

Con gives a little sigh of relief, knowing that Herb would be okay. But it was still a scary situation, especially for Jamie and Mabel.

He nods and gives Jamie a little squeeze. "Alright. Well I'll wait here with you two then, until we can see him." Questions lingered behind Con's eyes, but he didn't voice them. Not yet. He would talk to Jamie later.

Kyle keeps his eyes on the road and laughs. "No sweat. I was getting bus sickness. I love the gang to death, but I had to get out of there for a while."

Listening to the music playing on the radio, he doesn't realize he's tapping his fingers on the steering wheel, almost nervously as if he can't sit still.

Alice's question makes his eyebrows rise, and for a moment, he hesitates. As far as he knew, Phil was the only one who knew he was taking depression meds. Kyle believed he was feeling better, so he wasn't ready to quit taking them, but at the same time, he really didn't want everyone knowing about it. Deep down there was a strange stirring of something that resembled guilt, but he'd been ignoring it. "No..."

He pauses, looking in the side mirror to switch lanes, following the bus down the interstate. "I'm not sick," he finally answers.

For the first time, he refuses to look Alice in the eye, even though he had plenty of time to glance in her direction. He would have stopped there, but it was obvious that she'd noticed, and would probably continue to notice. No one else had, but no one else had eyes like her either.

Giving up, but not really wanting to talk about it, Kyle reaches in his pocket and pulls out the bottle, passing it to Alice so she could see for herself.

Jason swivels in his desk chair, the paperwork on his desk going undone. His mind was too far away. He'd just spoken with Rick, and had quietly given him the paper he'd gained from the Agency lab. A quick explanation was all Rick had needed, and he'd promised to start working on it. He'd also agreed not to tell anyone.

Jason tosses a crumpled piece of scrap paper across his office, landing it in the trash can.

Katie... Rick told me Angel is awake. Thought you'd like to know.

His emotions lacked enthusiasm, even though he was happy. Come to think of it, his emotions had lacked a lot the last couple days. Though not allowing Katie to read into his thoughts, Jason's mind had continued to revert back to what Ryder had said. Jason wasn't upset... just a might confused... disappointed... but maybe more in himself than anything.

Opening his desk drawer, he fishes for a while until he finds the picture that at one time, he'd been ready to throw away. It had captured the passion he'd felt for Katie in the beginning. Was that passion gone? He didn't think so. But what was he lacking? What had he done wrong, to make Katie turn to another man? He knew she wasn't going to leave him - that much was obvious. But still... Jason felt just a bit hurt and confused as to what he could have done that was wrong.

Axel leans on Jess' car, taking a swig from his water bottle. They were both standing outside their vehicles at a rest area, having been driving all morning. They'd left Wisconsin earlier with warm goodbyes, and the Stevenson's hearty invitation to return any time.

Axel takes in a deep breath of air, and cocks his head at Jess. So much was different now. They were both returning not as different people, but perhaps with different perspectives.

Moving closer, Axel reaches out to take a strand of windblown hair and tuck it behind Jess' ear. "You alright to keep driving, or you want to wait a while yet?"

"We'll head to the bullseye and take a few losers there and then..." Toby thinks hard for a moment, looking up and to the left as he ponders, sitting in the passenger seat. "And then we figure out what we're... Ahhhh!" His shriek echoes through the car. "Right side, right side!"

Ryder's yell mixes with Toby's, as he whips the car back over to the right side of the road, barely missing an oncoming car. His eyes are as wide as plates. "Right side," he repeats calmly. "You Yanks have to do everything backward, don't you?"

"Dude, you said you weren't drunk!"

"I'm not!" Ryder turns to look at Toby, accidentally letting the car creep back over into the left lane. "But the left side is where..."

"Right! Right!"

"Right!" The car goes careening back over into the legal lane.


Continuing to hold her husband Angel's heart races. It felt like she had been asleep for ages, yet at the same time she didnt feel like she had been a sleep but more like stuck in limbo. Her head felt foggy and a minor headache was forming.

