

*Misty struggles aganst the headlock but finally gives up just relaxing and leaning on Carson as they walk. Finally when his grip losens Misty slips out of it only to throw her arms around Carson anyways as they were out in the parking lot.*

"Well than I guess that means I am kidnapping you."

*Misty eyes dance with fire and her grin is evadent that she is excited. Giving a chuckle Misty gets into her car waiting for Carson. As the pull out of the TJY parking lots Misty heads away from the way they should be going. Giving yet another sassy smile she gives Carson a side long glance.*

"See I told you I was."

*Misty trys to hold a straght face but breaks out in laughter.*

"No really I am just gonna swing by my house and change out of my work cloths. But something more comfortable on and throw my hair up."

*After a short drive Misty pulls into a complex and stops at one of the buildings on the end. Shuting the engin off she leans over to Carson giving him a kiss on the cheek.*

"I wont be long, you can wait here or come on in. You can meet Romieo and Julieat if you do. Unless you dont like rodents than you dont want to. They are affecnet farrets."

*Misty gets out of the car and heads inside going into her bedroom with the connected bathroom. She jumps into the shower fast and than gets dressed in a baby blue tank top and caky shorts. Slipping on a pare of tan flipflops Misty heads back into the bathroom Misty take a claw clip and flips her hair up leting it hang down over it but off her shoulders and neck. Befor exiting she sprays herself with some sweet pea body spray. Gathering up her stuff Misty heads back to the living room and makes sure her pets have food and water. Finishing up Misty heads back outside and gets into the car smiling at Carson. Pulling out of the driveway again Misty asks.*

"Need anything before we head over?"

*As Nate Sits with Laura and Maggie he smiles. He was having fun watching them interact. It was so nice to see Maggie smiling. *

*Maggie giggles and turns her paper over as well looking at the mazes taking a crayon she starts to draw a line but it comes out as a squiggle. Leting out a sigh she trys again only for the same thing to happen. Frustrated she sets her crayon down.*

"I cant do it."

*Nate puts his arm around his sister and smiles. Picking up the crayon and handing it to her again.*

"Try again Maggie."

*Maggie looks at her brother and than at Laura before looking down at her paper. Starting again she press the Crayon to the paper.

Slowly and gently Nate places his hand on top of Maggies to her guide her own.*

"Look, you did it."

*Maggie laughs and smiles again streching her neck out to see Laura's maze.

As Nate still had his arm around his sister back his eyes drift across the table and meets Lauras He cant help but smile even bigger.

After about another 15 minutes the pizze is braught out and everyone starts to eat throwing light chit chat here and there. Finally Nate puts his slice down.*

"Thank you Laura for asking us to come out. This is great."

*Maggie smiles a big toothy smile.*

"Thank...you Laura."

*Katie sits up from the sink and looks in the mirror. She was a mess. Feeling a hand on her back Katie graze still looking throught the mirror see Wyatt. Leaning back down Katie splashes cold water on her face. she still felt like crap but dident want Wyatt worrying anymore. Turning around Katie leans aganst the sink as Wyatt is in front of the door. Trying to smile Katie comments.*

"I'll be ok. You can go home Wyatt."


Rick's eyes start to widen at Misty's comments. The desperation to get rid of these two while he can is evident in the look on his face.

Carson takes a hand and lays it over Misty's mouth. "Cut it out, you're embarrassing the poor man."

"Thank you, Carson." Rick eyes Misty with a good-natured warning. "Behave yourself, will you?"

"Aw, it's not her fault," Carson keeps his hand over Misty's mouth as he defends. "She can't help it that I'm irresistible."

Rick throws his arms in the air and turns around to go to his counter. "I give up. Get out of here while I'm still in good humor."

Carson can't help the chuckle that escapes. He keeps both arms wrapped around Misty, aiming her for the door and pushing her forward, swaying from side to side so their feet don't get tangled as they head into the hallway. "Thanks, Doc."

"Hey, Carson?" Rick calls.

