

Misty gives a nod and a smile to Jason though she could tell his scarcasem was meant for one person she was sad to see her friend hurt. In her eyes nether person was right or wrong. Though Katie hadnt said it since the moment she had been back from work instead of taking time off she came right back. The look in her eyes she had seen before when she had seen what the Agency did to people, and Jason he was just doing what he though was right going blindly without knowing Katie's pain.

Standing Misty new her short break was up and she had to get back now. She only wished she could of been more help to her friend.

"I guess, being in a relationship that really means something to you can really change a person. Even someone like me."

Standing Misty starts to leave Jason's office. Getting to the door she stops turning to Jason with a small friendly smile. Her voice held a serous, and the meaning to her word something to consider.

"Make sure before your ready to throw in the towel Hotshot you find out whats really wrong with Katie. You might be surprised with the answer. Sometimes when bad things happen and we are meant to the Hero's its hard to admit we are not ok."

With that Misty opens Jason's office door and exits making her way down the hall and to the infirmary once again.

Still sitting over the tolite Katie waits not sure if this round was over or not. She was thankful for Jen's kindness, and for being there but it embarrassed her even more.


"Jen, you should go now please. I know you were trying to help but...I dont need you seeing me like this. Please just go."

Kaite's voice was no more than a whisper and though she new her words seemed a little harsh it was better if she was alone.

Looking over at Katie's cubicle for a fourth time Thirteen see no sigh of Katie yet. She had been keeping her eye out for her return. She wanted to talk to her about helping her, but for that last hour and a half there was no sigh of her return.

Turning back to Ryder Thirteen looks to him with question.

"Is Katie going to be coming back to work today? Or is she done for the day?"

Every once in a while

Jen is startled by Katie's quick movements, and her pulse quickens. Katie hadn't seemed that sick... Her heart ached for her friend.

Standing, Jen walks slowly to the bathroom. Entering, she kneels down next to Katie and gently rubs her back. "You're okay," she soothes. "Just let it come. You'll be alright."

Jason reaches over and turns Misty's hand to get a better look at the ring. He grins a little. "Carson Banks, ready to tie the knot, eh? Who would have thought?" He nods, happy for her. "Congratulations. Be sure to tell Rick - I think he'll be glad to see you two finally married."

As Misty continues, Jason's teasing drops off a little, his eyes flickering. "Misty Miller now has relationship advice? That's a new one. I'm sure Carson's glad you came to that conclusion though. Every once in a while, it's nice for a guy to know he's supported in something."

He hadn't meant to be sarcastic, but too late, he knows he had been. He just shakes his head a little, moving on. "Good for you. I hope you two will be happy."

Deeping meaning

Hearing that her friend was doing well made Katie feel good. She deserved the best and she was happy that Mike was that for her. Jen had been though so much it was her time to shine now.

As the conversation comes back around to her Katie figgits in her chair uncomfortable for a moment. Wishing the conversation was not on her again.

"We are ok."

Katie stands and goes to put her cup in the sink. Just standing there for a long moment looking out the tiny window letting the wave of sickness pass.

"I am happy things with you are Mike are going well. He's a nice guy."

Feeling the wave of sickness was not going to pass Katie can feel her stomach revolting aganst the cookie and tea she had. Quickling exiting the kitchen Katie makes her way to the bathroom as the memories make her way known and the musty smell enters her noise.

"He's dead you know, with out your emotions he's dead and soon your going to be dead too." The cold stone eyes looked into hers. They seemd to see into her soul as they icy gaze penetrated hers. The words that whispered into her ear gave her chills.

Just making to the tolite Katie tryed not to lose it, but there was not stoping it. The emotions came and so did the sickness.

Standing and looking across the desk as Reese Hope gives a small nod.

"Well not with everything thats happened my schedule is pretty free. I was advised to cancel a lot of my appointments and though I didnt want to it was probably best. So tomorrow would be great."

Holding her hand out to Reese for a handshake the smile was still firm on her lips. Though alot was going on, Hope did her best not to let it bring her down. She new things would be ok.

"Thank you as well."

Misty gives a small nod at Jason though cant help but take note on his cold tone for a moment. She felt bad for him, and she felt bad for Katie too. They both had been through so much it would suck to see it end here and like this.

"Mmm...I didn't think you were. You've always been the strong one. Just wanted to make sure."

Sitting up a little straighter Misty gives a smile. Maybe a subject change could be nice. Holding out her hand to Jason she lets her ring sparke as she looks up to him.

"On a lighter note I stopped and listened to Carson for once instead of listing to my own gut and what I wanted and he finally asked me. I guess sometimes its better to put aside our own wants and just stop, look, and listen to how the other feels. If you look past the outside shell to the deeper meaning it can explain alot."