"You almost did lose me Luke, I am thankful for those who helped me."

Pulling away a little bit Angel just looks at him in the eyes for a long moment. The depths of them so great and Angel felt great comfort in them.

"I guess your stuck with me a while long non huh? Not that I mind."

Though Angel's face was still pale it was getting a little color back, as the strength returns to her eyes slowly.

Seeing Con coming down the hall Jamie stands and goes to him meeting half way. Returning the hug Jamie just holds on to Con for a long moment her eyes had no more tears to cry but the worry was still in her eyes.

"Mom found dad early this morning while they were getting ready. He had a heart attack."

Jamie slowly walks with Con closer to her mother not wanting to leave her alone for to long knowing this had to be hard on her as well.

"The Dr said he was going to be ok but his heart has grown weaker. They are going to be doing surgry and giving him a pacemaker. He's going to need losts of sleep."

For a moment Jamies eyes grow even sadder as a thought pass through her mind. But not saying anything about it right now Jamie lets the thought go.

Sitting in the passanger side as Kyle drives Alice sits with her laptop typing away. Looking over to Kyle she gives a small smile.

"Thanks for Driving a little bit Kyle. I was starting to get Highway Hypnosis."

Continuing to type about the last few days and what was going on another though runs through Alice's mind. She had seen Kyle taking some pills the last few days and she wondered what they were for. Though she was waiting for the right time to say something she didnt want to draw attacken to it having a feeling maybe Kyle didnt want that.

Turning back to Kyle again Alice just looks at him for a moment the smile still on her face she picks her words wisly as to not try and upset Kyle or make him think she was harping on him.

"Kyle, I was wondering if you were starting to come down with something? I saw you taking meds and if you were sick I had some tea that might help you out."

Round one... two... three...

Carson takes a deep breath and moves to the sink to prepare for the dishes that would be coming his way. He was tired and a little sore too. But he was glad that Mabel and Herb didn't have to worry about things right now. Herb needed rest, and Mabel certainly didn't need to be worrying about any of this.

Part of him wished that the rush had continued though, because now, once again, his mind had time to wander, and he didn't like it. Alec, Mackenzie, Herb, Alec, Australia, Mackenzie, Herb, Ryder, Alec, Mackenzie. Carson shakes his head and cleans off the kitchen counter.

Luke draws closer to Angel, returning the embrace, his own tear running down his face. "Don't be sorry," he whispers. "It wasn't your fault."

Pulling back, he keeps his hand in hers, and nods. "We've got a few people here to thank for going all the way to Australia to find your antidote. Rick said if you woke up, that the worst part would be over."

Jeff stands nearby, just leaving Luke and Angel alone for now. Backing quietly out of the infirmary, he goes out to the main floor, to the exit, and up a level. Taking his cell phone out of his pocket, he dials Austin.

"Fifty bucks says you'll lose."

Ryder stares at the grizzly man across from him at the table. A smile spreads. "Seventy-five."

"Come on, Leroy, do it!" The man's friends prod him to take the bed. "This guy's a loser. He ain't got enough meat on him to soak nothin' up. You'll have him after three rounds! Do it! Do it!"

Leroy's eyes narrow and he slaps seventy-five dollars down on the table. "Harriet! Bring the bottle!"

Boredom creates an unexplainable phenomenon where something happens in the brain to trigger ideas that normally wouldn't occur, and at the same time, severs the area in which sensibility is stored.

Ryder places his own money on the table and sits up straighter, waiting for the contest to begin. He had nothing to do. He had nowhere to go. And he could earn a quick buck... or seventy-five. The bar isn't too crowded, but just enough to be a bit noisy and smoky. Music plays, but nobody cares. Most are paying attention to the newcomer with the accent.

The whiskey comes. Round one starts. Two shot glasses, two drinkers. Leroy and Ryder down them easily, and fill up again. Round two... three... four... Onlookers start placing their own bets with each other to see who would pass out first.