Carson lets go of Misty and sticks his head back through the doorway. "Yeah?"

Rick looks him in the eye for a moment. "Treat that girl right."

Carson would have shot back a teasing remark, but he realizes Rick is serious, and tones down his own banter. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

“You wouldn’t?”

If Carson wasn’t so blunt himself, he might be taken aback by Rick’s implications. But instead, he allows a moment to really see within himself. He treated Misty differently than he had other women. He still flirted openly, said things that might be considered rude by others, and he wasn’t about to deny that he enjoyed her affections or her enthusiasm when it came to kissing. But there was a line with Misty…a line he’d never drawn with anyone else…and it was simply because he wanted it there. She was different…she had gained his trust and respect quicker than most, and had touched parts of his heart that he hadn’t left vulnerable to anyone else. No…he wouldn’t have it any other way. He liked her too much to act otherwise or be foolish. Doing anything else would prove fatal to the new kind of friendship that he was enjoying so much.


"Good." Rick waves him away without further question. "See you tomorrow."

The subject dropped as quickly as it had been assumed, Carson turns his attention back to Misty and puts her in a headlock to drag her along beside him. "I'd say I was kidnapping you, but since you're driving, I don't think that would work very well."

“Oh, no.” Mike stares at the television screen, watching the evening news. The strange and faster-than-normal murder trial had been the second story announced, and the verdict was clear.

Mike quickly reaches for his phone, dialing Kyle. “It’s Mike. I just saw the news. Jason was found guilty.”

“You’re kidding me.”


“Aw man…” Kyle sits at his own place, stunned. “This is terrible.”

“No kidding. I hope Katie’s alright.”

Kyle is quiet for a moment. “Me too. If I don’t hear from her in the next few days, we’ll have to go see her.”

“Sounds good to me.” Mike allows another pause. “The band has to talk, Kyle.”

“Yeah, I know…I was hoping we wouldn’t have to.”

“Me too.”

“How about we all meet for subs in about half an hour? Jen’s been bugging me to get her out of the house.”

Mike nods. “Sounds good. I’ll call Phil at work so he can come on down to Charley’s from there.”

Laura follows Nate to his house where they pick up Maggie, then head to the friendly Italian restaurant. It’s not too busy tonight…quiet enough for a peaceful evening.

The three find a table off to the side, and order a pizza, setting in with light conversation to contrast the dismal day it had been. Glancing at her watch, she realizes that Wyatt hasn’t called her in the last few hours, and she didn’t know how Katie was. She would head right home after supper to make sure everything was okay, figuring no news from Wyatt meant there were now emergencies. Right now, all she wanted to do was relax.

Picking up the paper placemat and turning it over to the coloring picture and mazes, Laura elbows Maggie playfully. “Alright, Mags, let’s see who’s better at these mazes.” She throws a teasing glance across the table. “But Nate’s only allowed to watch because he’s too good at them and would cream us both.”


*Misty gets a smerk on her face as Rick talks. Turning around to have her eyes follow him she leans back so her back is resting aganst Carson chest his arms now draped over the front of her.*

"Sometimes wild animals can be caged eh Rick?"

*Misty cant help but smerk more at Rick as she knows the comment she made will make him roll his eyes. Skiping quick to a new topic Misty giggles.*

"A carnival huh? Sounds like it might be fun. What do you say Carson?"

*Misty turns her head to look at Carson over her shoulder. Her arms crossing her chest.*

"It could be fun and exciting and we both know if its not we can make it so."

*As Laura makes her comment something clicks inside Jamies head. “I think I’m at a zoo.” Jamies smile widens. “But don’t worry, I convinced them not to keep me here with the rest of the gorillas.” Jamie shakes her head. Dear sweey Con. She new this was going to be fun. Jamie could feel it.*

*Nate looks up at Laura and than back down at the clock on his computer. Nate hadent relized what time it was. Between finding out about what happend with Jason and trying to get work done it felt like it was still midafternoon. Looking back up Nate gives a smile. He thought it was cute Laura had asked if Maggie could come out for pizza with them.*

"Sure, I'm sure she hasent yet. Jante usaly dosent help her with dinner till around 6:30. So if we hurry it can be a nice saprise."

