

Sitting in front of the fireplace Rosetta held her books she was reading the other on the sleeping child that was next to her his head in her lap. A checker bored tightly gripped in his arms as he wanted for the one who had not come home yet.

Running her hand absentmindedly through BJ's hair Rosetta would have put him to bed already but she felt lonly tonight and a bit on edge this had been the first time in a while she was in the house without Mick and it felt way to strange. Having BJ near was nice and she didnt mind. Though trying to read her book her mind kept wondering to Mick. She hadnt heard anything from Sparky yet so that was a good thing right?

"Hey now hey now...watch who your saying is cheating here. I saw you slip and extra card to Dan before and than try to say it was a mistake."

A grin formed on Katie's face looking across the table at her father and giving him a wink. Things had been going pretty good and though she missed Jason something terrible it was nice spending time at home and actually enjoying it this time knowing everything was ok.

Quiet you before they hang me at the steak for really cheating.

Katie sent her laughing emotions back to Jason but at the same time laughed out loud too. Relizing she had Katie looked around the table as the faces that staired back at her. Turning a little red Katie's mouth draws up in a big smile.

"Sorry..Outside interference tickled my funny bone."

Katie new they would all know that she was talking about Jason. In its own way it was kind of nice to be different from the others and feel special knoing she could talk to Jason whenever she wanted.

Holding the cards up to hide her smile Katie peeks over the top at her friends once again before replying to Jason.

Sorry J, just one more day without me there and than I will be home to spend as much time as I can with you. That is....if Ryder hasn't burned down the house.

Snapping her head up at the sound of a car and than the yelling Rosetta cant help the race of her heart that starts worryed for a long moment by the angry voices. It almost sounded like they were right in the room with her yet not even close.

Hearing the voice BJ snaps his head up a grin forming on his face as she still clings to his checker bored. In a few swift seconds before Rosetta could stop him BJ sprung off the couch and ran to the front door with such excitement that Mick was home. Looking out the door and seeing Mick the little boys excitment grew, partly from being so tired, and partly because he had been waiting all night to play checkers and wanted to play with no one but Mick.

Swinning the door open and pushing past Sparky BJ wraps himself and the checker bored around Mick's leg.

"DAD...I have been waiting for you all night and mom kept telling me you would be home soon. Come on...we have to get inside we are late playing out game..."

Getting up from the couch as fast as she could Rosetta tryed to stop BJ though he was to fast for her a fear ran through her no knowing why there ways so much yelling going on outside. Getting to the pourch and taking one look at Mick Rosetta's heart sank. The blood shot look in his eye she had seen before and for a moment her heart went out to him knowing he must be hurting over the whole Dylan thing.

"Sparky where was he when you found him?"

Shooting a look across the table at Jade Dan stands from the table putting his cards down. Not being able to help the small protective side of himself that kicked in he headed to the small door to look out.

Looking across the yeard he could make out the voice and in the dim lights that were around the ranch he could see Mick, Sparky, BJ, and Rosetta. Not sure what was going on still he opened the door to see if they needed help or not.

Giving a little jump Katie cant help the bit of fear emotions she sends Jason's way. Standing from her own seat the card game forgotten Katie instincs as a bodyguard kick in weather people need it or not.

Moving over to the window Katie looks to Dan and than out the window making out her aunt, and uncles along with BJ. What was going on?

Biggest mistake

Jade walks alongside Dan, finding herself forgetting about her worries for a little while. With nerves calmed and not so intent on trying to wear a mask, her outright flirting seemed to dissolve into more relaxed chitchat, as she shared about her mom, friends and finishing high school. She found it easy to talk to Dan... she'd been trying hard to find out how she should act around him, when in reality, just being herself was the easiest. And she liked it.

Come supper time, she almost didn't want the walk to end. Dan had helped settle her nerves and she almost wished they didn't have to go eat. But she knew they did, and so they joined the others for the evening meal.

The hours slip slowly by as afternoon becomes evening, and evening approaches nightfall. The ranch was slowly closing up for the evening. Supper was over, horses were put away, and little ones were tucked in for the night. It was quite as the sun sank below the horizon. A chill was in the air as darkness descended. Warmer days were still present, but the nights were cold.

"Ahh! Katie, you rat!" Jade throws down her cards with disgust, but the teasing twinkled in her eyes. Jeff and Katie were creaming her and Dan. She smirks at Dan from across the table. "I'm telling you, they're cheating."

