

Carson doesn't move, but lifts one eyebrow. "Well if dangerous is your middle name, then I better handle you the right way, hadn't I?" A grin raises the corner of his mouth. "And unless I'm mistaken, I think that requires as steady a hand as one working with dynamite."

At Misty's observation of a problem, he glances down to his own arms, then up to meet her eyes "I guess it does, doesn't it?" His pause threatens that he would continue to resist and leave her hanging.

He gives in though, moving his arms to sling them casually up over Misty's shoulders. "That better?"

Laura grins at Jamie's apparent enthusiasm towards the thought of going to see Con. "I'm not sure you could upset him." She gives a little laugh. "Since it's getting late in the day, I'd recommend going tomorrow if you plan on going right away. It'll take you about three hours." She gestures for Jamie to follow her to her desk. "Come here and I'll write the directions down for you."

It doesn't take her but a couple minutes and she's got a piece of paper for Jamie with jotted down directions. "Now when you get here," Laura points to one of her drawn roads. "It's gonna seem like you went the wrong way 'cause there's nothing around there at all - the farm is out in the middle of nowhere. If you do get lost though, just call me."

She smiles. "And I won't tell Con you're coming. I should call him tonight though and tell him about Jason. I don't think he'd want to be left in the dark about that."

Wyatt cradles Katie as she falls asleep, running his fingers through her hair. He finally turns the movie off and just leans his head back on the couch. He would stay until Laura returned. Only then would he feel comfortable leaving. He just couldn't leave Katie alone.

As he sits, his mind once again mulls over his relationship with Katie. It seemed a little easier tonight... Seeing how torn she was not being with Jason, proved that he was the one she needed. And though it had hurt at first, Wyatt understood. He could be her friend...offer his shoulder...and for once, he was pretty sure he could admit that he was okay with that. In his eyes, Katie was becoming like a sister, and that's the way it needed to be.

Sighing a little, Wyatt closes his eyes, and simply keeps a hand resting on Katie, his own weariness starting to settle in.

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