
My Feelings

*As Aerith sits fishing her mind starts to wonder with in no time she is taken back to when her dad would take her fishing.

"Dad, can you put the worm on for me?"

"Aerith, its not that bad they dont bit!"

"I know dad, but it has to hurt them puting a hook in there body, I dont want to hurt them."

"Ok come here sweet heart."

As Areith remebers she smiles. How she had loved spending time with her dad. Everything had been simple then. Aeriths mom was happy than. She loved spending time with her, use to laugh. When Aerith's father had fallen ill everything changed. Her father had told her mother she wasent aloud at the hospetal. He dident want Aerith to remember him that way but to remember him as the man full of life. That never stoped loving her.

Wyatt's voice shatters Aeriths memories, and thought. Turning her head and smiling she nods. She was starting to get hungry without relizing it. Aerith sits down tucking her legs underneath her and kneeling leaning back on her legs. Taking a bit of her sandwhich Aerith smiles. Listen to Wyatt a feeling starts to over come her. Was it fear, excitment, joy Aerith wasent sure. She had always shyed away from guys, never geting to close. Why she dident know. But Wyatt was differnt, he has a certin peace and the time spent with him dident frighten her.*

"I've, never had anyone more than a friend before. I mean sure alot of guys have took intrest in me, and tryed to start something I've alwyas just cut it short before anything could come of it. My dad was the only real person I was close to. He was my best friend. I guess when I lost him it hurt so bad I dident want to get close to anyone. I guess I just dident want to feel that pain ever again like I did when I lost my dad."

*Aerith lets out a sigh and she takes another bit of her sandwhich.*

"After that everything with my mom geting married, and well you know the rest. Out of everything I gained one good thing. As time went on I started reading my bible more and found comfort in that. I went to church and lived my life more like he would want me too. Over time he helped ease my pain. But I guess the feeling of loss can be eased but not forgoten."

*Stoping again for a moment Aerith relizes that maybe her words had goten away from her again and taken her off topic once again. She felt comfortable around Wyatt like she could tell him anything, she could keep talking hours and hours. *

"Your, differnt though Wyatt. I can feel the pull on my heart and I feel so comfortable with you. I dont have anyfear, and I can feel my heart screaming at me."

*Taking a sip of her lemonaid Aerith smacks her lips together at the tart tast.*

"Tomarrow Wyatt, you might leave, go to that court hearing and I could never see you again. I've never been one to look farther ahead than I can see, but tomarrow I'd like to go into court with you. Be there, to saport you. Even if I cant go in the room with you guys I want to be waiting outside those doors to be the firt one to hug you, and start to feel what geting close to someone means again."

*Once finishing the dishes Rosetta cleans up. Checking on BJ, making sure Jamie and Con were ok Rosetta finally heads out to the barn. Finding Mick she puts her arms around him and smiles.*

"Ok I'm ready."

*Smiling Katie leans into Scott. Looking around only a few people are around. Jeff was alittle bit away on the pourch, Her Aunt had just entered the barn and Katie saw Clint with a scowl on his face.

Turning to Scott Katie stops and looks up at him. Her fav spot is what he wanted to see. So he would.*

"Ok, I know right where I want to take you, but we have to go by horse back. Its quite a walk to get there on foot. It would be 10x easyer with the horses. And if you want you can ride with me so you dont have to ride alone."

*Katie smiles up at Scott a twinkle in her eye showing she wasent trying to mok him. Only trying to make her own sacrafices to make him comfortable. A relationship was about bending to eachother, making sacraficed for eachother. Give and gain thats what it was about.*

*As Wendy heads to the mess hall she see Clint. Knowing now about would happend she could tell by the look on Clint's face he wasent happy. Running to catch up with him Wendy smiles.*

"Hey Sweetness. Want to join me for whatever is left over for breakfest?"

*Wes is taken back by Jason suddon acusations of Wes having something to say. Standing he looks at his step son for a long moment.*

"Jason, this wasent an excuse to get you out here alone at all. This was a genuin offer for help. Because Clint and I DONT know what is wrong with the bike and we have been working on it for a good few weeks."