Con wanders the hospital, asking questions, and not getting very far with the nurses. Frustrated, finally he's able to find Jamie and Mable on another floor in a waiting area. Coming to them quickly, he gives Jamie a hug, worry in his eyes. "I got your message. How is he?"

Be ok?

Continuing to work the best she can Aerith moves back and forth making nearly no mistake. Following Carson's direction on what to do and what to tell the customers.

Everyone left happy many giving there warm wishes to Herb as they were use to seeing him in the kitchen with Carson and the absince of Mable as well made them wonder.

Slowing walking back to the window to talk with Carson for a moment Aerith's feet hurt. She hadnt relized just how much work it was without Mable here and wondered how she did it all these years by herself.

Gancing around the dinning room Aerith gives a grimmace at the dirty dishs that littered the table. It had been so busy that some of the tables were forgotten. Now that it was slowly it would be time to clean them.

"Well, except for the two groups of people still eating, and the dirty plates at the table things dont look to bad. I think we are out of the woods for today. We did pretty good."

Aerith gives a soft smile and than grabs a washpan to start on the tables.

Drawing silent for a moment Angel closes her eyes but her face tells she is not sleeping only trying to think.

"I'm in Nevada, and last I remember I was at the hotel. But I was sick and you were coming to get me."

Angel turns her head again and opens her eyes. A tear rolled down her face.

"Oh Luke...I'm so sorry."

Sitting up a little Angel reaches out and brings Luke into a strong hug. She'd put him through so much and she was sorry for every moment of it.

"Since I am awake does that mean I'll be ok now?"

Under control

Carson ties his apron behind his back and takes in the kitchen at a glance to get his bearings. "I'm on it." He gives Aerith a nod. "And don't thank me. I do work here, you know." He tosses her a wink, and sets to work, talking to himself.

"Chicken... salad... bread..." He moves to the oven, just to look up as he hears the front bell. "Heads up. Table five."

As Aerith goes back and forth, Carson finds himself alone in the kitchen, more often than not. It felt strange. He'd never been here without Herb. It felt like something was missing. But without even realizing it, he was slipping into his role more easily than ever, not even thinking twice about some of the things he was doing.

Working as quickly as possible, he settles into a routine, doing his best to keep up with the orders Aerith was taking. "Get some more bread at table six and tell them their food will be an extra minute," he calls to her. He grimaces as he tosses out a meal that had been overcooked as he'd tried to do too many things at once. "If they're not happy, tell them desert is on the house."

Finally getting a handle back on things again, the two work together, making it through the rush. And as things begin to settle down again, the kitchen was as in as good a shape as any time.

Carson wipes the sweat from his brow and slaps his ball cap back on his head. "How we looking out there, Aerith?" he asks loudly. He hadn't had any orders in a few minutes, and hoped the rush was over. So far, there had been no unhappy customers.

"Woo!" Kyle holds the bottle of pop over his head in victory. "Score one for sugar!"

"And caffeine." Hunter comes up behind him, slapping him upside the head. "I think it would be a fine idea for you to ride with Alice. The bus just can't handle you bouncing all over the place."

Kyle grins and takes a bow. "That is a compliment." Moving to a water fountain, he swallows a couple pills, then rejoins the group at the parking lot. But this time, he's with Alice. "Alright, Witty Whitt, hand over the keys. It's time you let the pro drive."

Luke's head shoots up as he feels Angel's hand in his, and hears her voice. "Oh, Angel," he whispers. Tears spring into his eyes. "You're awake."

He smiles, choking back the tears, and brings her hand to his lips to kiss it tenderly. "No, BJ wasn't playing train... but I thought I'd lost you for good."

He reaches up with his hand to brush her hair aside from her face. "Do you know where you are?"


A wave of releaf washes over her as she hears Carson voice. Things were going ok but it was just starting to get busy and there would of been no way to cook and take orders. Now that Carson was here things might go slow but not as slow.

