

Looking up from her desk Rosetta held her own worry eye glancing to BJ who was playing over in the courner finally done asking her when dad was going to be home. Tonight was there family game night and it was unusual for Mick to have miss it. She had talking to him earlyer in the day but they hadn't talked because Mick was at the sheriff office but now she had tryed calling him and it went right to voice mail about three times. That was about an hour ago, and she didnt want to bother him to much. Giving it twenty more minutes she would wait before trying again.

"No I havnt talked to him since about eleven. We didnt even really talk that long. He was pretty busy at the police station I think but I didnt get much info from him. Thats the last I heard."

Giving a small shake of her head again she sets her pen down taking a quick moment from her book keeping. Standing from her desk she walks over to BJ and ruffles his hair.

"Mom is going to be right outside Little Man if you need me ok?"

Looking up from his toy truck, and action figures BJ gets a big smile on his face as he stands trying to look around Rosetta.

"Is Dad home now?"

Looking down at her son Rosetta gives a little smile though it made her head break to give him her answer.

"No not yet, He will be soon though ok? I just need to go out and talk with Uncle Sparky ok?"

Hanging his head a little BJ sits down a little picking up his truck again and picking at the paper on it.


Giving another smile and heading to the door Rosetta motions Sparky outside she didnt have to have to diguess this infront of BJ. He was so smart for him own good sometimes and his little ears didnt need to hear and be worryed.

"I dont know where he is Sparky and frankly I am worryed. Who knows whats going on. For all I know he could be going after the Agency right now to get Dylan back. I know its his son and all but..."

Rosetta looks twords the house and through the door at BJ. It had been a long time since she had felt like this and is really sucked.

"...He's got another family now to he needs to think about."

Looking back to Sparky Rosetta gives a small smile trying her best to keep her chin up and positive.

"Would you mind to much going to look for him for me please?"

"Your gonna make a mote for us if you keep walking about the barn like that!!"

Dan stood with his arms acrossed not to far away from Jade. He hadnt been there long but there was just something about Jade that her moment always seemed to catch his eye.

"I thought maybe you would like to go for a walk or something to take your mind off everything before dinner."

Trying his best of offer Jade a smile he new she was upset, worried and just totally confused right now. He just wanted to be there if she needed a friend.

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