*The look in Wes' eyes portray that he really did want Jason's help with the bike and thats why he asked him to take a look at it.*

"As for talking to you, I can do that anywhere. I dont want to courner you Jason, or trap you into talking to me. Thats not my intentions at all."

*Wes thinks for a moment before speaking again.*

"I guess if I have anything really important to say to you its how proud I am. I saw you went you first came to the ranch and you've changed alot since then. You might think you took a step backwards but, its just another bump in the road of life and I can see you making it over that bump. Your a fine young man who is growing day by day. And When I got you mom as part of my family, I am glad that i got you as well. I feel honnored to call you my step son Jason!!"

*Wes holds his hand out to Jason. Like a king would to another king showing they are equil, and showing there honor to one another. Steping slightly to the side as to not block the exit in case Jason wished to leave. Wes dident want him to feel traped or forced.*

*Misty lets out a laugh as she wraps her arm back around Carson's waist and they walk. The air was warm out today but not to unbearable. The feeling of what was to come tomarrow slowly slipping away.

Steping into Mom and Pop's Misty gives a wave to Mable. Than spinning quick in a circle Misty points to a table.*

"That one. It looks rather nice."

*Sliding into the booth Misty looks at Carson for along momen across from her. In seconds she is sliding out again and movieing next to Carson insted.*

"Today, I want to be as close as I can to you."

*Misty looks Carson in the eyes again and than back to her menu searching for something differnt to eat today.*

*Frankie stands across the street from Mom and Pops confusing still within him. What had happend here days before. What had he done. One minute he was teasing Aerith offering to take her home, and the next his jaw was killing him. The look of terror on Aerith's face, and the anger, the hate seen in Jason and Wyatt.

As suddon movment coming down the sidewalk catchs Frankie's eye. Causing him to forget about what happend last night for just a moment. Widening the for a moment his breathing only stops. It was his sister with the same guy he saw in Lundon. She looksed differnt now, so happy. Frankie couldent help but smiles. That was his first reason for coming to Nevada. He hadent talked to his sister in so long. Seeing her enter and sit down with Carson Frankie decieds now wasent the time to bother her. She looked busy and dident need him droping in on her runing her nice time. Frankies eyes were soft as they looked apone his sister.*

If you're willing...

Wyatt smiles as he watches Aerith. He was glad she could come here and relax. The picture of her the day before with Frankie still made him shudder.

Reese wades across the river to the other side where he sets himself down on a comfortable perch and starts to fish.

Wyatt remains fairly close to Aerith, fishing upstream from her and enjoying the sun. Every once in a while someone would give a shout if they got a fish, and it would go on their stringer, promising a good supper for that evening.

Close to lunchtime, Wyatt's stomach begins to grumble. "Hey!" he calls loudly. "Anybody hungry, or just me?"

Reese waves from his spot a ways down. "Not me. You two go ahead though."

Wyatt can't help but grin. He knew his dad too well to believe he wasn't hungry. But he wouldn't spoil his fun. Heading to the little clearing on the bank, Wyatt helps Aerith get out the food, and finally settles down on the ground, sprawling out and propping himself up on one elbow so he can still eat his sandwich. "Mm...this is the life." He pauses to eat a little, but his eyes insist on wandering back to Aerith.

"You know, Aerith...I've missed out on a lot of things, just because I've been overly cautious, or too dumb to make a move fast enough." He gives a short laugh. "Guess I'm just slow on the uptake sometimes. But this whole thing with not knowing what my future looks like after tomorrow... life's too short for me to keep up the way I have. Pretty soon I'm gonna run out of time and find that I've done nothing but collect a box of regrets."

Wyatt pauses again. "Maybe I'm crazy...maybe I don't have a chance at all...but if I didn't try to take it, I'd be a fool." Looking into Aerith's eyes, he searches for what she might be thinking or feeling. He couldn't tell.

"I like spending time with you...you make me feel good and you're like the sun on a cloudy day." Cocking his head, he remains stretched out on the ground, thinking. "And I guess I don't want to let this slip by and become another regret that I have later down the road. I know there's a chance after tomorrow that I'll be behind bars the rest of my life. But if I'm not...if we come out of this...I'd like to be more than friends with you...if you're willing."