"The special today was chicken parm, I need three plates one with salad and two with bread."

Moving back and forth between the counter and the tables with the people coming in Aerith manages to talk with Carson more but not much.

"Thanks for coming in Carson. There is no way I could of done this alone."

Entering the hospetil Jamie slowly makes her way across the floor till she finds her mom. Wrapping her arms around her in a tight embrace tears spring from her eyes.

"Oh Mom. How, when?'

Returning her daughters hug Mable rests her head on Jamies.

"This mornng, we were getting ready like normal and your father just calapsed in the livingroom. I got him here as soon as I could. He's going to be alright Jamie from what the Dr said. He might need a seargery but nothing to huge..."

Grabbing the bottle of MD as is comes flying her way Alice hold it up a little before poping the top and taking a long swige.

"I think maybe..you should be in the jeep with me. We both just had sugar we could be dangerous."

Throwing the bottle over her head Alice just grins as she yells.

"its going...going...going....and HE'S GOT IT. WWCK HAS DONE IT AGAIN."

Breaking into a sweat Angel slowly opens her eyes trying to bring everything that was fuzzy into focus. Its was hard to remember where she was and why she was there.

Turning her head to the left Angel's eyes fall on Luke and whatever fear she had was not gone by just seeing his sweet face. Reaching a hand out she gently slips her own into him.

"My head feels like its been run over by a train. Was BJ playing train again while I was asleep?"


Carson feels just a bit of reassurance from Misty's words, but is left hanging as his phone rings. He didn't want to answer it, but with so much going on already, he didn't dare let it go.

Fishing in his pocket, he pulls out his phone. "Yeah?" Mabel's voice hits his ears, and he's immediately on edge. She never called him. As he hears the news, he straightens, his face paling slightly, his hand sliding from Misty. He opens his mouth to ask questions, but Mabel is already answering them. He's relieved that Herb was going to be okay, but knowing he was in the hospital... it hit him a little harder than he'd think it would.

Carson swallows hard, his mind racing. "Don't worry about the restaurant," he assures quickly. "You've got more important things to think about. I was just heading back anyway. I've got a key, so we're fine there. I'll go help Aerith out right now so we can at least finish out the day, and we'll go from there."

In reality, he had no idea how he and Aerith would handle things, but he wasn't going to let Mabel worry about it. "If you need anything else, let me know. And tell Herb to quit doing things like this." Though teasing a little, Carson felt rather sick. His tone quiets. "Let me know when he can have visitors."

Wrapping up the call, Carson flips his phone shut and just closes his eyes a moment, trying to regroup. Finally he looks to Misty. "Herb had a heart attack. Sounds like he'll be okay, but he's up at the hospital." He takes a deep breath, pushing everything else out of his mind - Mackenzie, Alec, everything. "I need to get back to Mom and Pop's to help Aerith."

Carson is quiet on the way back to the restaurant. His mind was reeling... bouncing from one thing to the next. Why was everything happening at once? What next?

Arriving at Mom and Pop's, Carson leans over and gives Misty a kiss, letting her know he'd call her later. Then getting out, he jogs around the building, letting himself in the back.

Slipping into the kitchen, he takes off his jacket and tosses it on the hook, grabbing an apron. "Yo, Aerith. Mabel called me. Where we at in here?"

Kyle opens the Mountain Dew bottle from the vending machine and takes a long swig. "Ahhhh." Wandering from the small rest area building, he squints in the sun, stretching his legs along with everybody else. It had been several hours since they'd stopped, and everyone was glad for a short break.

Spotting Alice, he grins. "Think fast!" The bottle of pop goes flying in her direction, an offer to share.

"Hey, I was thinking, if you get tired of driving or whatever, or just want some company, I'd be glad to drive for a while." Kyle shrugs. In reality, he was having a blast in the bus with the rest of the team. But he'd lost count of how many times he'd wanted to say something to Alice and include her in on some of the fun. Cell phones had been used, but it wasn't the same.