
If you're willing...

Wyatt smiles as he watches Aerith. He was glad she could come here and relax. The picture of her the day before with Frankie still made him shudder.

Reese wades across the river to the other side where he sets himself down on a comfortable perch and starts to fish.

Wyatt remains fairly close to Aerith, fishing upstream from her and enjoying the sun. Every once in a while someone would give a shout if they got a fish, and it would go on their stringer, promising a good supper for that evening.

Close to lunchtime, Wyatt's stomach begins to grumble. "Hey!" he calls loudly. "Anybody hungry, or just me?"

Reese waves from his spot a ways down. "Not me. You two go ahead though."

Wyatt can't help but grin. He knew his dad too well to believe he wasn't hungry. But he wouldn't spoil his fun. Heading to the little clearing on the bank, Wyatt helps Aerith get out the food, and finally settles down on the ground, sprawling out and propping himself up on one elbow so he can still eat his sandwich. "Mm...this is the life." He pauses to eat a little, but his eyes insist on wandering back to Aerith.

"You know, Aerith...I've missed out on a lot of things, just because I've been overly cautious, or too dumb to make a move fast enough." He gives a short laugh. "Guess I'm just slow on the uptake sometimes. But this whole thing with not knowing what my future looks like after tomorrow... life's too short for me to keep up the way I have. Pretty soon I'm gonna run out of time and find that I've done nothing but collect a box of regrets."

Wyatt pauses again. "Maybe I'm crazy...maybe I don't have a chance at all...but if I didn't try to take it, I'd be a fool." Looking into Aerith's eyes, he searches for what she might be thinking or feeling. He couldn't tell.

"I like spending time with you...you make me feel good and you're like the sun on a cloudy day." Cocking his head, he remains stretched out on the ground, thinking. "And I guess I don't want to let this slip by and become another regret that I have later down the road. I know there's a chance after tomorrow that I'll be behind bars the rest of my life. But if I'm not...if we come out of this...I'd like to be more than friends with you...if you're willing."

Wyatt can feel the heat on the back of his neck, and it wasn't from the sun. He wasn't usually this bold...he hardly knew Aerith at all. But his words were true. If he'd learned one thing from this trial, it was to seize the moment. And if he crashed and burned, so be it. At least he'd tried.

Ty doesn't verbally respond to Wendy as she speaks. She had a quiet air about her...she was peaceful, even though it was obvious this had been a surprise to her as well.

He doesn't make a move as she leaves, just figuring he'd be left alone the rest of the day. He might be able to get away with hibernating until everyone went back to Nevada tomorrow.

Clint trudges across the pasture, the bunk houses and mess hall in view. He didn't know where he wanted to go...he didn't know if he wanted to be with people or be alone. He was just...confused...hurt...upset. He had thought the lies were over. He had thought his parents had started being truthful. Yet they'd kept this secret...and Jim expected a positive reaction?

He kicks at the ground in frustration. He didn't know how to feel.

Mick returns Rosetta's kiss and nods. "Great." Seeing her return to he dishes, he gestures to the door. "I'll be out in the barns. Whenever you want to go today, just come find me."

Scott has put his camera away already, and smiles as Katie takes his arm. "Agreed. A walk sounds like an awfully good idea." Following her outside, he lets her keep her arm locked with his, and squints in the sun. He looks around for a moment, getting his bearings. "Okay...take me to your favorite spot," he challenges. "I want to see this place from your perspective."

Jason looks up as he hears Wes, not having realized he'd entered the shop. Lowering his eyes back down, he continues to look at the engine. "Could be," he muses. "If it starts up and then sputters before dying out, my guess would be that it's not electrical, but I can't imagine you or Clint would have missed something."

As Wes squats down next to him, Jason can feel himself bristle just a little bit, though he keeps his mind occupied with the bike. "Yeah, it is nice looking...older, but its body is in good shape."

As quietness settles over the shop, Jason focuses on the bike, but gives Wes a sidelong glance. "I can't run away. The plane isn't leaving until the morning. So whatever you want to say, just say it."

He stands up and crosses his arms, though his eyes show a weary willingness to stay. He knew this was important. "I'm not stupid enough to think that this bike wasn't a prime excuse to get me out here." A wry grin tweaks the very corner of his mouth. "You work too much like my mom does."

Carson leans into Misty's kiss, never tiring of the feeling that her passion evoked in him. Finally drawing away, a smile creases his lips. "Mm...if that's what it takes to get a kiss like that, I'm going to start inviting people to watch."

Chuckling, he resumes his walk beside her, noting that the other pedestrian had disappeared quite quickly.

Finally getting downtown, they cross the street to Mom and Pop's. Carson opens the door for Misty and follows her inside. "You pick the table."

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