*Nate saves some files on his computer and than shuts it off. Grabing his jacket and some other things Nate heads to the door with Laura.*


Carson leaves his arms limp over Misty's shoulder, receiving her kiss and finally returning it until she pulls away. His eyes narrow slightly at her question. "Not one bit." He grins a little. "As far as I'm concerned, you can just keep on influencing me."

Rick comes down the hall, his eyes on the clipboard in his hand. Turning the corner into the infirmary, he's caught off guard by Carson's presence, seeing him backed up against the wall by Misty, and knowing good and well why.

He rolls his eyes and sets a hand on his hip. "Is that all you two ever do?" He sighs and shakes his head. "You know - there are other ways to have fun other than standing around smooching on work time."

He reaches into his pocket, withdrawing a couple tickets. "Please," he begs, "...for the sake of everyone here at TJY, go to the carnival tonight that's out on the east end of town. Get out, have some fun and quit hanging around here where you're both going crazy." He holds out the tickets.

"On me. If you wanna go early I'll even cover for you for Reese, but please...." He looks at Carson and Misty with desperation. "Go get some of that energy worked off by doing something other than standing in my office and making a spectacle of yourselves."

Laura holds her smile. "Alright, I'll call Con tonight, but I won't tell him you're coming." She turns back to her work as Jamie walks away, but then calls after her. "Oh, and Jamie! Don't let the zoo out there scare you. It can get a little crazy!"

Trying to focus on work again, she finds it near impossible. It's time to leave anyway...it was late...she was hungry. Heaving a sigh, she turns off her computer, grabs her purse and heads out of her cubicle. On the way, she turns around, a thought suddenly striking her. Hesitating just a moment, she goes to find Nate back at his desk. "Hey, Nate... if Maggie hasn't eaten supper yet, what would you say to taking her out for some pizza?"

Wyatt moves as Katie suddenly sits up. He looks at her with question as she doesn't say anything, but disappears down the hall. Rising, he slowly follows her. Arriving at the bathroom, he realizes why she'd made such a fast exit. The compassion remaining, he doesn't let it bother him, and without blinking, he comes in the bathroom to rub her back gently as she gets sick. "Hang in there, Katie," he soothes.


*The grin at the courners of Misty's mouth increases. Steping a bit closer to Carson now backing him up aganst the wall.*

"Yes that is better."

*Misty brings her face close to Carson her lips pressing aganst his. Her arms going around Carson. After a few moment Misty pulls away her eyes pearcing through Carson's.*

"mmm...Maybe I am a bad influince, but I dont think you mind do you?"

*Jamie nods at Laura.*

"Tomarrow bright and early I will be all than."

*Jamies smiles brawdens. She was excited about going after Con. It was going to be a whole new adventure. She was a bit scaired but she wasent going to let herself live in fear anymore. That just was not how she wanted to live. Not now, not ever.*

"Thank you Laura and ya I think it would be best to tell him about Jason. It would probley be bad if we tryed hiding it and only blow up in the end."

*Jamie takes the small peace of paper from Laura and puts it in her purse.*

"Well I better let Reese know I am back only to be leaving again."

*Jamie lets out a giggle and turns to head for Reese's office. A new bounce in her step as she went. She felt she had changed. In that one week she felt better even closer in her relationship with God, and she was healing again.*

*As Katie sleeps her mind fills past, present, and what was to come. Her mind goes back to the court room the look in Jason's eyes. And her own pain. Oh how it hurt so much. Her heart it was broken. The thought of Jason not being there was unbearable. Katie sits up with a start the silence in the room haunting. Looking at Wyatt Katie slowly stand the sickaning feeling in her tummy she makes her way to the bathroom leaning over the sink.*


Carson doesn't move, but lifts one eyebrow. "Well if dangerous is your middle name, then I better handle you the right way, hadn't I?" A grin raises the corner of his mouth. "And unless I'm mistaken, I think that requires as steady a hand as one working with dynamite."

