
Me now you

Letting out a sigh Katie shakes her head at the mention of the phone. Every day it was getting worse...everyday more memories came back. Going back to her paperwork Katie trys to keep busy.

Realizing she was squeezing Bret's hand a little harder than she ment Charlotte loosens just a little and looks back to Bret.

"Yeah I am ok, I just...don't like seeing her riyal you up."

Some time later...

Helping Jen in the sound stand to start and get everything together Katie's own laughs continue with Jen. It was nice to be here again even if she was self contuse.

Receving Jason's request Katie gives a smile as she finish something for Jen and than lets her emotions flow.

Yeah sure, give me a second.

Finishing up she goes over to the box and than brings it to Jason.

Here ya go Babe, sorry it took so long.

Now left alone with Trent at the table Thirteen is quiet as she looks down at the pattern on the table cloth.

Small talk...small talk, Ryder had been telling she that small talk was short things to make conversation to fill in the silence. They had talked about her a little, but not about Trent himself. Looking up Thirteen gives a small smile.

"So...you live in Texas? What do you do?"


Jason shakes his head about dinner. "Sorry, won't have time. We can pick up some fast food though." He gives her a wink. "We can eat before we take something back to the others."

Pushing off the wall, he starts for the exit. "I'll pick you up in a while," he calls over his shoulder. "Anything changes, call."

Maria stiffens and grits her teeth as she looks at Charlotte. "Okay. Well... I guess I'll be going now. Can't say I didn't offer."

Spinning on her heel, she walks briskly back out into the hall, disappearing.

Bret rolls his eyes before settling back down again. "So much for peace and quiet." His hand is still in Charlotte's and he gives it a little squeeze. "You alright?"

Dani waves out the front door as Dalton drives off and she smiles until he's down the block. Turning, she heads across the floor at Mom and Pop's towards the kitchen where she's met by Carson.

"Have fun?"

"Mm-hmm." Dani nods as she sets her purse down and goes for her apron. "Wouldn't mind giving me a ride home tonight, would you?"

"Um, yeah... yeah, I can do that before I go to Misty's. You didn't drive?"

"No, I had Dalton bring me back."

"Ah, I see." Carson quirks an eyebrow. "No mishaps?"

Dani shakes her head. It had been a short trip from the apartment to here. "Nope."

"Good." Carson moves about the kitchen, preparing another meal. "Like him?"

Dani gives him an elbow to the ribs. "None of your beeswax."


"Phil, toss that cord over here!"

"Mike, where's that microphone case?"

"Who has the duct tape?!"

"Jason, get over here!"

"Has anybody seen my brain??"

The craziness was the same. The laughter was the same. JetStream preparations were always the same and always loved.

Jason scurries around with the rest of the band, enjoying himself like always, along with Phil, Mike and Jen. Fooling onstage with his guitars and amps, he spies Katie across the room near one of the boxes. "Hey Katie!" he shouts, pointing to the box. "Can you bring that to me??"

Trent leans back in the kitchen chair, wiping his mouth with a napkin and setting his fork down. "Well... Ryder was right..." He throws Thirteen a wink. "You're doing a fine job."

"See?" Ryder nudges her as he clears off the table. "You're a natural."

Trent grins a little. Grace had been a good cook.

Ryder starts to rinse some of the dishes, continuing to glance over to Thirteen to make sure she was alright. So far, the topics of conversation had revolved mostly around the weather or the Elite. But nothing about Trent himself or Texas. Maybe it was best that way.

"Twins?" A smile creases Austin's lips as he sits on his couch, the phone to his ear. "And Wendy? ...good. Yeah, okay. Hey tell Angel..." His voice trails off for a moment. "No, never mind. Thanks for letting me know. Okay... bye."

Hanging up, he continues sitting in the dim living room, nothing around him but the quiet.

Thanks but no thanks

Standing at his own car Dalton thinks for a long moment. A smile slowly spreading across his face as he gives a chuckle standing a little taller.

"Yeah because I...am scared of you."

Dalton points a finger at Dani the humor playing in his eyes. For some reason it struck his funny bone she had said that.

"I can follow you. Don't have anything else going on so I can do that."

Putting on his sunglasses again Dalton starts to get into his car before he throws a wink at Dani.

Charlotte looks to the door as she hears the voice. Tensing herself just a bit as she looks at Maria Charlotte glances at Bret and than back to Maria. It was a bit awkward having her here, not to mention is was her boyfriend who cut Bret off.

"Come to clear you own mind for what your boyfriend did?"

Charlotte kept her own voice soft still knowing Bret was still trying to recover and they were in a hospetil. Though she was pretty upset that Maria had the nerve to come here. Not leaving room for her to really say anything more Charlotte continued.

"It was nice of you to worry and come, but we are both ok. Thank you though."

Unfolding the peace of paper and seeing the smiley face Thirteen cant help her own smile that forms looking up to see Ryder instead her attachen is diverted as she see Trent coming over.

