
Thwarted temptation

Jason was just heading out of his office when Carson stalks by at a fast pace. "Carson, what..." His question trails off as he goes ignored. Why was Carson coming from the infirmary, and why the hurry? What had happened with Austin?

Confused, he shuts his door and takes a detour to the infirmary himself before he left.

Rick and Scott look back at Misty, neither showing much emotion other than a little bit of surprise. Rick clears his throat and continues to clean up his own mess. Scott looks back down at his playing cards, unsure what to say or do. He'd never felt more in the way than now.

Rick straightens up, then spots Carson's ball cap on the floor. Thinking a moment, he goes over to lean down and pick it up. Fingering it a moment, he sighs, then looks to Misty, seeing her tears. Laying a gentle hand on her shoulder, he gives it a pat. For once, there would be no scolding or teasing reprimand. He knew this situation went a lot deeper than two people wanting physical attentions. He also knew that both Misty and Carson were seeing other people, but today was not the day to judge.

He lays Carson's hat on Misty's desk, then turns around to try and concentrate on something else. "Scott? Ready for lunch?"

Scott doesn't lift his eyes. "I'm not really hungry."

"I know, but you need to eat something."

Scott throws down another playing card. The thought of food simply wasn't appealing. He really just wanted to lie down and sleep again, but that was impossible here during the day. "I'm really not hungry," he repeats.

Rick sets his hands on his hips. His patient was skin and bones. And even though he had regained strength and health since his return, he was slowly wasting away. "Scott... you will either eat some lunch, or I will put you on an i.v. Which do you prefer?"

Scott sighs, gathering up his cards. "If I eat, can I go home?"

Rick rolls his eyes. Scott was so difficult, but so innocently weary at the same time. "Alright. It's a deal. You eat a good lunch and supper, and tomorrow I'll take you home."

Scott looks up quickly, his eyes widening. "Really?"

"Yes." Rick doesn't want to. He knows there is a risk involved. For if Scott left, it would be harder getting him back into TJY. "But there is one condition."


"You spend half your days here under medical observation." Rick eyes Scott sternly. "Shall we say... for job security."

Scott looks down again. He knew what that meant. Part of him just wanted everyone to let the subject drop and quit fighting on his behalf, but the other part of him was so scared to be without this place to come to, that he would do anything to stay. "Okay," he mumbles.

"Good." Rick nods with satisfaction. "Let me go get you a sandwich from the break room then."

Just as he's turning to leave, he stops, seeing Jason in the doorway. "Hotshot... yes?"

Jason shrugs. "I... just wanted to see if... well..." He glances in Misty's direction, sensing something odd in the air. "Um, Carson..."

Rick shakes his head to signal Jason to keep his mouth shut. "I was just getting Scott some lunch. Care to join?"

Jason wants to know more. He wants to know what on earth happened, but he resists, respecting Rick's silent request. "Uh...no... thanks. I better be going before I get into tr..."His phrase goes unfinished, as another shadow darkens the doorway. Spinning around, Jason comes face-to-face with Austin. An anger flares up inside of him, so intense that it flashes in his eyes and rattles the nearby jars on the counter.

Rick remains calm, moving so Jason can see him. "Easy," he directs quietly.

Jason puts a cap on his anger, but his glare at his grandfather remains.

Austin eyes him suspiciously. "What are you doing here?"

"Visiting a friend," Jason states flatly. "Unless that is now against the rules too. I ought to have..."

"Jason," Rick warns. He looks to Austin. "Something you need?"

"No. I just came to inform you of something," Austin replies. His tone is cool, his body language implying his difficulty at knowing how to act around his grandson, despite his chin that was lifted high. "Your request is approved."

For a moment, Rick is confused. "What..." His eyes widen. "You mean for funding?"


"But I thought..."

"Do you want me to change my mind again?"

"Of course not." Rick recovers from his surprise. "I... thank you. I will proceed as I deem necessary."

"Please keep me informed." Austin gives Jason one last glance before turning around and heading back down the hall.

Jason looks at Rick, bewildered. "Did he just..."

"He did." Rick blinks. "What on earth changed his mind?"

Jason can't help a surprised chuckle. "Carson... that dog. He's got more guts..." He shakes his head. "I need to go. I'll um..." He glances towards Misty again, then back to Rick. "...catch up on the rest later. Call me if there's anything new."

"I will."

Jason gives Scott a quick wave, then heads out, down the hall and hitting the main floor. Bottling up all his confused emotions started an annoying headache, and he just wanted to get out of here again.

Giving Nate a sloppy salute on his way out, he at least acknowledges those around him, though he doesn't stop to chat. Austin may have surprised him, but he wasn't keen on sticking around here just yet. Besides, if it wasn't for Carson, apparently, they still would have gotten nowhere.

Hitting the outdoors, the fresh air was welcomed. Looking around, he saw Carson nowhere. Strange... Jason wondered what on earth had happened in the infirmary, but could only guess that it had something to do with things between Carson and Misty.

Once back on the road, Jason glances around for Carson, but not seeing him, heads for home. Pulling into his driveway though and shutting off the engine, he doesn't get out right away. Taking his keys, he fidgets with them for a moment, not really wanting to go inside. There was nothing inside for him. And his whole afternoon was empty, other than waiting for Brown to call. Then tonight it was just going over to Mike's. Though he did have to make a quick run to the airport. For a moment, he wondered if Katie would be there at practice tonight.

But none of it seemed right. Not when his emotions were so off kilter, and not when things weren't right between him and one of his best friends.