"Cheating?" Jeff takes up the cards to shuffle them. "If we were cheating, we woulda had you five hands ago."

Jade sticks out her tongue, but finally laughs before taking a sip of her ice tea. She taps the table with her palm. "Alright, one more round. Dan, we got 'em this time." Tonight was fun. The only worry she had was knowing that Sparky wasn't back yet, and they'd heard nothing from him or her dad. But she tried to ignore that little knot in her stomach and just have a good time. It wasn't too hard with this small group.

Play the ace. You know you want to.

Jason grins as he tosses his tennis ball against his bedroom wall, catching it, and sending it flying again, over and over. Insomnia had caught up with him tonight, and snoring Trooper wasn't offering much help. Jason had shifted his thoughts to Katie, and somehow, had known they were playing cards. He wasn't sure how... he couldn't normally do that, but tonight it seemed easy.

Emotions are shaped into laughter and sent Katie's way.

I hope you're having fun while I'm sitting at home... alone... bored.

Lights from a pickup come into view and bob as the truck comes up the driveway. Parking near the main house, when the engine is cut, it isn't silence that comes, but the sound of the loud argument from inside the vehicle. It only gets louder as two men exit.

Sparky gets out of the truck and slams the door. "I don't care! You're being stupid!"

"I...I amnot!" Mick slides from his seat and stumbles, remaining standing only by grabbing the open door. "Jst shut up an' lemme be." He gives the door a shove to shut it, and staggers towards the house.

"I will not shut up! I'm your brother and I have a right to speak."

"Y'r on mmy ranch now," Mick counters, his speech slurred. "You wanna fight... go 'head, but I am not... not..." He teeters a little as he points at Sparky, forgetting what he was going to say. "I'm not lissn'ng to you."

Frustrated, Sparky throws up his arms. "You're an idiot! So you got a problem, and you fall to pieces. Nice, Mick. Real nice."

"It's my son!" Mick barks. Whiskey induced tears form in his glazed eyes. "I know it's Agency and you jst wan' me t' sit back an' watch? I've had it w'th th're stupid plots. I'm finding him, Sp'rky... I'm finding him. Now get outta my way."

Sparky folds his arms across his chest, standing in Mick's way. "You calm down before going inside."

"I am calm!"

"You are not."

"Get outta my way," Mick warns. "I've been p'shed 'round by my ex, p'shed 'round by the pol'ce and I'll be hanged if I get p'shed 'round by my own broth'r."

Sparky glares back at him. He'd figured out most of the story. Dylan was missing and the police would not allow Mick to be involved in the case, even though it was his son. Mick believed it was Agency after one officer had slipped and mentioned Medridge. "You're not thinking straight. Let's go sober you up and talk some sense before you go an-"

A brutal fist to the mouth cuts Sparky off, sending him stumbling to the side. Grabbing the porch railing for support, he puts a hand to his bleeding lip. There was a deeper pain there than just his lip though. He stares at Mick. "You don't deserve to be on the case," he hisses. "They don't need a drunk messing things up."

Somewhere Mick knows what mistake he just made, but his mind is too cloudy to overcome it. He just glares at his brother. "G't out of here."

"This is my home too."

"N't anymore. G't out!"

"I will not! You don't know what you're saying!"

Mick points down the driveway, his anger high. "Out!"

Jade's head shoots up as she hears the shouting outside, and a cold chill runs down her spine. Her face turns a shade of red as she recognizes her father's voice, then she pales. She'd never heard tones like this before and it scared her. She looks across at Dan, her eyes wide. It was her turn to play, but her mind was suddenly captured by the unseen argument going on outside.

small talk

Giving a nod to Sparky Rosetta was greatful she said he'd go look for Mick. She would of done it herself but she had BJ to care for and didnt want to leave him high and dry tonight eather.

"Thanks Sparky. If you need anything call."

Turning and heading back inside Rosetta disapears behind to door to see if maybe BJ would like to watch a movie with her.

Walking with Jade Dan just lets the silence linger for a long while just listing to that witch was around them. It was nice to just listen to the noises of fall and be there if Jade needed to talk. Finally as Jade speaks Dan gives a smile.

"It was no trouble I just wanted to let you know I wasnt upset with you. Takes alot to get me really upset."

