

*Misty gets a smerk on her face as Rick talks. Turning around to have her eyes follow him she leans back so her back is resting aganst Carson chest his arms now draped over the front of her.*

"Sometimes wild animals can be caged eh Rick?"

*Misty cant help but smerk more at Rick as she knows the comment she made will make him roll his eyes. Skiping quick to a new topic Misty giggles.*

"A carnival huh? Sounds like it might be fun. What do you say Carson?"

*Misty turns her head to look at Carson over her shoulder. Her arms crossing her chest.*

"It could be fun and exciting and we both know if its not we can make it so."

*As Laura makes her comment something clicks inside Jamies head. “I think I’m at a zoo.” Jamies smile widens. “But don’t worry, I convinced them not to keep me here with the rest of the gorillas.” Jamie shakes her head. Dear sweey Con. She new this was going to be fun. Jamie could feel it.*

*Nate looks up at Laura and than back down at the clock on his computer. Nate hadent relized what time it was. Between finding out about what happend with Jason and trying to get work done it felt like it was still midafternoon. Looking back up Nate gives a smile. He thought it was cute Laura had asked if Maggie could come out for pizza with them.*

"Sure, I'm sure she hasent yet. Jante usaly dosent help her with dinner till around 6:30. So if we hurry it can be a nice saprise."

*Nate saves some files on his computer and than shuts it off. Grabing his jacket and some other things Nate heads to the door with Laura.*

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