At Misty's observation of a problem, he glances down to his own arms, then up to meet her eyes "I guess it does, doesn't it?" His pause threatens that he would continue to resist and leave her hanging.

He gives in though, moving his arms to sling them casually up over Misty's shoulders. "That better?"

Laura grins at Jamie's apparent enthusiasm towards the thought of going to see Con. "I'm not sure you could upset him." She gives a little laugh. "Since it's getting late in the day, I'd recommend going tomorrow if you plan on going right away. It'll take you about three hours." She gestures for Jamie to follow her to her desk. "Come here and I'll write the directions down for you."

It doesn't take her but a couple minutes and she's got a piece of paper for Jamie with jotted down directions. "Now when you get here," Laura points to one of her drawn roads. "It's gonna seem like you went the wrong way 'cause there's nothing around there at all - the farm is out in the middle of nowhere. If you do get lost though, just call me."

She smiles. "And I won't tell Con you're coming. I should call him tonight though and tell him about Jason. I don't think he'd want to be left in the dark about that."

Wyatt cradles Katie as she falls asleep, running his fingers through her hair. He finally turns the movie off and just leans his head back on the couch. He would stay until Laura returned. Only then would he feel comfortable leaving. He just couldn't leave Katie alone.

As he sits, his mind once again mulls over his relationship with Katie. It seemed a little easier tonight... Seeing how torn she was not being with Jason, proved that he was the one she needed. And though it had hurt at first, Wyatt understood. He could be her friend...offer his shoulder...and for once, he was pretty sure he could admit that he was okay with that. In his eyes, Katie was becoming like a sister, and that's the way it needed to be.

Sighing a little, Wyatt closes his eyes, and simply keeps a hand resting on Katie, his own weariness starting to settle in.


*Misty smerks and closes her eyes as Carson lips brush hers. As he draws away Misty opens her eyes a bit of disapointment in them, yet her sassy fire is still showing too. A grin cross her lips.*

"Dangerous is my middle name. Dont you know that by now?"

*Misty steps closer to Carson yet again but is stoped by the barrier of his arms. Misty looks down at them and than back at Carson her smerk in play.*

"Sometimes danger is fun. If it handled right."

*Misty brings a hand to Carson's face and trys to stand on tip toes to lean in to kiss Carson but bring herself back down. Once again looking down at Carson's arms again.*

"This poses a problem."

*Jamie smiles at Laura. Feeling a bit of excitment in her tummy. This would be a good saprise and maybe a get away with Con would be fun too.*

"Well...if you dont think he would mind Laura I'd love to go. I think it would be fun. I just dont want to upset Con by coming."

*Jamie cant help but let a bit of excitment show in her voice.*

*Katie sits down next to Wyatt her sobs start soften as she is wraped in Wyatt's arms. Katie knows she should feel comfort but her pain was just to great. Wyatt was trying so hard to make her feel better. Katie trys to show her apreshastion but cant her emotions just wont let her. It was like a wall was blocking everything, closed to the world once again so she cant feel the pain once again. Katie stands again and puts in a movie for her and Wyatt to watch. Looking at him her eyes still bleek and life less.*

"Thank you."

*Katie sits back on the coutch with Wyatt watching the movie. As the time goes in Katie's eyes become heavy and tired. Katie trys her best to keep her eyes open but finally they drift shut. Kaites head makes it way to Wyatt's lap as she drifts into a restless sleep. Dreams fill her mind torrchers. Tears fill in her eyes again as she sleeps.*


Jason is taken back to his cell where he's left for the rest of the evening and night. Strange sounds and voices keep him awake. He hears other inmates talking or yelling, guards barking orders, doors opening and closing, and finally, lights out. Then all is quiet. But quietness allows for one's mind to travel, and Jason's mind does just that. The atmosphere provides ample opportunity for nightmares, even though he fights against them. The night is one of the longest he's ever experienced.

