

Rick's eyes start to widen at Misty's comments. The desperation to get rid of these two while he can is evident in the look on his face.

Carson takes a hand and lays it over Misty's mouth. "Cut it out, you're embarrassing the poor man."

"Thank you, Carson." Rick eyes Misty with a good-natured warning. "Behave yourself, will you?"

"Aw, it's not her fault," Carson keeps his hand over Misty's mouth as he defends. "She can't help it that I'm irresistible."

Rick throws his arms in the air and turns around to go to his counter. "I give up. Get out of here while I'm still in good humor."

Carson can't help the chuckle that escapes. He keeps both arms wrapped around Misty, aiming her for the door and pushing her forward, swaying from side to side so their feet don't get tangled as they head into the hallway. "Thanks, Doc."

"Hey, Carson?" Rick calls.

Carson lets go of Misty and sticks his head back through the doorway. "Yeah?"

Rick looks him in the eye for a moment. "Treat that girl right."

Carson would have shot back a teasing remark, but he realizes Rick is serious, and tones down his own banter. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

“You wouldn’t?”

If Carson wasn’t so blunt himself, he might be taken aback by Rick’s implications. But instead, he allows a moment to really see within himself. He treated Misty differently than he had other women. He still flirted openly, said things that might be considered rude by others, and he wasn’t about to deny that he enjoyed her affections or her enthusiasm when it came to kissing. But there was a line with Misty…a line he’d never drawn with anyone else…and it was simply because he wanted it there. She was different…she had gained his trust and respect quicker than most, and had touched parts of his heart that he hadn’t left vulnerable to anyone else. No…he wouldn’t have it any other way. He liked her too much to act otherwise or be foolish. Doing anything else would prove fatal to the new kind of friendship that he was enjoying so much.


"Good." Rick waves him away without further question. "See you tomorrow."

The subject dropped as quickly as it had been assumed, Carson turns his attention back to Misty and puts her in a headlock to drag her along beside him. "I'd say I was kidnapping you, but since you're driving, I don't think that would work very well."

“Oh, no.” Mike stares at the television screen, watching the evening news. The strange and faster-than-normal murder trial had been the second story announced, and the verdict was clear.

Mike quickly reaches for his phone, dialing Kyle. “It’s Mike. I just saw the news. Jason was found guilty.”

“You’re kidding me.”


“Aw man…” Kyle sits at his own place, stunned. “This is terrible.”

“No kidding. I hope Katie’s alright.”

Kyle is quiet for a moment. “Me too. If I don’t hear from her in the next few days, we’ll have to go see her.”

“Sounds good to me.” Mike allows another pause. “The band has to talk, Kyle.”

“Yeah, I know…I was hoping we wouldn’t have to.”

“Me too.”

“How about we all meet for subs in about half an hour? Jen’s been bugging me to get her out of the house.”

Mike nods. “Sounds good. I’ll call Phil at work so he can come on down to Charley’s from there.”

Laura follows Nate to his house where they pick up Maggie, then head to the friendly Italian restaurant. It’s not too busy tonight…quiet enough for a peaceful evening.

The three find a table off to the side, and order a pizza, setting in with light conversation to contrast the dismal day it had been. Glancing at her watch, she realizes that Wyatt hasn’t called her in the last few hours, and she didn’t know how Katie was. She would head right home after supper to make sure everything was okay, figuring no news from Wyatt meant there were now emergencies. Right now, all she wanted to do was relax.

Picking up the paper placemat and turning it over to the coloring picture and mazes, Laura elbows Maggie playfully. “Alright, Mags, let’s see who’s better at these mazes.” She throws a teasing glance across the table. “But Nate’s only allowed to watch because he’s too good at them and would cream us both.”

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