Continuing to talk along with Jade Dan is quiet for a little while longer before speaking again.

"So Jade, whats it like where your mom lives? Nice?"

Continuing walking Dan kept up the small talk with Jade just trying to get to know her better and see who Jade really was. Forgetting about all time, Dan didnt know what late it was but continuing to walk felt nice.

Sweet of you

Sparky studies Rosetta's eyes for a moment, seeing her worry... maybe even some disappointment. "Yeah." He didn't hesitate. "I'll go see if I can find him. I know he was at the station so I'll go there first and see if I can get some answers."

He reaches out and pats her shoulder. "Don't worry, okay? I'll be back."

Jade stops in her tracks and whirls around, her cheeks reddening just a little. She puts her hands in her pockets and looks down, a little embarrassed. "Um..." She stops in front of him and looks up to meet his eyes. "Yes... yes, I'd like that, thank you."

Heading down a little path with him, she's quiet for a few minutes before talking while she walks. "I don't think I ever thanked you for the flowers. That was very sweet of you."


Looking up from her desk Rosetta held her own worry eye glancing to BJ who was playing over in the courner finally done asking her when dad was going to be home. Tonight was there family game night and it was unusual for Mick to have miss it. She had talking to him earlyer in the day but they hadn't talked because Mick was at the sheriff office but now she had tryed calling him and it went right to voice mail about three times. That was about an hour ago, and she didnt want to bother him to much. Giving it twenty more minutes she would wait before trying again.

"No I havnt talked to him since about eleven. We didnt even really talk that long. He was pretty busy at the police station I think but I didnt get much info from him. Thats the last I heard."

Giving a small shake of her head again she sets her pen down taking a quick moment from her book keeping. Standing from her desk she walks over to BJ and ruffles his hair.

"Mom is going to be right outside Little Man if you need me ok?"

Looking up from his toy truck, and action figures BJ gets a big smile on his face as he stands trying to look around Rosetta.

"Is Dad home now?"

Looking down at her son Rosetta gives a little smile though it made her head break to give him her answer.

"No not yet, He will be soon though ok? I just need to go out and talk with Uncle Sparky ok?"

Hanging his head a little BJ sits down a little picking up his truck again and picking at the paper on it.


Giving another smile and heading to the door Rosetta motions Sparky outside she didnt have to have to diguess this infront of BJ. He was so smart for him own good sometimes and his little ears didnt need to hear and be worryed.

"I dont know where he is Sparky and frankly I am worryed. Who knows whats going on. For all I know he could be going after the Agency right now to get Dylan back. I know its his son and all but..."

Rosetta looks twords the house and through the door at BJ. It had been a long time since she had felt like this and is really sucked.

"...He's got another family now to he needs to think about."

Looking back to Sparky Rosetta gives a small smile trying her best to keep her chin up and positive.

"Would you mind to much going to look for him for me please?"

"Your gonna make a mote for us if you keep walking about the barn like that!!"

Dan stood with his arms acrossed not to far away from Jade. He hadnt been there long but there was just something about Jade that her moment always seemed to catch his eye.

"I thought maybe you would like to go for a walk or something to take your mind off everything before dinner."

Trying his best of offer Jade a smile he new she was upset, worried and just totally confused right now. He just wanted to be there if she needed a friend.


Jade blinks back another tear as she looks up at Dan. She knew in her head that all this wasn't her fault, but her heart still hurt.

She sniffs again as Dan starts to leave, and really isn't sure how to respond. He was being so kind. Even after yesterday. Remaining on the hay bale for the longest time, she just watches Dan work along with the other ranch hands until she finally wanders away...

"Hey, Rosetta?" Sparky taps on the office door, poking his head inside to find his sister-in-law. He offers a small smile. The day had gone by quickly, and supper would be soon. "Um... I noticed Mick still isn't back. I had a question about the horses out front, but he didn't answer his cell. Jade said she told you Dylan was missing? Have you... heard from Mick at all?" It was strange... Mick had left that morning and nothing else had been heard. It wasn't like him to at least not have called.

Outside, Jade paces around the barn. She had skipped breakfast and skipped lunch, and her stomach pains reminded her of that, but she didn't want any supper either. Where was her dad? What was happening? She'd talked to her mom again and she'd been raked over the coals for telling Mick about everything. Now he wasn't even home. She chewed on a broken fingernail, continuing the worn path around the barn... and around again.