
Cleanlyness is next to

*Lockheart Nods at Jason and gives him a quick hug.*

"I will Jason. I'll be seeing you again soon. Dong give up ok. For Katie's sake."

*Lockheart quickly leave the room and heads down the hall. Not to fast. She dident have anything to do now, but go back to the hotel dwell. Today was a dull and depressing day for everyone.*

*Misty looks up from her door and twords the door. Pulling her glasses off she sets them down on the desk. Standing she leans on the desk giving Carson a grin.*

"Me, lost my tast for excitment. Thats like say you dont like looking in my eyes....."

*Misty moves alittle closer to Carson.*

"..You dont like searching my soul..."

*Misty steps closer to Carson.*

"...and you dont like tasting my lips."

*Misty steps in front of Carson inches from him.*

"Thats just not possable. Remember what I said before about doing stuff thats bad for your health?"

*Jamie is a bit saprised by hearing the new that Con had left. She leans back aganst the wall a bit sadend that Con wouldent be back for a bit still.*

"Oh..ok than. At least he is geting the time away he needs? Do you know when he will be back? I was really hoping to saprise him with my return. So maybe I still can when he gets home."

*Jamie dosent addmit it aloud but she felt a bit upset and disapointed that Con hadent said anything. The feeling soon pass nthough know Con had his resons.*

*Katie slowly steps through the door. Lifting her head slowly to look at Wyatt. Her face, her eyes drained of any emotions as all of the were sucked inside and running around. Taking off her jacket Katie throws it in her room along with her purse than heads to the kitchen. Filling the sinke with water Katie starts to mumble.*

"Thw house is a mess I need to clean it. My mom always said cleanlyness is next to godlyness. My mom was a smart lady you know."

*After filling the sink Katie does up the dishes as she babbles about this and that a bit more. Her mind still raced she needed to do more to keep her mind off everything. Heading into the living room next Katie starts to clear away magazeans, papers, spoting Henry Katie sits on the ground sticking her hand out to him till he comes over. Katie scoops Henry up in her hands and burrys her face in her fur. Once removing her hear again tears are shown in her eyes. Katie dident know what to do, she felt so lost so scaired. She new Wyatt was there with her but she still felt alone. Standing Katie looks around the room everything looked differnt to her now like it lost its meaning. Katie turns her head to Wyatt again and asks in a soft spacey voice.*

"Would you like to watch a movie?"

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