

*Jess gives a little giggle, and a sigh of releaf knowing Carson was ok.*

"Yeah I will probley stop by a little later. I took a nap so I am not to tired anymore. Should I bring some of this pizza? or did you eat already?"

*Jess stands and walks around her apartment for a moment as she gathers a few things and opens some other boxs. She liked her new apartment it was nice and it seemed quiet but at the same time it was strange. To be some where new it was kind of intimanating as well.*

*Katie looks across the table at Wyatt, Kyle, and Misty. Knowing what they probley where whispering about but wanted to tease them anyways. With a sly grin Katie comments.*

"Secrets don't make friends you know, if you have a question why don't you shair it with us all?"

*Misty's own eyes widen a bit as she looks at Katie like a deer in headlights.*

"I.....ummm.....ask Kyle."

*Misty points to Kyle and gives a giggle.*

*Dalton gives a nod to Con as he takes a sip of his pop.*

"Crazy they are, as for watching out for them, I think I am going to be far to busy."

*As Dalton scans the table his eyes make there way to Dani and for a moment that is where the linger. There was something about her. Something differnt, she was pretty that was for sure, and she seems to have a spark. Finally breaking his eyes away Dalton continues to eat.*

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