Wyatt can feel the heat on the back of his neck, and it wasn't from the sun. He wasn't usually this bold...he hardly knew Aerith at all. But his words were true. If he'd learned one thing from this trial, it was to seize the moment. And if he crashed and burned, so be it. At least he'd tried.

Ty doesn't verbally respond to Wendy as she speaks. She had a quiet air about her...she was peaceful, even though it was obvious this had been a surprise to her as well.

He doesn't make a move as she leaves, just figuring he'd be left alone the rest of the day. He might be able to get away with hibernating until everyone went back to Nevada tomorrow.

Clint trudges across the pasture, the bunk houses and mess hall in view. He didn't know where he wanted to go...he didn't know if he wanted to be with people or be alone. He was just...confused...hurt...upset. He had thought the lies were over. He had thought his parents had started being truthful. Yet they'd kept this secret...and Jim expected a positive reaction?

He kicks at the ground in frustration. He didn't know how to feel.

Mick returns Rosetta's kiss and nods. "Great." Seeing her return to he dishes, he gestures to the door. "I'll be out in the barns. Whenever you want to go today, just come find me."

Scott has put his camera away already, and smiles as Katie takes his arm. "Agreed. A walk sounds like an awfully good idea." Following her outside, he lets her keep her arm locked with his, and squints in the sun. He looks around for a moment, getting his bearings. "Okay...take me to your favorite spot," he challenges. "I want to see this place from your perspective."

Jason looks up as he hears Wes, not having realized he'd entered the shop. Lowering his eyes back down, he continues to look at the engine. "Could be," he muses. "If it starts up and then sputters before dying out, my guess would be that it's not electrical, but I can't imagine you or Clint would have missed something."

As Wes squats down next to him, Jason can feel himself bristle just a little bit, though he keeps his mind occupied with the bike. "Yeah, it is nice looking...older, but its body is in good shape."

As quietness settles over the shop, Jason focuses on the bike, but gives Wes a sidelong glance. "I can't run away. The plane isn't leaving until the morning. So whatever you want to say, just say it."

He stands up and crosses his arms, though his eyes show a weary willingness to stay. He knew this was important. "I'm not stupid enough to think that this bike wasn't a prime excuse to get me out here." A wry grin tweaks the very corner of his mouth. "You work too much like my mom does."

Carson leans into Misty's kiss, never tiring of the feeling that her passion evoked in him. Finally drawing away, a smile creases his lips. "Mm...if that's what it takes to get a kiss like that, I'm going to start inviting people to watch."

Chuckling, he resumes his walk beside her, noting that the other pedestrian had disappeared quite quickly.

Finally getting downtown, they cross the street to Mom and Pop's. Carson opens the door for Misty and follows her inside. "You pick the table."

Time moves on

*As Aerith scans the locations she smiles her fishing pole in hand. It was so pretty here, and never had she seen the water so clear. The smell filled her nose as memories slowly slip back to her.*

"This looks perfect. I've never seen such clear water. I think it will be a good spot."

* Aerith gives Wyatt's arm alittle squeeze of excitment than moves along the rocks. Finding a new spot for herself Aerith sits down and start going through the tackle box knowing what she is looking for. Once finding the right thing Aerith moves along the rocks again as the sun relfect off here moving form. Siting down Aerith smiles. She's not to far away from the others.*

"I found my spot. When you guys start to get hungry let me know. I will pull out the food for us."

*Katie smiles and waves back at Jeff giving alittle giggle. Turning to Scott she gives him a smile.*

"Come on, Jeff and them are nice. It dosent look like there table is to crowded eather."

*Going over to the table Katie sits down next to Jeff pulling up a seat for Scott. Keeping close to him the conversation at the table is light as the meal continues. Katie chats to everyone at the table, and includes Scott as well. Katie even smile more when she see Scott and Angel talking. It was good to see him interacting. Katie gives a scan around the room looking at all the smiling faces. It was good to be home and good to see everyone together. Katie smiles to herself. She really had missed it here. Life in Nevada was good, but there still was nothing like home.*

*Steping in alittle father Wendy leans up aganst the wall. Just listening to TY. Wow...he was Clints brother. That in itself was a shock to her let alone him. Well that would explain now why she felt a sort of familure feeling with him. Like she new him for so long.*

"Wow, thats...I couldent even imagen how that must feel. I dont blame you for being pretty confused. I guess I feel bad alittle for Jim and Becky to though. They must of had a good reason, and to do that must of hurt alot."

