyes were watching her. Looking to her left she glances at Carson for a moment and than the tattoo on his arm catches her eyes. Seeing the modifications on it Misty feels a wave of question wash over her. Why had Carson tattooed her name into his arm. Was it a memore? A reminder? Was it a statment?

Looking to Carson she catches his eye as he looks back at her. Her own eyes held so much, so of witch the normal person would never relize was there. She missed her friend to, she missed what they had. As Misty continues to earch Carson's eyes she remembers the look, she remembers the feelings the first time she'd ever seen Carson, the first time she had ever met him. She had known she liked him right off the bat. Yes she missed him too.

The laughter from the others breaks Misty's thought and she breaks her eyes away from Carson before the tears can come again and trys to past a smile on her face as she leans a little bit into Katie and gives a laugh.*

*Dalton continues to hold Kyle as he trys to get free, the laughter in his own eyes. He's hadn't had fun like this in a while. Having people around that were just about his size and even bigger was a nice change. It made him feel like he wasnt alone anymore.

As Kyle continues to fair his arm and catches Dalton in the had lightly he cant help but laugh just a little finding some more humor.*

“Hey Hey easy on the shades, they arn't cheap you know! I'd hate for the Hulk to have to smash you."

*Giving another laugh Dalton continues the fun moving around the others still holding Kyle.*

*Katie continues to laugh as she watches the display of the others. It was good to see everyone smiling and happy and getting along. Knowing Laura is right though Katie lets out a sharp whistle.*

"Alright alright break it up boys and come back to eat before it gets cold."

*At Katie's voice everyone stop, Dalton turns and looks to Katie's voice. A grin still on his face finally letting go of Kyle Daltson replys.*

"Awwww....Kit Kat...you have to rune our fun?"

*Shaking his head Dalton lets out a sigh and heads back to the table to continue eating.*

*Groggy Jess hears her phone right and reaches out and picks it up. Seeing it was Carson a smiles spreads across Jess face. Flipping open the phone she clears her throut.*

"Hey you, I though maybe you got lost."

*Jess sits up as she talks on the phone.*


Kyle yelps as Dalton picks him up off Con, and squirms under his grasp. "Someone their own size?! What about me?!" He wriggles some more, not really fighting, but genuinely trying to get loose. His face is red from laughing and he tries to catch his breath, though forgets Dalton's name. "Help! The Hulk has a hold on me! Jason, this is the last time I try to come rescue you!"

"What are you blaming me for?!" Jason returns.

Con tightens his grip. "Oh, quit your griping."

Jason whips around, finally getting loose, though he stumbles into a chair, knocking it over.

From the table, Carson quirks an eyebrow. "Hey now," he reprimand gruffly, though humor is still in his eyes. "Tear the place apart and you'll be helping me clean up later." He shakes his head a little as he watches, a smile quirking the edge of his mouth. His elbows resting on the table, the short sleeves of his t-shirt have ridden up, exposing his modified tattoo.

Con immediately stops and raises his hands. "Say no more."

"Coward!" Kyle taunts.

Con puts his hands on his hips. "I wouldn't go name-calling if I were you.... not in the position you're in." He turns to Jason. "You just gonna leave your friend hanging or what? He went after you. I think you owe him."

Jason rolls his eyes. "Great. Make me feel guilty. Come on, Kyle, let's get you out of trouble."

As the battle continues, Kyle is surrounded by the three larger men, the antics continuing. Though muscle is used, the brawl is kept friendly, the laughter persisting. Soon, no one is sure just whose side their on anymore.

Laura shakes her head and sighs, watching the nearby ruckus. Glancing to Nate, she smirks. "Yeah, I can see that look in your eye. You want just as bad to join in with the little kids over there." She rolls her eyes. "Men."

She glances to Katie and Jamie. "Personally, I think it's about time we stepped in and showed them how to end a war so we can actually finish eating our pizza in peace, but..." She giggles, letting the implied intervention hang in the air.

Dani settles in quickly, finding it strange how comfortable she felt... One would think she'd be terribly uncomfortable in a group of strangers, let alone one as different as this bunch. But there was a warm feeling there...one that almost made it seem like she'd known these people all her life.

Glancing down the table, she catches Misty's eye and smiles, mouthing the words, "thank you." Returning to her pizza, she pauses, giving her brother a questioning look, then whispers in his ear.

Carson speaks quietly, his eyes drifting to Kyle once, then back down. Finished with an explanation, his eyes roam across to Misty. He hadn't dared to catch her eye before this, but it's as if he can't help it. His eyes hold a strange look...there is so much there, it's hard to decipher. His stare is as deep as the first time he ever looked her in the eye, exposing thoughts and feelings. He wanted to talk to her, but didn't know how. He wanted to sit with her, but knew he could not. He wanted to be her friend, but had lost the way. He missed her.

Swallowing hard, his eyes finally drop back down, and he fidgets with a napkin for a moment, not really hungry. Then as if hit with a baseball bat, something triggers where he needed to be. "Ohhhh shoot." Getting up quickly, he pats Dani's shoulder. "I'll be right back."

Hurrying from the group, he hits the phone in the back, dialing quickly. "Come on, Jess, pick up..." He groans inwardly as he closes his eyes and leans back against the wall. He'd promised to eat supper with her at her new place...he'd promised to go over there right after work. With Dani showing up, his mind had been thrown completely off track.

Listening to the rings, he tries to come up with something to say, kicking himself. Sorry, you're less important than this? Sorry, I simply forgot about you? He rolls his eyes. Way to go, Carson.

Didn't Your Mom

*Katie can't help but laugh as Con puts Jason in a headlock. At these get together something like this always happend but it never grew old. It was fun to watch friends and have fun, seeing the smiles on faces it felt good.

Getting an innocent look on her face Katie holds up her hands.*

"You must be crazy to think I would go up aganst a tank."

*Katie can't controll her laughter as she watches the display in front of her. Leaning over to Dalton she smiles.*

"Trust me, you'll get use to this. If this didnt happen i would think something was wrong."

*Misty's own eyes widen just a bit as she watches the display with Carson and Kyle. For a quick moment the blood drains from Misty's face. Was this play or real, how much motive was behind this. Finally seeing the playful spark in Carson's eye Misty relaxes just a bit and continues to watch not being able to hold back the laughs of her own.*

*Dalton watches the display for a long moment not sure what to make of it. He's never been in a group like this before but it looked like they all had fun. As the games continue Dalton size everyone up as something not often seen spreads across his face, a smile. Standing he wants in on this little bit of fun. Coming up behind Con, Jason and Kyle, Dalton put his arms around Kyles waist and gives one strong jerk and ripping Kyle from Con. Still holding him by the waist he walks around the the front of Con and Jason with a cheesy smile on his face.*

"Didn't you mom even tell you to pick on someone your own size?"

*Jess lay curled up on the coutch at her new apartment. The door unlocked as if waiting for someone. A cold untouched pizza lays on the table as if waiting for someone alse to join and eat it. Fast asleep Jess lets the time drift by as she dreams come in and out. Had Carson forgot? Was he busy with work? Jess wasnt sure but she new he must have a good reason, but Jess eyes had grown heavy and had ignored the growling of her tummy as she drifted off to sleep.*