

Giving a laugh Ryan pulls out onto the road once again driving a little bit slower this time putting her sun glass down onto her face once more.

"I guess I'll take it easy on you this time around."

Moving through the down Ryan drives this way and that making twists and turns before pulling up in front of a old run down dinner.

It didnt look like much on the outside but to Ryan this was like getting a millions dollars. She'd spent most of her time here, before work, after work and it was close to the shop.

"This place has the best coffee around, nice and strong too. By the way I'm Ryan."

Quickly following alongside Ryder Thirteen keeps up the pase not having time to let her mind find fear or anything else to bring on panic.

Walking into the room Thirteen stays behind Ryder. Though there was no fear she could feel in this room she felt a bit shy.

Hearing someone in the door way Katie opened her eyes and looks up to see Ryder. Giving a smile it was good to see him again.

"Well if it isnt the croc hunter himself. Its good to see you Ryder."

Katie's attachen is destracted from Ryder as she saw a bit of movment behind him, and than a set of eyes peek around the courner. As Ryder steps out of the way Katie is stunned for a moment. This girl with Ryder looks almost idenical to her.

Looking at the girl and than back to Ryder than to the girl again question lingers in Katie's eyes but a smile forms on her mouth anyways.

"Hi, I'm Katie."

Peeking around the side of Ryder it was almost like looking in a mirror minus the battle wounds that formed on the girl's face.

Nothing needed to be explained Thirteen new this was Katie, the one she had been asked all the question about and was said to look like.

Hearing her introduction sends a wave of emotion through Thirteen as she gives a little jump and ducks behind Ryder again still holding his hand. Her voice was soft.


Looking to Ryder again Katie's eyes hold much question.

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