Jen smiles a little to hide her disappointment that Katie wasn't willing to talk about what was bothering her. Jen knew that the night before at the concert, her friend had wanted so badly to say more but had held back. Now she had locked herself tight again. But Jen couldn't force her to communicate if she didn't want to.

"Mike and I are doing well." She grins as she continues to nibble on a cookie. "He's been kinda busy with work and whenever he comes over to my house or I go to his, he winds up falling asleep, he's been so tired. He feels bad, but... at least I get to spend time with him." She shrugs. "That's the main thing... I mean... sometimes I want more attention... sometimes I wish he'd call me a little more often but... I know he cares about me and he's doing his best so... yeah."

She giggles. "Took him long enough to ask me out, I can't expect anything else to happen for a while. We're good though... we're learning to compromise... that one was a hard one for me. I didn't realize I was selfish until I started seeing that he was doing everything for me all the time and I wasn't giving back. He didn't complain but... I started to see that relationships are all about compromise... it's a two-way street, ya know? After I figured that one out, things were better and they keep getting better."

She cocks her head after taking a sip of tea. "What about you and Jason? I hardly ever see you two apart."

Reese nods. "Great. Really, any time is good. The sooner the better, though I know your schedule must be pretty busy. I mean, I'd even start tomorrow at least with one of the men. Probably we'll tackle Alec first - he may be in for prison time but I want your help with him especially. You tell me when though - we'll work on your time table with this one."

Jason quirks an eyebrow and leans back in his chair, almost skeptically. "I'm... fine... just fine." He pauses, studying Misty's face. He knew that she knew what had been going on. It wasn't like it was a secret, and she spent most of her time in the infirmary.

"Just because Katie's having a hard time dealing with this, doesn't mean I am."


Grabbing a cookie herself and taking a bite from it Katie keeps her eyes on her tea for a long moment as a strange silence lingers. One lady knowing a secret, and the hoping it would be brought up.

Hearing Jen talk once again and the words she said Katie new it would only have been moments before Jen said something. Thats how Jen was she cared for her friends and though Katie was thankful her friend this was the last thing she wanted to talk about right now.

"Thanks Jen, if means alot you care and all but...I dont really want to talk about it."

Giving a half smile Katie trys to give Jen a half smile letting her know she was ok even if it was just for a moment.

Taking a sip of her tea the silence lingers on again until Katie looks up at Jen again.

"So how is everything with you and Mike? You guys look cute together."

Hope can't help the smile that forms on her face. She was happy Reese still wanted her to evaluate the men for him. This was her job, and what she lived for.

"I accept than. It was just in my own best entrust and yours to let you know. That way if any questions were asked, you wouldnt be left in the dark."

Gathering her paper up again and giving a nod Hope was happy for Reese's understanding nature. He had a big heart that had given many people second chances. It was rare to see that, but it was nice when you did to know that people like him really did exist.

"Ok, just let me know when you want me to do those evaluations. My court hearing is next Friday so we have a week and a half."

Entering and sitting down in the chair across from Jason it had actully been a while since Misty had sit and talked with Jason. She new maybe now he would need a friend more than ever.

"I just wanted to come and see how you were doing! I know Rick came to see you, but well...I thought maybe you could use a friend."

Misty new Jason never would addmit to anyone if he did in fact need a friend to talk to but she also new that she ran a close second to Katie on how close she was to Jason.


"Oooh, Raspberry." Jen eases down at the kitchen table, and takes a cookie to nibble on until Katie joins her with the tea a few minutes later.

She looks up at her friend, studying Katie's face for a few moments. "Katie..." Her voice is serious, but quiet and gentle. "I just want to let you know that I'm here for you, okay? Whatever it is... no matter the time of day... all you gotta do is pick up the phone and I'm there, okay?"

Reese can't help but raises his eyebrows. He'd known Hope and Scott had become friends, but he didn't know it had gone any further than that. Not that he minded, or that it was any of his business though.

"Well... I don't rightly care what other people say." He shrugs. "Besides... if you're hooked on Scott, then the incident should be isolated and it's not like you're gonna get accused of indecency with anyone else, should you take me up on my request."

He smiles a little. "Tell you what... you come and evaluate our three men... and TJY will provide you with one of the best lawyers to handle your case for you."

Jason had been lost in thought, and he snaps his head up, jolted from his stare by Misty. It takes him a moment to even realize she'd asked him a question.

"Huh? Oh... yeah... yeah, I got time, come on in." He motions her into his office, and to the extra chair. His eyes were a bit tired and he'd been trying to stay awake. His headache was wearing on him, though he was trying to wait it out. "What's up?"