

Listening to Alec Ryan lets out a sigh as she takes some money from her pocket and throws it down on the table for the bill.

"I think I can handle what I bite off, I am a big girl you know. Not to mention street racing is not exactly legal, so I guess I live in danger myself too."

Sliding out of the booth Ryan looks at Alec before pulling some more money from her pocket and putting it into Alec's hand. She had enough money from street racing that she had nothing to worry about just proving she must be good, help Alec out wasnt that bad. She wasnt even sure why she wanted to there was just something about him.

"If your going to leave town, do it now and dont look back. There is something about this place that will hold you here if you do. I was only going to be here for a few months for racing till I went Tokyo for bigger and better races."

Ryan gives a dry laugh as she puts her sun glass back on.

"That was a year ago. It was good meeting you Alec."

Heading for the exit Ryan throws a wave to the woman standing behind the counter before heading to her car.


Alec snickers at Ryan. "You're something else, you know that? Do you always pick up drunks and offer them a room in your house?"

His eyes pick up a sly glint. "Or are you selective with your prey?"

Shaking his head, he slides out of the booth to look down at her. "Nice offer, but I better tell you that if anybody knew I was with you, you might just wind up behind bars. My so-called friends aren't the only ones out to blow my head off."

He didn't know why he was admitting that. If he was smart, he should take the offer and run with it. A free room for a few days? Laying low? It was perfect. He knew the Elite would be looking for him. But for some reason... something just didn't sit right with him. Besides, if he really wanted to get out of radar range, he needed to split. Even though... he really... didn't have a clue where he would go.

Looking towards the door, Alec gives a little sigh. If he didn't accept her offer, he'd be out on the street tonight. "Thanks, but... you should probably get out of the habit of offering things like that to people like me. You might just get more than you bargained for."

Ryder grins and nods to the door. "Alright then. Lets get going."

After giving a wave to Katie and Jason, Ryder heads out of the room with Thirteen, his hand back in hers for the quick walk out to the car.

Once they were there and back in their seats, Ryder looks over to Thirteen, his lips still curled in a smile. "I'm proud of you. You did well."

Starting the engine, he pulls out of the lot and aims for the house. It doesn't take too long until he's pulling into the driveway. Laura's car was gone, as expected. She had an awful lot to do before tomorrow, and even after that, things would be in chaos until she was completely moved out. Ryder was happy for her... but the house would be a lot quieter, and he wasn't so sure if Katie would want it to be just him and her in the house even if he did live upstairs.

"Home sweet home," he comments, getting out. Waiting for Thirteen, he leads the way up the walk and to the front door, opening it easily. They're met with a meowing, hungry Henry.

"Hey, critter," Ryder greets. "Meet a friend."

Henry's tail twitches as he looks up at Thirteen for a moment before weaving in and out of Ryder's legs, almost making it hard for him to walk. "Yeah, yeah, you're hungry aren't you. Come on."

Wandering to the kitchen, Ryder waves to Thirteen. "I'll only be a few minutes.... feel free to wander around if you want."


Slidding into the booth and ordering some coffee along with a quick snack Ryan just watches Alec for a long moment. Studying him she just watchs his body languige and sizing him up for a moment. Ryan was more often than not a good judge of who someone was. Alec, seemed...ok. Maybe confused but something was behind it all.

"If I wanted you to pay for the coffee I wouldnt have invited you because I new you couldnt."

Taking another sip of her coffee Ryan's eyes still dances with the spark they had before. The spunk that was there.

"What do I get out of this huh? Company, someone to show off to, and those extra bedrooms I have being put to use. I'll let you stay in one of them for a while. Clean up after yourself, let me take you for a few new rides, acompany me to street race and thats about all."

Grinning at Ryder Katie clanks her teeth at him before cringing a little as a sting of pain goes through her cheek.

Standing in front to Ryder now Thirteen just looks at Katie amazed but how much they looked like. If saw next to eather other by a strange one would think they were...sisters.

Giving a small smile when she hears that the man that just enter she gives a nod.

"Your dog is nice, I like him."

Looking down again Thirteen is silent before Ryder is ready to go. Her eyes were still scaired but they held a little more hope in over coming the outside.

"Yes, I'd ready."

Gentle grip

Alec looks dumbly out the window at the diner, lifting his eyebrows a little, but not making any comments. Following Ryan he gets out of the car, having a bit of trouble stepping over a curb and making it to the door.

Opening it for her first, he gives a little bow. "Alec. I'm shh-sure you'd be mor'nhappy to meet me if I were...uh, sober."

Getting inside, there aren't too many people, and a corner booth seems the best location for the least amount of attention. Though intoxicated, Alec had some sense left and knew that he needed to sober up. He also knew it wouldn't take too long... once he got something else in his stomach, his head would start to clear. This he knew from past experience....

Chugging down the last of yet another cup of strong black coffee, Alec rests his elbows on the table and cups his hands around the mug, staring in at the remaining swirls and a few grounds that had been left behind. A few trips to the bathroom for some cold water on his face, a piece of toast and countless cups of coffee had brought him back down to an acceptable level as far as his state of mind was concerned. Now though, he'd almost rather not realize where he was... at least being drunk had left him blissfully ignorant.

He had no idea the things he'd said to Ryan... he figured most had been rants about almost getting his head blown off. Those images would stick with him for a while.

Still staring down, his eyes were still a bit glazed, but there was life in them now. "Nothing like staring into the eyes of a friend just to realize they're an enemy," he comments dryly.