Jason heaves a weary sigh, just settling back in his seat. He still didn't understand what Katie had meant, and why she'd said what she had... but...

Hey, Katie? Can we talk?

Carson trudges down the sidewalk, giving a swift kick to a tin can to send it flying down an alleyway. Muttering under his breath, he heads the long way back to Mom and Pop's, upset with himself, upset with what had happened, and even upset that he'd forgotten his hat. He'd been stupid. He shouldn't have let himself get carried away. He shouldn't have put himself in that position. He shouldn't have given Misty that opportunity.

Of course he still had feelings for her... of course he missed her... of course he wished he could at least be friends with her. But that just wasn't possible. Not with her relationship with Kyle. Not with the distrust that had been built. Not with Carson's own history and pattern.

Stopping, Carson looks up, realizing that he was standing in front of the Bullseye. His mouth automatically starts to water. It had been a long time... he'd been really good... He can feel his wallet in his pocket, and the temptation is overwhelming. He just wanted to relax. He just wanted to have a distraction to stop thinking about all that he was going through.

He takes a step toward the door. He wouldn't stay long... he did have to get back to work, so there was an amount of accountability there. And he could control himself...right? Another step takes him closer.

A horn honking just about makes him jump out of his skin. Spinning around, he squints in the sun, seeing the towtruck that had pulled up to the curb.

Axel cocks his head, looking through the open window. "Need a ride?" he asks loudly.

Carson hesitates, though ambles toward the idling truck, looking through the passenger side. "Just walking back to work."

Axel eyes him for a moment. "Well how about I give you a ride?"

"I'm alright." Carson shrugs. "I need the fresh air."

Axel proves his insightfulness. "Then I'll keep the windows down." He looks at Carson knowingly, his stare giving the message that he wasn't about ready to give up. "Come on. I'll buy you a coke and lend you an ear."

Carson sighs deeply, unable to help a bit of a wry grin. "Alright. You win."

"Good." Axel smiles and waits for Carson to get in before pulling away again. "Now... tell me what's up."

Bret scans the mail as he walks back into the house, kicking the door shut, and ambling to the kitchen. Seeing nothing of real worth, he tosses the envelopes on the table, giving a weary sigh before trudging to the living room where the television was still on. The days Charlotte worked left him in a house full of boredom. Con was doing lunch with Jamie, so that was out. No one else seemed available to do anything either. He'd job hunted a little bit, but had found nothing that he was particularly interested in. His and Charlotte's financial situation was just fine, with her job, and his savings from working with Titan. But he was going stir crazy.

The ringing phone provides him with a break and answering it, he perks up a bit. "Well hi, Kirk. Been a long time. ...Yeah.... no, no, I'm still around. Mm-hmm... No." He laughs. "Settled down... yeah, married again. ...What? Oh, good. ...Naw, just hanging out 'till February. Yeah... What? ...Really?"

Bret straightens and walks around the living room, looking for the remote to turn the tv down. "No, I hadn't... well after what happened... Yeah, I know, but still. What's Jared saying?" He gives a short laugh. "Well that was a long time coming. ....I don't know... I mean... yeah... of course I want to, but... No, no... I'm just not planning on going very far now. Oh? Well yeah, I mean... You know me. I... I'll think about it, alright? How much time do I have? Okay. I'll get back to you. What's your number?"

He fishes around for a piece of paper and pencil, sloppily jotting down a phone number. "Alright. Yeah. Thanks for thinking of me. Bye." Ending the call, Bret stares down at the cordless phone in his hand. Oh, how he wanted to do this. But should he? It seemed alright. But what would Charlotte think? He bites his lip. Surely she wouldn't mind, would she?

Carson wipes off one of the tables, gathering up dirty dishes to haul back to the kitchen. He'd gotten back to work just in time to help with the last bit of the lunch rush, promising to make up for lost time by closing up tonight. He hadn't said anything about where he'd been, but as usual, he hadn't been questioned.

Getting back to the kitchen, he wipes his hands on his apron and exits for just a moment, going to the phone in the back. He had just a couple spare seconds. Getting Jess' voicemail like he knew he would, he leaves a message.

"Hey, Jess, it's me. How about keeping me company while I close up tonight? I could whip up a pizza for us too, if you want. I, um... thought we could maybe talk a bit. So... you can call or just show up. See you later."


As Carson's arm wraps around her and his other goes to her back Misty can feeling the gap between them closing as for a moment its like old times. Carson's warmth sent chills through Misty a feeling she had missed all to much.

Getting lost in the moment Misty's mind takes her back to the times Carson and her shaired. Every moment they had spend together.Must time had pasted but it felt like it had only been a day. A long day that neather could wait for it to end so they could see the other once more.

As Carson pulls away for a moment Misty looks into his eyes she saw the fire once more, she saw the light. Not wanting this moment to end Misty welcomes Carson's return not wanting the moment to end.

But as the noise sounds and brings Misty out of her world of thought, her moment of bliss everything seems to come into view and her minds starts to reel. Seeing Carson taking the steps away from her it sends a pain through Misty's heart. What had she done? What was she doing?
As Carson turns and leaves Misty takes a step forward to say something but before anything can come out he was gone. Turning slightly Misty looks from Rick to Scott and than back to Rick. Hanging her head a little Misty goes back to her desk and sits down. She new she was wrong, she new this shouldnt have happend. Looking at the locket that rested on her desk a tear rolled out of Misty's eye before she picked it up and opend her desk placeing it next to the envilope with Carson's braclet and key. What would happen now?