*Wendy stops and thinks for a moment. She wasent sure what to say to help anything.*

"Its gonna take some geting use to but, dont give up on them yet. I know its got to be hard, but...I dont know. Dont let this chanse pass you by. You dont know where you might be tomarrow."

*Wendy stands again and opens the bunk door. Turning one more time.*

"I'm going to go see if any breakfest is left. Maybe if your lonly later or something look me up. I'll be around."

*Wendy exits the bunk house and makes her way to the mess hall.*

*As Rosetta does up some dishes she smiles at Mick as he talks.*

"Jamie already said she and Con would watch BJ for me if we wanted some time alot. So thats all taken care of. Just let me know when your ready and I'm ready too."

*Rosetta leans into Mick and gives him a light kiss before going back to the dishes. Trying to keep her mind of once again Having Mick leave tomarrow, not knowing if she would see him or Katie again.*

*As the morning draws on and dinner was over Katie loses track of everyone she was talking with, laughing with. Standing she goes to great a few others, giving them he best wishs. Finally Katie relizes that Scott isent behind her anymore. Scaning the large room fill with people Katie's finally finds him. Smiling and walks up to him Katie interlocks her arm with his.*

"Hey there handsome. Wanna take a walk its geting alittle stuffy in here."

*As Wes see Jason disapear and looks to Cindy and gives alittle nod. Exiting the mess hall himself. Once entering the shop he leans aganst one of the shelfing units Just watching his setp son for a long moment. Finally Wes speaks trying not to startle Jason.*

"We think there might be a leak or air geting into the fuil line."

*Wes moves away from the shelf and over to the bike squating down next to Jason.*

"It sure is a nice looking bike."

*Wes draws silent feeling his own akwardness. He wasent to sure what to talk about with Jason other than the bike, and he dident want to bomb bard him with 20 questions eather. IF Jason dident want to talk right now Wes wouldent push him. So he sits and waits to see if Jason continues.*

*Misty stops and giggles as she looks across the street at the person watching them. Giving a wave she puts an arm around Carson's neck and pulls him closer to her.*

"Let them watch than."

*Misty press her lips to Carson's as they exchange a passinot kiss. Misty not in to much of a hury to stop.*

Now what?

Wyatt and Reese avoid talk of TJY or the court hearing tomorrow, and mostly remember times past, bringing up fishing trips with Wyatt had been a kid, and family picnics. They talked of going to this same river as a threesome, the tone growing just a little melancholy when mentioning Wyatt's mother. Overall, the atmosphere is kept light, and Wyatt tries to involve Aerith as much as he can, even though he knows she probably feels just a little strange.

Finally arriving to the river, it's just a bit of a walk down a narrow lane until they reach their destination. As they walk, Reese carries the tackle box and backpack with food. "Yeah, this is a nice little spot down here, and as far as I know, not too many people have discovered it." He chuckles. "Which is just the way we like it."

Heading off the path and through some light bramble, suddenly they're in a clearing. The river is calm and sparkling here, so clear one could see the bottom. Large rocks lined the shore, and an almost beach-like clearing was down the way with a picnic-perfect spot on the sand and pebbles.

Wyatt glances over to Aerith as they stop and scan the scenery. "So...what do you think?"

Jade greets Katie with enthusiasm. "Oh, I know, you wouldn't believe how many times I told myself, 'I've got to write Katie today!' then by the time I went to bed, I'd forgotten all over again." She rolls her eyes. "But I'm thrilled you're here - I had no idea everyone would be here today."

Introduced to Scott, she gives him a smile. "Hey."

Scott offers his free hand. "Nice to meet ya."

"Likewise." Jade's eyes drift back to Katie's as they twinkle with delight, showing that she liked Scott and was happy for her friend. "Okay, well, I'm gonna go eat with my family, but I know we'll catch up later!"

Turning around, Jade heads back to the table with her dad.

