

Carson leaves his arms limp over Misty's shoulder, receiving her kiss and finally returning it until she pulls away. His eyes narrow slightly at her question. "Not one bit." He grins a little. "As far as I'm concerned, you can just keep on influencing me."

Rick comes down the hall, his eyes on the clipboard in his hand. Turning the corner into the infirmary, he's caught off guard by Carson's presence, seeing him backed up against the wall by Misty, and knowing good and well why.

He rolls his eyes and sets a hand on his hip. "Is that all you two ever do?" He sighs and shakes his head. "You know - there are other ways to have fun other than standing around smooching on work time."

He reaches into his pocket, withdrawing a couple tickets. "Please," he begs, "...for the sake of everyone here at TJY, go to the carnival tonight that's out on the east end of town. Get out, have some fun and quit hanging around here where you're both going crazy." He holds out the tickets.

"On me. If you wanna go early I'll even cover for you for Reese, but please...." He looks at Carson and Misty with desperation. "Go get some of that energy worked off by doing something other than standing in my office and making a spectacle of yourselves."

Laura holds her smile. "Alright, I'll call Con tonight, but I won't tell him you're coming." She turns back to her work as Jamie walks away, but then calls after her. "Oh, and Jamie! Don't let the zoo out there scare you. It can get a little crazy!"

Trying to focus on work again, she finds it near impossible. It's time to leave anyway...it was late...she was hungry. Heaving a sigh, she turns off her computer, grabs her purse and heads out of her cubicle. On the way, she turns around, a thought suddenly striking her. Hesitating just a moment, she goes to find Nate back at his desk. "Hey, Nate... if Maggie hasn't eaten supper yet, what would you say to taking her out for some pizza?"

Wyatt moves as Katie suddenly sits up. He looks at her with question as she doesn't say anything, but disappears down the hall. Rising, he slowly follows her. Arriving at the bathroom, he realizes why she'd made such a fast exit. The compassion remaining, he doesn't let it bother him, and without blinking, he comes in the bathroom to rub her back gently as she gets sick. "Hang in there, Katie," he soothes.

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