
My Feelings

*As Aerith sits fishing her mind starts to wonder with in no time she is taken back to when her dad would take her fishing.

"Dad, can you put the worm on for me?"

"Aerith, its not that bad they dont bit!"

"I know dad, but it has to hurt them puting a hook in there body, I dont want to hurt them."

"Ok come here sweet heart."

As Areith remebers she smiles. How she had loved spending time with her dad. Everything had been simple then. Aeriths mom was happy than. She loved spending time with her, use to laugh. When Aerith's father had fallen ill everything changed. Her father had told her mother she wasent aloud at the hospetal. He dident want Aerith to remember him that way but to remember him as the man full of life. That never stoped loving her.

Wyatt's voice shatters Aeriths memories, and thought. Turning her head and smiling she nods. She was starting to get hungry without relizing it. Aerith sits down tucking her legs underneath her and kneeling leaning back on her legs. Taking a bit of her sandwhich Aerith smiles. Listen to Wyatt a feeling starts to over come her. Was it fear, excitment, joy Aerith wasent sure. She had always shyed away from guys, never geting to close. Why she dident know. But Wyatt was differnt, he has a certin peace and the time spent with him dident frighten her.*

"I've, never had anyone more than a friend before. I mean sure alot of guys have took intrest in me, and tryed to start something I've alwyas just cut it short before anything could come of it. My dad was the only real person I was close to. He was my best friend. I guess when I lost him it hurt so bad I dident want to get close to anyone. I guess I just dident want to feel that pain ever again like I did when I lost my dad."

*Aerith lets out a sigh and she takes another bit of her sandwhich.*

"After that everything with my mom geting married, and well you know the rest. Out of everything I gained one good thing. As time went on I started reading my bible more and found comfort in that. I went to church and lived my life more like he would want me too. Over time he helped ease my pain. But I guess the feeling of loss can be eased but not forgoten."

*Stoping again for a moment Aerith relizes that maybe her words had goten away from her again and taken her off topic once again. She felt comfortable around Wyatt like she could tell him anything, she could keep talking hours and hours. *

"Your, differnt though Wyatt. I can feel the pull on my heart and I feel so comfortable with you. I dont have anyfear, and I can feel my heart screaming at me."

*Taking a sip of her lemonaid Aerith smacks her lips together at the tart tast.*

"Tomarrow Wyatt, you might leave, go to that court hearing and I could never see you again. I've never been one to look farther ahead than I can see, but tomarrow I'd like to go into court with you. Be there, to saport you. Even if I cant go in the room with you guys I want to be waiting outside those doors to be the firt one to hug you, and start to feel what geting close to someone means again."

*Once finishing the dishes Rosetta cleans up. Checking on BJ, making sure Jamie and Con were ok Rosetta finally heads out to the barn. Finding Mick she puts her arms around him and smiles.*

"Ok I'm ready."

*Smiling Katie leans into Scott. Looking around only a few people are around. Jeff was alittle bit away on the pourch, Her Aunt had just entered the barn and Katie saw Clint with a scowl on his face.

Turning to Scott Katie stops and looks up at him. Her fav spot is what he wanted to see. So he would.*

"Ok, I know right where I want to take you, but we have to go by horse back. Its quite a walk to get there on foot. It would be 10x easyer with the horses. And if you want you can ride with me so you dont have to ride alone."

*Katie smiles up at Scott a twinkle in her eye showing she wasent trying to mok him. Only trying to make her own sacrafices to make him comfortable. A relationship was about bending to eachother, making sacraficed for eachother. Give and gain thats what it was about.*

*As Wendy heads to the mess hall she see Clint. Knowing now about would happend she could tell by the look on Clint's face he wasent happy. Running to catch up with him Wendy smiles.*

"Hey Sweetness. Want to join me for whatever is left over for breakfest?"

*Wes is taken back by Jason suddon acusations of Wes having something to say. Standing he looks at his step son for a long moment.*

"Jason, this wasent an excuse to get you out here alone at all. This was a genuin offer for help. Because Clint and I DONT know what is wrong with the bike and we have been working on it for a good few weeks."

*The look in Wes' eyes portray that he really did want Jason's help with the bike and thats why he asked him to take a look at it.*

"As for talking to you, I can do that anywhere. I dont want to courner you Jason, or trap you into talking to me. Thats not my intentions at all."

*Wes thinks for a moment before speaking again.*

"I guess if I have anything really important to say to you its how proud I am. I saw you went you first came to the ranch and you've changed alot since then. You might think you took a step backwards but, its just another bump in the road of life and I can see you making it over that bump. Your a fine young man who is growing day by day. And When I got you mom as part of my family, I am glad that i got you as well. I feel honnored to call you my step son Jason!!"

*Wes holds his hand out to Jason. Like a king would to another king showing they are equil, and showing there honor to one another. Steping slightly to the side as to not block the exit in case Jason wished to leave. Wes dident want him to feel traped or forced.*

*Misty lets out a laugh as she wraps her arm back around Carson's waist and they walk. The air was warm out today but not to unbearable. The feeling of what was to come tomarrow slowly slipping away.

Steping into Mom and Pop's Misty gives a wave to Mable. Than spinning quick in a circle Misty points to a table.*

"That one. It looks rather nice."

*Sliding into the booth Misty looks at Carson for along momen across from her. In seconds she is sliding out again and movieing next to Carson insted.*

"Today, I want to be as close as I can to you."

*Misty looks Carson in the eyes again and than back to her menu searching for something differnt to eat today.*

*Frankie stands across the street from Mom and Pops confusing still within him. What had happend here days before. What had he done. One minute he was teasing Aerith offering to take her home, and the next his jaw was killing him. The look of terror on Aerith's face, and the anger, the hate seen in Jason and Wyatt.

As suddon movment coming down the sidewalk catchs Frankie's eye. Causing him to forget about what happend last night for just a moment. Widening the for a moment his breathing only stops. It was his sister with the same guy he saw in Lundon. She looksed differnt now, so happy. Frankie couldent help but smiles. That was his first reason for coming to Nevada. He hadent talked to his sister in so long. Seeing her enter and sit down with Carson Frankie decieds now wasent the time to bother her. She looked busy and dident need him droping in on her runing her nice time. Frankies eyes were soft as they looked apone his sister.*

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