Scott keeps Katie's hand in his and gives it a little shake. "Alright, Hero, who are we daring to sit with this morning?" Though nervous, he was willing to go wherever she wanted.

Before a place can be chosen though, Jeff waves to them from his table where he sits with Sparky, Luke and Angel. "Hey, you two! Get over here and set your bottoms down!"

Scott glances to Katie. "I guess that's where we sit," he relents with humor.

Jade slides back into her seat next to Mick and across from Jason, starting in on her food and striking up a conversation with her dad again until he's busy talking with Rosetta.
The noise in the mess hall, and everyone chatting amongst themselves creates an atmosphere for anyone to talk about anything and still remain fairly private.

Jade finally asks Jason what she really wants to know. "So...how have you really been, Jason?"

He takes a bite of toast and shrugs. "Oh...I'm here...I'm alive...and that's what I gotta be thankful for at the moment I think."

"I knew you'd been in prison for a while."


"So..." Jade hesitates. It was none of her business. But she and Jason had been close...she could talk to him. "What happened with you and Katie?"

Jason forces a dry laugh. "You would ask that, wouldn't you?" He shrugs again. "I don't know. Me, I guess. I just wasn't...what she needed or deserved."

Jade's eyes fill with sympathy. "Are you really as over it as you imply?"

Jason looks down at his orange juice. "I'm getting there," he states matter-of-factly, before taking a swig. "What can you do? Move on. She's happy."

"I can see that." Jade smiles a little, allowing a pause. "I think about us everyone in a while, you know..."

Jason's eyes drift back up to hers. "And what do you think?"

"Oh I don't know...I guess maybe I figured out that perhaps I'd been in a little too much of a hurry to find love...I didn't stop and think before I dove in...and I guess sometimes I wish I wouldn't have taken that chance and spared you any pain."

The corner of Jason's mouth upturns. "You think too much." He knew he hadn't been thinking a whole lot back then either...Jade had been a good friend and he'd been attracted to her, but he hadn't really been as serious as he would have needed to be, had there been any chance for them at all. "You and I both know it never would have worked, but we enjoyed it while it lasted."

"I know." Jade sighs. "But that doesn't keep me from reflecting on it."

"I suppose not." Jason searches her eyes. "Have you found mister right yet?"

Jade laughs. "No, but I'm still waiting."

"Still bent on a homebody?"

Jade reaches out to slap his hand. "I never said I wanted a homebody. I just wanted someone who I didn't have to worry about day in and day out."

Jason grins. "Mark my words, you're going to end up with some dude in law enforcement just for spite."

Jade giggles. "Probably."

As Jason looks at Jade, he feels a strange bit of peace being around her. There was no tension, despite their past. They both had truly moved on, and neither were looking for anything, other than a simple friendship with the other. The excitement and what they might have called love had faded into a sweet memory, but did not torment their hearts now. Jason longed for the day he could look at Katie like this.

Ty refuses to look up at Wendy. She seemed nice...he wasn't put off by her presence or threatened by her intrusion. "Oh sure, I'm okay," he fibs. He finally glances upward to see her face. "I should be happy, right? Coming here and having my family history revealed to me? Who would have thought? Other than Mick, who got me here under false pretense."

He glances down again, still desperately trying to process everything, while still fighting the tears that wanted to come. He didn't even know why he felt like crying. He was just...mad and confused.

"I guess now everyone will know." He swallows hard, staring at the floor where he still sat. "Apparently I'm the long lost son who was explained away as dead." His eyes shift up to Wendy's again. "I was just informed that I'm your boyfriend's brother."

As breakfast begins to end, people start filing out of the mess hall, dispersing to either get necessary work done, or do things together. Jade has found someone to talk to, and Jason glances around the room, finding no comfortable scenario to insert himself into. Remembering Wes' discussion about the motorcycle, Jason slips quietly out the back door and heads to the shop. Letting himself in, he spots the motorcycle and wanders over to it, eying it skeptically. He squats down next to it, running his fingers over the engine and studying the parts.

Mick helps Rosetta clear away some of the dishes, meeting her alone in the kitchen. "Hey...if we can get someone to watch BJ, maybe you and I can take a short jaunt with the horses up the lane or something."