Sighing, he finally sits back and sets the coffee cup aside. Looking across to Ryan, he gives a little shrug. "I can't even pay you for the coffee. You probably shoulda just left me at the bar and avoided my little pity party. I'm right back where I was with no place to go, same as I was back there, but at least I didn't know any better while I was there." His eyes narrow slightly. "Why're you helping me anyway? What do you want from this?"

Ryder smiles and winks at Katie. "Kat, this is..." He wished he had a real name to go on. "...Thirteen. She's been staying with Trooper down at TJY, keeping the mutt company." He turns his head to see Thirteen behind him. "Right?"

Giving a little grin, he tightens his grip on her hand and pulls her around beside him. "Come on... Katie won't bite... least I never saw her bite anyone."

He pries his hand loose from hers and makes her stand in front of him, both hands on her shoulders to hold her there, and also so she could still feel him with her. He reaches over her to pull her hair back behind her ears. "Now you see why the Agency wanted to use you? You two look quite a bit alike, ay?" He chuckles. "Two redheads in the same room. I don't know if I can handle that," he teases.

Looking past Thirteen to Katie again, he cocks his head. "So where's that rogue boyfriend of yours?"

"Right here."

Ryder looks around to see Jason, who had just entered the room. His hands remain on Thirteen's shoulders, tightening a little so she couldn't slip away or hide behind him. "Ah, Jason. How's it going?"

"Better now that my hero is back." Jason nods to Thirteen. "This her?"

"Sure is." Ryder's voice stays cheerful for Thirteen's sake. "Thirteen, this is Jason - the guy I've told you about."

Jason had heard that Thirteen was pretty skittish, and he could see it in her eyes now, so he moved slowly, going back to his normal chair to sit down. He holds up his cell phone. "Just got off with Susanne. Sounds like I need to come take Trooper home."

"Mm." Ryder grimaces. "You didn't try to convince her otherwise, did you?"

"Well... I don't know what I'm gonna do. Trooper hasn't bit anybody since he started his training several years ago." Jason sighs, a bit upset by what he'd heard about Hal.

"He was just trying to protect Thirteen," Ryder explains. "I want to try and get Reese to say he can stay... he'd be better off with Thirteen here to keep an eye on him ya know." Though in reality, it was Trooper who was keeping an eye on the girl, Ryder purposely turned it around to avoid her feeling badly.

Jason shrugs lamely. "I don't know what to do."

"If I may say so... I think the dog would probably be in a better mood if his master was around."

"Yeah... I know. I've neglected the poor brute. Now I'm just scared Reese will kick him out for good."

"You mind if I try to talk him out of it?"

"Go right ahead. Call me though if I need to go take him home."

Ryder nods. Looking to Katie again, he gives her another grin. "Take care of yourself, eh? I'll get out of here so you can rest." He cocks his head over Thirteen's shoulder. "Ready to go to the house with me?"


Giving a laugh Ryan pulls out onto the road once again driving a little bit slower this time putting her sun glass down onto her face once more.

"I guess I'll take it easy on you this time around."

Moving through the down Ryan drives this way and that making twists and turns before pulling up in front of a old run down dinner.

It didnt look like much on the outside but to Ryan this was like getting a millions dollars. She'd spent most of her time here, before work, after work and it was close to the shop.

"This place has the best coffee around, nice and strong too. By the way I'm Ryan."

Quickly following alongside Ryder Thirteen keeps up the pase not having time to let her mind find fear or anything else to bring on panic.

Walking into the room Thirteen stays behind Ryder. Though there was no fear she could feel in this room she felt a bit shy.

Hearing someone in the door way Katie opened her eyes and looks up to see Ryder. Giving a smile it was good to see him again.

"Well if it isnt the croc hunter himself. Its good to see you Ryder."

Katie's attachen is destracted from Ryder as she saw a bit of movment behind him, and than a set of eyes peek around the courner. As Ryder steps out of the way Katie is stunned for a moment. This girl with Ryder looks almost idenical to her.

Looking at the girl and than back to Ryder than to the girl again question lingers in Katie's eyes but a smile forms on her mouth anyways.

"Hi, I'm Katie."

Peeking around the side of Ryder it was almost like looking in a mirror minus the battle wounds that formed on the girl's face.

Nothing needed to be explained Thirteen new this was Katie, the one she had been asked all the question about and was said to look like.

Hearing her introduction sends a wave of emotion through Thirteen as she gives a little jump and ducks behind Ryder again still holding his hand. Her voice was soft.


Looking to Ryder again Katie's eyes hold much question.

Other redhead

Alec quirks an eyebrow and seems to contemplate for several long moments before finally giving in and just about falling back into the car.

Shutting the door, he once again had trouble with the seatbelt. "Lunatics making pases at drunks... what 'm I getti'n mys'lf into?" His slurred speech matches his sluggish movements until finally the seatbelt clicks.

"Ride 'em cowboy." He points towards town. "Or coffee... one 'r th' othr."

Ryder's fingers curl around Thirteen's hand in a strong, warm hold. Leading the way, he guides her beside him, making it quickly through the waiting area and halls and avoiding as many people as possible. He doesn't let go of Thirteen's hand, not allowing her enough time to bolt.

It only takes a few minutes to make it up to Katie's room. Peeking in, Ryder finds that Jason isn't there... he must be stretching his legs somewhere. But Katie was there. A smile surfaces. He didn't want to wake her up, but as he approaches he bed, he sees her eyes open.

His hand still holding Thirteen's, he grins down at Katie. "Well, the little sheila came back to us." He chuckles softly and pats Katie's arm. "Just wanted to say hi, you stubborn thing."

He winks at Thirteen. "This is the other redhead in my life."