

Sitting in front of the fireplace Rosetta held her books she was reading the other on the sleeping child that was next to her his head in her lap. A checker bored tightly gripped in his arms as he wanted for the one who had not come home yet.

Running her hand absentmindedly through BJ's hair Rosetta would have put him to bed already but she felt lonly tonight and a bit on edge this had been the first time in a while she was in the house without Mick and it felt way to strange. Having BJ near was nice and she didnt mind. Though trying to read her book her mind kept wondering to Mick. She hadnt heard anything from Sparky yet so that was a good thing right?

"Hey now hey now...watch who your saying is cheating here. I saw you slip and extra card to Dan before and than try to say it was a mistake."

A grin formed on Katie's face looking across the table at her father and giving him a wink. Things had been going pretty good and though she missed Jason something terrible it was nice spending time at home and actually enjoying it this time knowing everything was ok.

Quiet you before they hang me at the steak for really cheating.

Katie sent her laughing emotions back to Jason but at the same time laughed out loud too. Relizing she had Katie looked around the table as the faces that staired back at her. Turning a little red Katie's mouth draws up in a big smile.

"Sorry..Outside interference tickled my funny bone."

Katie new they would all know that she was talking about Jason. In its own way it was kind of nice to be different from the others and feel special knoing she could talk to Jason whenever she wanted.

Holding the cards up to hide her smile Katie peeks over the top at her friends once again before replying to Jason.

Sorry J, just one more day without me there and than I will be home to spend as much time as I can with you. That is....if Ryder hasn't burned down the house.

Snapping her head up at the sound of a car and than the yelling Rosetta cant help the race of her heart that starts worryed for a long moment by the angry voices. It almost sounded like they were right in the room with her yet not even close.

Hearing the voice BJ snaps his head up a grin forming on his face as she still clings to his checker bored. In a few swift seconds before Rosetta could stop him BJ sprung off the couch and ran to the front door with such excitement that Mick was home. Looking out the door and seeing Mick the little boys excitment grew, partly from being so tired, and partly because he had been waiting all night to play checkers and wanted to play with no one but Mick.

Swinning the door open and pushing past Sparky BJ wraps himself and the checker bored around Mick's leg.

"DAD...I have been waiting for you all night and mom kept telling me you would be home soon. Come on...we have to get inside we are late playing out game..."

Getting up from the couch as fast as she could Rosetta tryed to stop BJ though he was to fast for her a fear ran through her no knowing why there ways so much yelling going on outside. Getting to the pourch and taking one look at Mick Rosetta's heart sank. The blood shot look in his eye she had seen before and for a moment her heart went out to him knowing he must be hurting over the whole Dylan thing.

"Sparky where was he when you found him?"

Shooting a look across the table at Jade Dan stands from the table putting his cards down. Not being able to help the small protective side of himself that kicked in he headed to the small door to look out.

Looking across the yeard he could make out the voice and in the dim lights that were around the ranch he could see Mick, Sparky, BJ, and Rosetta. Not sure what was going on still he opened the door to see if they needed help or not.

Giving a little jump Katie cant help the bit of fear emotions she sends Jason's way. Standing from her own seat the card game forgotten Katie instincs as a bodyguard kick in weather people need it or not.

Moving over to the window Katie looks to Dan and than out the window making out her aunt, and uncles along with BJ. What was going on?

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