
Deeping meaning

Hearing that her friend was doing well made Katie feel good. She deserved the best and she was happy that Mike was that for her. Jen had been though so much it was her time to shine now.

As the conversation comes back around to her Katie figgits in her chair uncomfortable for a moment. Wishing the conversation was not on her again.

"We are ok."

Katie stands and goes to put her cup in the sink. Just standing there for a long moment looking out the tiny window letting the wave of sickness pass.

"I am happy things with you are Mike are going well. He's a nice guy."

Feeling the wave of sickness was not going to pass Katie can feel her stomach revolting aganst the cookie and tea she had. Quickling exiting the kitchen Katie makes her way to the bathroom as the memories make her way known and the musty smell enters her noise.

"He's dead you know, with out your emotions he's dead and soon your going to be dead too." The cold stone eyes looked into hers. They seemd to see into her soul as they icy gaze penetrated hers. The words that whispered into her ear gave her chills.

Just making to the tolite Katie tryed not to lose it, but there was not stoping it. The emotions came and so did the sickness.

Standing and looking across the desk as Reese Hope gives a small nod.

"Well not with everything thats happened my schedule is pretty free. I was advised to cancel a lot of my appointments and though I didnt want to it was probably best. So tomorrow would be great."

Holding her hand out to Reese for a handshake the smile was still firm on her lips. Though alot was going on, Hope did her best not to let it bring her down. She new things would be ok.

"Thank you as well."

Misty gives a small nod at Jason though cant help but take note on his cold tone for a moment. She felt bad for him, and she felt bad for Katie too. They both had been through so much it would suck to see it end here and like this.

"Mmm...I didn't think you were. You've always been the strong one. Just wanted to make sure."

Sitting up a little straighter Misty gives a smile. Maybe a subject change could be nice. Holding out her hand to Jason she lets her ring sparke as she looks up to him.

"On a lighter note I stopped and listened to Carson for once instead of listing to my own gut and what I wanted and he finally asked me. I guess sometimes its better to put aside our own wants and just stop, look, and listen to how the other feels. If you look past the outside shell to the deeper meaning it can explain alot."

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