Carson's face is one of control as Misty approaches, and he folds his arms across his chest, forming a barrier. But he manipulates his own eyes to spark with sly amusement. "Mm, you do like living dangerously, don't you?"

He locks eyes with her. "You're going to be a bad influence on me if I keep hanging around you."

He leans down ever so slightly, his lips brushing up against Misty's, though he resists a full kiss, his arms still crossed. "And we wouldn't want you putting me in danger, now would we?"

Laura reads the look on Jamie's face, and can't blame her. "Don't take it personally," she adds gently, scrunching her nose up just a little. "Con does this every once in a while. He feels better knowing that no one else knows where he is so he can have more privacy - more alone time if that's what he needs. A couple years ago he didn't even tell me where he went and he was gone for two weeks - I just got to work one morning to find out he'd left town. That time it was only Jason who knew about it."

She pauses, thinking. "In this case though..." Laura isn't sure if she's making the right judgment call or not. "...I guess he sounded alright the last time I talked to him, but I want to make sure he actually comes home. On top of that..." She gives Jamie a smile. "If there's anyone's company he wouldn't mind, I have a hunch it would be yours. ...He's been out there for almost a week now and I don't think he was planning on staying a whole lot longer than that so...if you really want to surprise him, I'll give you directions. You'd be more than welcome at Uncle Dan's...and then I wouldn't worry so much about my brother either."

Wyatt hangs back a bit in the house, observing Katie's seemingly random housework. It was as if she wasn't even thinking clearly at all, giving herself mindless work to keep her hands busy instead of allowing herself to stop and slow down. But Wyatt understood that when slowing down, one's mind would tend to wander to unwanted places.

He leans back on the couch and stays out of the way, surprised when Katie asks him about a movie. On some level she must not want to be left alone... She looked so small...so scared...so lonely. The tears in her eyes were like daggers to Wyatt's heart, and he couldn't help the look of compassion that crosses his face. "Oh, Katie." He lets out a soft sigh.

"Come here." Wyatt reaches out to take Henry from her and set him on the floor, then takes Katie's hand, leading her around the couch. He sits down in the corner, pulling Katie down beside him and wrapping her in his arms. "If you want to watch a movie, that's what we'll do," he says quietly. "I'll stay as long as you need me to."

Cleanlyness is next to

*Lockheart Nods at Jason and gives him a quick hug.*

"I will Jason. I'll be seeing you again soon. Dong give up ok. For Katie's sake."

*Lockheart quickly leave the room and heads down the hall. Not to fast. She dident have anything to do now, but go back to the hotel dwell. Today was a dull and depressing day for everyone.*

*Misty looks up from her door and twords the door. Pulling her glasses off she sets them down on the desk. Standing she leans on the desk giving Carson a grin.*

"Me, lost my tast for excitment. Thats like say you dont like looking in my eyes....."

*Misty moves alittle closer to Carson.*

"..You dont like searching my soul..."

*Misty steps closer to Carson.*

"...and you dont like tasting my lips."

*Misty steps in front of Carson inches from him.*

"Thats just not possable. Remember what I said before about doing stuff thats bad for your health?"

*Jamie is a bit saprised by hearing the new that Con had left. She leans back aganst the wall a bit sadend that Con wouldent be back for a bit still.*

"Oh..ok than. At least he is geting the time away he needs? Do you know when he will be back? I was really hoping to saprise him with my return. So maybe I still can when he gets home."

*Jamie dosent addmit it aloud but she felt a bit upset and disapointed that Con hadent said anything. The feeling soon pass nthough know Con had his resons.*

*Katie slowly steps through the door. Lifting her head slowly to look at Wyatt. Her face, her eyes drained of any emotions as all of the were sucked inside and running around. Taking off her jacket Katie throws it in her room along with her purse than heads to the kitchen. Filling the sinke with water Katie starts to mumble.*

"Thw house is a mess I need to clean it. My mom always said cleanlyness is next to godlyness. My mom was a smart lady you know."

