

*Misty struggles aganst the headlock but finally gives up just relaxing and leaning on Carson as they walk. Finally when his grip losens Misty slips out of it only to throw her arms around Carson anyways as they were out in the parking lot.*

"Well than I guess that means I am kidnapping you."

*Misty eyes dance with fire and her grin is evadent that she is excited. Giving a chuckle Misty gets into her car waiting for Carson. As the pull out of the TJY parking lots Misty heads away from the way they should be going. Giving yet another sassy smile she gives Carson a side long glance.*

"See I told you I was."

*Misty trys to hold a straght face but breaks out in laughter.*

"No really I am just gonna swing by my house and change out of my work cloths. But something more comfortable on and throw my hair up."

*After a short drive Misty pulls into a complex and stops at one of the buildings on the end. Shuting the engin off she leans over to Carson giving him a kiss on the cheek.*

"I wont be long, you can wait here or come on in. You can meet Romieo and Julieat if you do. Unless you dont like rodents than you dont want to. They are affecnet farrets."

*Misty gets out of the car and heads inside going into her bedroom with the connected bathroom. She jumps into the shower fast and than gets dressed in a baby blue tank top and caky shorts. Slipping on a pare of tan flipflops Misty heads back into the bathroom Misty take a claw clip and flips her hair up leting it hang down over it but off her shoulders and neck. Befor exiting she sprays herself with some sweet pea body spray. Gathering up her stuff Misty heads back to the living room and makes sure her pets have food and water. Finishing up Misty heads back outside and gets into the car smiling at Carson. Pulling out of the driveway again Misty asks.*

"Need anything before we head over?"

*As Nate Sits with Laura and Maggie he smiles. He was having fun watching them interact. It was so nice to see Maggie smiling. *

*Maggie giggles and turns her paper over as well looking at the mazes taking a crayon she starts to draw a line but it comes out as a squiggle. Leting out a sigh she trys again only for the same thing to happen. Frustrated she sets her crayon down.*

"I cant do it."

*Nate puts his arm around his sister and smiles. Picking up the crayon and handing it to her again.*

"Try again Maggie."

*Maggie looks at her brother and than at Laura before looking down at her paper. Starting again she press the Crayon to the paper.

Slowly and gently Nate places his hand on top of Maggies to her guide her own.*

"Look, you did it."

*Maggie laughs and smiles again streching her neck out to see Laura's maze.

As Nate still had his arm around his sister back his eyes drift across the table and meets Lauras He cant help but smile even bigger.

After about another 15 minutes the pizze is braught out and everyone starts to eat throwing light chit chat here and there. Finally Nate puts his slice down.*

"Thank you Laura for asking us to come out. This is great."

*Maggie smiles a big toothy smile.*

"Thank...you Laura."

*Katie sits up from the sink and looks in the mirror. She was a mess. Feeling a hand on her back Katie graze still looking throught the mirror see Wyatt. Leaning back down Katie splashes cold water on her face. she still felt like crap but dident want Wyatt worrying anymore. Turning around Katie leans aganst the sink as Wyatt is in front of the door. Trying to smile Katie comments.*

"I'll be ok. You can go home Wyatt."

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