With the bustle of movement and people, it becomes just a little chaotic for a few minutes before everyone had scattered. Scott finds himself a little bit lost again and gradually shifts away from the groups until he's back by one of the windows. Picking up the small bag he'd brought with him, he draws out his camera. Aiming it subtly, hardly anyone notices as he clicks away some pictures, zooming in on faces, capturing the laughter in their eyes. Memories were precious, and he had a plan for these.

Carson grins and lets go of Misty's hand to sling his arm around her shoulder. "Who said it was a date? All I remember mentioning is breakfast."

He gives her a sly sidelong glance and leans down to give her a quick kiss as they walk. Straightening up, he realizes someone on the other side of the street was looking at them.

Forcing a serious expression, he shakes his finger at Misty. "Behave yourself, will you?"


*Aerith smiles at Wyatt.*

"Thank you."

*Geting her fishing licens Aerith smiles as she holds it for a moment. She hadent had one of these in a long time. Slipping it into her wallet she climbs back into the jeep. Once picking up Reese Aerith slips into the back seat. Excanging her greeting and introductions with him Aerith sits in the back watching the scenery fly by. Joining in on the conversation every now and than Aerith mostly just listens feeling alittle out of place with Wyatt and his father.*

*Wes helps Cindy to the table porshing out food for himself and geting what she would like as well. Scaning the room at the smiling faces, the laughter and smiles. Turning to his wife Wes smiles and nods taking a bit of his toast.*

*As Katie enters the mess hall her eyes first fall on the face that wasent with them last night Jason. He came after all. Katie gives a small smile but soon the smile fades as she see Jason look at her but than look away not saying anything. Not givin time to think Katie sees Jade her smile returns receveing her embrace Katie hugs her back. Relizing just how long it had been till they had talked.*

"Jade! Its so good to see you. I am sorry I dident keep up writing to you. I guess things just got crazy. Its good to see you."

*Steping back Katie looks at Jade searching her face for a moment giving a nod. Receving an unspoken look that she new Jason and herself wernt together anymore Katie turns alittle taking Scotts hand.*

"Jade this is Scott. Scott this is Micks daughter and my good friends Jade."

*Wendy pushed the door open and steps inside. Feeling a bit strange about just walking in on a person she hardly new like this. Wendy had always been one to care though. Giving alittle smile Wendy softly talks.*

"I dont mean to barge in on you, I just saw you come this way pretty fast. I jus wanted to make sure you were ok."

*Misty looks at Carson and smiles. Feeling a bit of color come to her face.*

"So what happend to the Carson who dsoent go on dates mmmm?"

*Misty cant help but lean into Carson a bit as they walk today seemed brighter. This could possable be the last day of the rest of there lifes. It felt like time was trying to stop, to saver this day.*

"Mom and Pop's sounds great. Anywhere sounds great as long as your with me today."

More greetings

Wyatt waits patiently for Aerith, hoping that her grandmother isn’t giving her too hard of a time. He knew she probably wasn’t happy…not to mention that maybe it hadn’t quite looked right having Aerith spend the night at his place… But he was at peace about it. It hadn’t been wrong.

Once Aerith joins him again, they head into town, but Wyatt shakes his head at her question. “Nope. You don’t need an atm because I’m buying the license for you.”

He insists, and once everything is said and done, it seems like no time before they’ve been joined by Reese and are on their way to the river about half an hour away, all the fishing tackle and food in the back.

Scott gives Katie a grateful smile and returns the squeeze to her hand. He could keep this conversation going, but knew it was best if it were dropped so they could just move on. “Okay…it won’t take long to clean it up and I’ll head back with you.”

He’s right, and it doesn’t take much to straighten the cabin back up so it will be ready to work on later. Before he and Katie leave, he switches out his glasses for his contacts and slings a small bag over his shoulder. “Alright…let’s go see if there’s any food left after Con’s been there,” he teases.

The walk is warm and Scott and Katie walk hand in hand to the ranch yard, then to the mess hall. Entering, Scott can feel himself tense a little, but he finds the familiar faces in the room, forcing himself not to be bothered so much.