*After filling the sink Katie does up the dishes as she babbles about this and that a bit more. Her mind still raced she needed to do more to keep her mind off everything. Heading into the living room next Katie starts to clear away magazeans, papers, spoting Henry Katie sits on the ground sticking her hand out to him till he comes over. Katie scoops Henry up in her hands and burrys her face in her fur. Once removing her hear again tears are shown in her eyes. Katie dident know what to do, she felt so lost so scaired. She new Wyatt was there with her but she still felt alone. Standing Katie looks around the room everything looked differnt to her now like it lost its meaning. Katie turns her head to Wyatt again and asks in a soft spacey voice.*

"Would you like to watch a movie?"

Moving past emotion

The time in the holding cell is quickly up, and the guard opens up the door. “Time’s up, Lockheart,” he informs gruffly. “Stevenson, back to your cell.”

Jason takes a deep breath and rises slowly. “Thanks, Lockheart. Tell Katie I’m alright, will ya?”

Carson makes his way down to the next level. Within minutes, he’s aiming a gun at a target and blasting holds into the paper with accuracy. His mind was a mess, but concentrating on something else seemed to help a little.

He was just so confused by the people around here. He’d known Jamie was special…if it hadn’t been for her, he’d still be on the other side right now. But she’d still surprised him today. He wasn’t used to this sort of thing…people just didn’t normally act this way.

He had almost wanted not to accept the forgiveness offered…he knew he didn’t deserve it, and certainly hadn’t asked for it. But it had been given freely… why?

Reloading, Carson continues to think before firing off another eight rounds. This whole thing was humbling…he hadn’t had very many experiences like that. He was proud of who he was and his accomplishments…but standing next to Jamie, it seemed none of that was important, least of all his pride, which had been shattered.

In the end, perhaps he simply needed to accept this and move on. Apparently that’s what Jamie wanted, and it would certainly make him feel better to leave this whole thing behind him. Though it had impacted his heart in a strange new way, Carson sets aside those thoughts and feelings for now. He would move on…move past…

Making his way back upstairs a while later, Carson ambles down the hall, pausing at the infirmary. He leans on the doorway, tucking one hand into his pocket. He spies Misty and cocks his head. “Rumor has it that studying too much can be bad for the brain,” he teases. “Don’t tell me you’ve lost your taste for excitement already.”

Laura nods to Nate, then turns back to Jamie with a little sigh. “I’m sorry, Jamie. There were multiple reasons Con didn’t want anything said, but since you’re here now, I might as well tell you.” She shrugs. “He left town the day after you did…took everyone’s advice to get away and cool off. He’s at our uncle and aunt’s place about three hours from here. I’ve had some contact with him, but I doubt anybody’s called him about Jason yet.”

Wyatt watches as Katie slowly exits the jeep and heads up the walk. His heart screamed at him to go to her. But how could he? She didn’t want comfort from him…he couldn’t give her what she needed. She only wanted one person, and that person couldn’t be here. She was lost, alone and miserable, and there was nothing he could do about it.

Feeling helpless, Wyatt just sits, his eyes still on Katie. But suddenly gritting his teeth, he grows mad at himself.

No. There was something he could do about it. Katie shouldn’t be left alone right now, no matter how miserable she was. The only thing holding him back was fear that his heart would be left vulnerable again. He couldn’t lie to himself – he still had feelings for Katie. But leaving her here now was an utterly selfish action. This was about her, not him. If he couldn’t get past his own emotions, then he was no better than someone turning his back on another in need.

Making up his mind, Wyatt gets out of his jeep and stuffs his keys in his pocket. He jogs up the walk, catching up to Katie just as she reaches the door. “I’m not leaving you alone,” he informs bluntly. Already having a key from Laura, he opens up the apartment door and holds it open for Katie.