Giving a nod to Trent she couldn't help but feel strange hearing her real name. She wasn't use to it and it felt so strange.

Straying quiet as she continues to listen to the two men talk Thirteen cant help but watch Trent. The way her moved, and talked it intrigued her like she had seen it before. But that was silly she had only met him recently.

Hearing Ryder offer Trent to dinner Thirteen smiles and gives a small nod.

"Yes it would be very nice to have you for dinner. Than you can tell me how my food really is. I think Ryder just says yes to make me feel good."

Thirteen gives a smile.

Looking up from her paper work Katie gives a smile to Jason. She was a little leery about going out in public now that she looked differnt, but she had a job to do and she couldnt miss out in a Jetstream consert.

"I'll make sure I am ready. Want to go to dinner first?"

Unless of course

Dani looks up at Dalton with a little smirk on her face. "Oh yes, I'm terrified of you." She rolls her eyes, emphasizing her sarcasm before a little laugh sneaks out.

"Well, as far as next time goes, you apparently have good taste, so I don't care who picks."

Getting back to the cars, she leans against hers for a moment in thought. "If you follow me home and have time to wait ten minutes, you can drive me to work if you want... Unless of course, I've scared you too much."

Bret shakes his head just a little. "Naw... as long as he's okay, that's all I was worried about."

Taking a deep breath, he lets it out slowly, his eyes starting to drift shut again. "I just wanna rest... just... a little..."

He's almost asleep again when a new figure arrives at he door. Maria steps in, giving a glance to Charlotte, then to Bret. "I heard he was awake. How is he?"

Bret opens one eye, tensing up a bit. "He's fine," he mumbles. "What are you doing here?"

"Can't I come to see if you're alright?" Maria steps closer towards the foot of the bed, her arms folded. "Kirk said it wasn't good and I was worried."

"You?" Bret gives a little scoff.

"Yes me. I am capable of feeling, you know. But oh, that's right, you forgot."

"Get out, Maria."

She stops and gives a little shrug. "I'm sorry. I really was worried."

Bret quirks a tired eyebrow at her softer tone. Apparently she meant it. "Well... thanks. I'll be fine."

"Can I get you anything?" She glances to Charlotte, then to Bret again. "Either of you?"

Ryder sits at his desk, staring at the computer screen with little interest. The work Reese had given him was boring him to death. He felt more like a secretary than a field agent.

Spying a blank piece of paper beside the keyboard, he draws a quick smiley face with a pen, then folds the paper down, angling it just right. Without turning around to aim, he tosses the paper airplane over his shoulder to send it into Thirteen's lap a few feet behind him.

He would have followed up with a glance in her direction, but something else catches his eye - someone coming across the main floor, headed for the hall. He quirks an eyebrow in surprise.

Trent is heading for the infirmary, but seeing Ryder, he decides avoidance would only cause more questions. So he approaches, giving a nod. "Ryder..." His eyes drift to Thirteen and linger for a moment. "Jasmine."

Ryder sits back in his chair. "Hi, Trent. Thought you'd be back in Texas by now."

"I would have been, except I got a phone call about Jeff, so I opted to stay and see what happens there." A strange glance to Thirteen seems to connect her somehow to what was happening with Jeff.

"I see. You have a place to stay?"

"Yeah, yeah... I got the hotel down the street from here. Don't know how long I'll be around now I guess. I was just on my way to see Jeff now."

"Ah." Ryder folds his arms during a strange pause. "Look, um, Thirteen and I are on our own for supper tonight. You're more than welcome to join us."

Trent's eyes widen a little, and once again, his gaze finds Thirteen. He studies her a moment before snapping back to Ryder. It seems to take longer than it should for him to decide. "Um... yeah, okay... I think I'd like that."

"Good." Ryder grins. "I hope you like lazagna . Thirteen's been learning how to cook."

Trent finally smiles a little. "Sounds great. I guess I'll catch you later then."

Jason is on his way out of TJY, but stops, turns and heads to Katie's cubicle, making himself just a bit later than planned. "Hey..." He leans over the wall. "Heading out of here early to get ready for tonight. Still want me to pick you up at your place?"

Want me

"Ah, so your bother has been busy making an honest woman of Misty huh? Or is it the other way around?"

Dalton gives a laugh as he continues to make the bend with Dani on the trail. Then time spent with her was nice even we they didn't talk at all.

As the trail started to end Dalton's heart sinks a little. He was having a nice time and there time was coming to a close. He new Dani had to work soon and time had just passed to fast.

"I had a really nice time Dani. Next time you get to pick what we do...that is if I didn't scare you to much."

Sitting down on the bed with Bret Charlotte gives another sweet smile. She wanted to make Bret as comfortable as she possably could and once again her news for him would be put off for now till he was more stable.

"Landon doing ok. He's been in to see you a few times and I think he is still around here some where. Want me to get him for you?"