Feeling a bit strange talking to Wes, Jason tries to converse with him. The motorcycle dilemma did sound like an appealing project to keep his mind occupied. “Well, I’ve only done some tinkering, so I doubt I’d be able to find anything you or Clint couldn’t, but I can look. I can go to the shop after breakfast if you like.”

Cindy keeps herself from smiling too much. She was so glad to see Wes and Jason interacting…Wes was doing a good job, and it was good to see that Jason responded to him, even if he did feel awkward.

By now, the ranch yard is almost in sight and it only takes a few minutes to cover the rest of the distance.

Jade doesn’t hesitate to give Rosetta hug too. “Oh, thank you. Yes, I didn’t have any breakfast this morning and it was quite a long ride,” she admits.

Within minutes, she’s sitting at one of the tables next to Mick, with Rosetta and BJ, enjoying her breakfast. It’s just a short while later that she sees the door open, and looking up, her face breaks into a smile. “Jason!” She stands up and gives a little wave.

Jason looks quickly to the sound of his name and raises his eyebrows in surprise. He hadn’t expected to see Jade here.

Several others from TJY look up as well and Con glances to the door, very surprised to see Jason. So he’d come after all…

Jason’s awkwardness increases, not only with those at the ranch he was now unfamiliar with, but also with his coworkers who had thought he’d stayed in Nevada. He tries to shove his feelings aside though, and returns Jade’s wave. Breaking apart from his family, he heads to her table, nodding to a few others who greet him as well.

Jade stands up and goes to give Jason a warm hug. “I didn’t know you were here.”

Jason returns her hug, then draws away, giving a slight shrug and smile. “I didn’t know you were here either.”

“I just got in this morning to surprise my dad.”

Jason can’t help his slight chuckle. “I just got in this morning to surprise my mom.”

Jade giggles. “We need to be more original. Join me for breakfast?” Before Jason can answer though, she stops. “Oh, you’re probably waiting for Katie, aren’t you?”

Jason bites his lip. “Um, no. She’s here, but…”

Jade lifts an eyebrow. “Uh-oh.”


Jade looks up at Jason with sympathy. “Sorry. I didn’t know.”

“It’s okay…” He gives a little sigh. “It’s over and we’ve moved on.”

Before Jade can respond, the door opens yet again, and she looks past Jason to see Katie enter with another man. Her eyes shoot back to Jason with question.

Jason musters up a wry grin and nods. “Yep.”

“Come on.” Jade gestures to the table, changing the subject. “Eat with us. You look like you could use it.”

“Oh, thanks.”

“I didn’t say you looked bad.” Jade slaps his arm teasingly. “You couldn’t look bad if you tried. Sit down and I’ll be right back.”

Jason sinks down into a chair near Mick and Rosetta, feeling even more out of place here than he did when he’d first arrived so many months ago.

Jade hurries toward Katie, giving an enthusiastic wave and smile. “Katie!”

Scott steps back a little, giving the two women room to greet each other.

Ty hears the knock at the door and automatically swipes his eyes to rid evidence of tears, even though he can’t hide the redness. Hearing Wendy’s voice, he raises an eyebrow. What could she want? He’d talked to her a little bit last night with Clint and she’d seemed nice enough…but to go out of her way to check on him now?

Part of Ty just wanted to be left alone, and part of him wanted to vent. He didn’t want to make a scene…he didn’t want to get mixed up in some big mess. All he really wanted to do was leave. But if he told Wendy to go away, it might just raise more suspicion, and he might get questioned even more.

Thinking for a moment, he finally answers her. “It’s open,” he calls.

Remaining on the floor, he looks down as she enters, not knowing if he could really tell her what had just happened or not. It wasn’t like she wasn’t involved at all…she was dating his brother.

Carson grins. “If the cops come, let them. I have nothing to be ashamed of, banging on a pretty sheila’s window.”

He gives Misty’s hand a squeeze as they head slowly down the sidewalk. He wasn’t used to going at a slow pace, but it was nice this morning…he really didn’t feel like jogging anyway, and he and Misty could talk more this way, or simply enjoy the scenery more.

Instead of heading his normal route, Carson aims toward downtown instead. “How about some breakfast at Mom and Pop’s?”