
Time moves on

*As Aerith scans the locations she smiles her fishing pole in hand. It was so pretty here, and never had she seen the water so clear. The smell filled her nose as memories slowly slip back to her.*

"This looks perfect. I've never seen such clear water. I think it will be a good spot."

* Aerith gives Wyatt's arm alittle squeeze of excitment than moves along the rocks. Finding a new spot for herself Aerith sits down and start going through the tackle box knowing what she is looking for. Once finding the right thing Aerith moves along the rocks again as the sun relfect off here moving form. Siting down Aerith smiles. She's not to far away from the others.*

"I found my spot. When you guys start to get hungry let me know. I will pull out the food for us."

*Katie smiles and waves back at Jeff giving alittle giggle. Turning to Scott she gives him a smile.*

"Come on, Jeff and them are nice. It dosent look like there table is to crowded eather."

*Going over to the table Katie sits down next to Jeff pulling up a seat for Scott. Keeping close to him the conversation at the table is light as the meal continues. Katie chats to everyone at the table, and includes Scott as well. Katie even smile more when she see Scott and Angel talking. It was good to see him interacting. Katie gives a scan around the room looking at all the smiling faces. It was good to be home and good to see everyone together. Katie smiles to herself. She really had missed it here. Life in Nevada was good, but there still was nothing like home.*

*Steping in alittle father Wendy leans up aganst the wall. Just listening to TY. Wow...he was Clints brother. That in itself was a shock to her let alone him. Well that would explain now why she felt a sort of familure feeling with him. Like she new him for so long.*

"Wow, thats...I couldent even imagen how that must feel. I dont blame you for being pretty confused. I guess I feel bad alittle for Jim and Becky to though. They must of had a good reason, and to do that must of hurt alot."

*Wendy stops and thinks for a moment. She wasent sure what to say to help anything.*

"Its gonna take some geting use to but, dont give up on them yet. I know its got to be hard, but...I dont know. Dont let this chanse pass you by. You dont know where you might be tomarrow."

*Wendy stands again and opens the bunk door. Turning one more time.*

"I'm going to go see if any breakfest is left. Maybe if your lonly later or something look me up. I'll be around."

*Wendy exits the bunk house and makes her way to the mess hall.*

*As Rosetta does up some dishes she smiles at Mick as he talks.*

"Jamie already said she and Con would watch BJ for me if we wanted some time alot. So thats all taken care of. Just let me know when your ready and I'm ready too."

*Rosetta leans into Mick and gives him a light kiss before going back to the dishes. Trying to keep her mind of once again Having Mick leave tomarrow, not knowing if she would see him or Katie again.*

*As the morning draws on and dinner was over Katie loses track of everyone she was talking with, laughing with. Standing she goes to great a few others, giving them he best wishs. Finally Katie relizes that Scott isent behind her anymore. Scaning the large room fill with people Katie's finally finds him. Smiling and walks up to him Katie interlocks her arm with his.*

"Hey there handsome. Wanna take a walk its geting alittle stuffy in here."

*As Wes see Jason disapear and looks to Cindy and gives alittle nod. Exiting the mess hall himself. Once entering the shop he leans aganst one of the shelfing units Just watching his setp son for a long moment. Finally Wes speaks trying not to startle Jason.*

"We think there might be a leak or air geting into the fuil line."

*Wes moves away from the shelf and over to the bike squating down next to Jason.*

"It sure is a nice looking bike."

*Wes draws silent feeling his own akwardness. He wasent to sure what to talk about with Jason other than the bike, and he dident want to bomb bard him with 20 questions eather. IF Jason dident want to talk right now Wes wouldent push him. So he sits and waits to see if Jason continues.*

*Misty stops and giggles as she looks across the street at the person watching them. Giving a wave she puts an arm around Carson's neck and pulls him closer to her.*

"Let them watch than."

*Misty press her lips to Carson's as they exchange a passinot kiss. Misty not in to much of a hury to stop.*

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