Dani's cheeks move as she smiles at Dalton. "Mmm.... yes, I think you can be both. Would that make you a centaur? You know, half horse, half man?"

Laughing again, she finally releases her hold, sliding down to the ground. Coming around the side of Dalton, she takes a deep breath of the warm air and looks down the trail. "Alright, trail, here we come."

Conversation is struck up once more as the two take a brisk walk. Sometimes though, it's just the sound of the wind in the trees and birds singing that fills the air. The lulls in chatting didn't seem to matter.

"When you get back to work, be sure to notice one of Misty's fingers," Dani comments, grinning. "You'll have to see what my brother's been up to."

Bret sighs, wincing a little. He shakes Charlotte's hand lightly, running a finger along her own. "Yeah... I know." He closes his eyes again, trying to work everything out in his mind. He'd been racing for months now, and the first actual competition outside if their own men, they wreck. What were the odds. "I'm sorry," he says quietly, opening his eyes once more to find Charlotte. "I should have paid more attention... I should have done something different out there and this wouldn't have happened."

He looks to her with question, having realized he hadn't asked yet. "Is... Landon okay?"


Still with Bret Charlotte listens to JT talk taking in everything he said about Bret and what was going on with him. She couldnt even imagen how this would make him feel. Taking his hand in her own at JT still talks

As JT talks Charlotte's mind goes in many differnt directions. But money was never the first or the center one. Knowing her husband would be ok was the most important thing to her. Finally as JT leaves Charlotte turns to Bret again. Seeing the look in his eyes she new it was hard for him.

"Its going to be ok Hun. There will always next season. We are going to be ok."

Hearing Dani's laughs only makes Dalton feel even better. Dani had a nice laugh, and it was good to know he had caused it.

Getting to the trail and breathing deep himself Dalton leans back just a little exspecting Dani to slid off. But seeing as she doesn't he stands tall again. Feeling her warm flesh aganst his face Dalton's lips turn in a small smile.

Moving his eyes just a little to look at her out of the corner Dalton gives a small laugh.

"Can I be both? I like being a knight but I dont mind being the horse eather depening on the rider."


As Dalton takes her around the waist, Dani gives a laughing shriek. Flipped around with ease by the big man, she suddenly finds herself clinging to his back as he continues to run. Unable to help it, her laughter continues.

Dani hangs on for dear life with her arms and legs, and for a moment, she felt like a little kid again. It was a sensation she hadn't felt for a quite a while.

As Dalton slows down, reaching the trail, Dani is out of breath, just from hanging on. Still giggling, she just stays on his back for a moment, even though they're stopped. Resting her head on his shoulder, her cheek rests against hers. "So does this make you the knight in shining armor, or the knight's horse?"

Bret just gives a slight nod as Charlotte leaves, trying to wake up more. It doesn't take long before she's back with the doctor.

"Well Bret, welcome back."

Bret smiles weekly. "Hey, doc."

JT returns the smile and moves closer. "How are you feeling?"

"Um... tired."

"Mm-hmm... you've had a rough go of it." JT checks on Bret's vitals, shines a light in his eyes again, and pokes and prods a little.

"What's the worst of it?" Bret asks, enduring the inspection.

"Well, you got a nice bump on your head and you're going to be off of your ankle for a while. I'm sure you've felt the pain in your shoulder."

"Yeah, what'd I do to it?"

"A good job on it, I'll give you that." JT continues the examination. "Bottom line is, you broke it. Your neck got twisted around pretty well too." He moves to Bret's lower body, still poking around, pressing in on Bret's hip. "Does that hurt?"

Bret shakes his head.

"Can you feel this?"

Bret shakes his head again.

JT purses his lips grimly, working down Bret's right side, continuing to ask, but getting the same answer, even when asking him to move his leg or foot. After a few minutes, Bret's fear has risen. "Just give it to me straight, eh?"

JT straightens and sighs, folding his arms. He looks to Charlotte, then back down to Bret. "I'm not sure. Right now you're experiencing paralysis in your lower right side. It's not surprising, due to the trauma on your spinal cord, but I'm hoping it's temporary."

Bret stares up at the ceiling, a sinking feeling in his gut. "How do we know if it is?"

"Just give it time."

Though Bret wanted a more solid answer, he knew the doctor wouldn't have one. "Now what?"

"Rest." JT jots a few things down on his clipboard. "I want to keep you for a few days anyway, and we'll go from there." He offers another smile, trying to encourage both Bret and Charlotte. "If either of you need anything, let me or one of the nurses know."

Once JT has left, the room is quiet again. It's evident that a lot of things are running through Bret's mind - especially racing. A broken shoulder... paralysis. Driving wasn't even a possibility.

"Guess that's that then, huh." His hand fidgets with the bed sheet. "So much for this season." Not only did it upset him, but now they wouldn't have that income either.